Admission regulations for Comparative Educational Studies

The admission process for Comparative Educational Studies is guided by regulations decided in 2021.

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Ranking of applicants:

Only applicants from our partner institutions may be considered, and students in their 3rd or 4th year will be ranked higher than students in their 2nd year. The following ranking is elaborated according to programme affiliation:

  1. International BA or MA students in Teacher training/Pedagogy from partner institutions in the Comenius Association and the ECIU Working Group for Teacher Education.
  2. International BA or MA students in Teacher training/Pedagogy from ERASMUS+ partner institutions.
  3. International BA or MA students in Teacher training/Pedagogy from NORDPLUS or other partner institutions.
  4. International BA or MA students without Teacher training/Pedagogy from partner institutions (not eligible for EIS170 Extension Module: School Experience).

If there are more qualified students than places, places will be given according to our ranking. Students that first submit a complete application will be prioritized.

Number of nominations per institution:

A maximum of 4 nominations from each partner institution will be considered.

Regulations approved by the Dean 25 June 2021