Kjersti Melberg


Kjersti Melberg


Telephone: 51831328

Email: kjersti.melberg@uis.no

Room: AR T-200


Division of Research

Research Department

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Melberg, Kjersti; Gressgård, Leif Jarle


      Digitalization and changes to work organization and management in the Norwegian petroleum industry.

      Cognition, Technology & Work.

      ISSN 1435-5558.

      Volum 25.


      DOI: 10.1007/s10111-023-00739-1

    • Hanssen, Martha; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Melberg, Kjersti


      Speaking up about safety issues : Towards a conceptualization of safety voice in the Norwegian petroleum industry. I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).

      Research Publishing Services.

      ISBN 9789811485930.

    • Bjaalid, Gunhild; Olsen, Espen; Melberg, Kjersti; Mikkelsen, Aslaug


      Institutional stress and job performance among hospital employees.

      International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

      ISSN 1934-8835.


      DOI: 10.1108/IJOA-10-2018-1560

    • Melberg, Kjersti; Mikkelsen, Aslaug


      Endringsledelse i nedgangstider.

      Magma forskning og viten.

      ISSN 1500-0788.

      Volum 18.

      Hefte 7.


    • Melberg, Kjersti; Bjelland, Annett Brimsøe


      Agrobusiness in spe? Landbrukets samdrifter i lys av identitet og generasjon. I: Den nye bygda / (red.) Almås, R., Haugen, M. S., Rye, J. F. og Villa, M.

      Tapir Akademisk Forlag.

      ISBN 978-82-519-2280-7.


    • Melberg, Kjersti


      Succession patterns in Norwegian farm generations: Gendered responses to modernity.

      Research in Rural Sociology and Development.

      ISSN 1057-1922.


    • Melberg, Kjersti


      Livskvalitet i familier: Nære relasjoners betydning for "det gode liv".

      Sociologisk forskning.

      ISSN 0038-0342.

      Volum 44.

      Hefte 3.


    • Melberg, Kjersti


      Family Well-being, Work, Care and Welfare Politics: The Case of Norway.

      Marriage and Family Review.

      ISSN 0149-4929.

      Volum 39.

      DOI: 10.1300/J002v39n03_06

    • Melberg, Kjersti; Berg, Christin


      The Future of Farming in Norway: Processes of recruitment and intergenerational transitions. I: Changing European farming systems for a better future.

      Wageningen Academic Publishers.

    • Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Heggem, Reidun; Melberg, Kjersti


      Diversity of women’s role and motivation in Norwegian farms. I: Changing European farming systems for a better future.

      Wageningen Academic Publishers.


  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Tvedt, Helge Lea; Melberg, Kjersti; Jonvik, Merete


      Områdesatsingen på Storhaug.

      NORCE Norwegian Research Centre.

      ISBN 978-82-8408-180-9.

    • Nødland, Svein Ingve; Melberg, Kjersti


      Målbilde SUS 2023 OU. Begrenset deskstudie.

      NORCE Norwegian Research Centre.

      ISBN 978-82-490-0929-9.

    • Jonvik, Merete; Lindland, Kristiane Marie; Tvedt, Helge Lea; Müller-Eie, Daniela; Melberg, Kjersti


      Hillevåg - En sosiokulturell stedsanalyse.

      ISBN 978-82-490-0916-9.

    • Bakke, Åshild; Holte, Kari Anne; Melberg, Kjersti; Nesvåg, Sverre


      Utmattingssyndrom - forprosjekt.

  • Formidling
    • Holte, Kari Anne; Melberg, Kjersti


      Unfit or unqualified? Career trajectories in the aftermath of a large labour demand shock in the Norwegian petroleum industry.

      Workshop – Institutt for økonomi, UiB;


    • Hanssen, Martha; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Melberg, Kjersti


      Speaking up about safety issues: Towards a conceptualization of safety voice in the Norwegian petroleum industry.

      European Safety And Reliability Conference - ESREL 2020 PSAM 15;

      2020-11-02 - 2020-11-06.

    • Selvik, Jon Tømmerås; Risdal, Martin; Gressgård, Leif Jarle; Melberg, Kjersti; Skotnes, Ruth Østgaard


      Usikkerhet rundt behovet for digital kompetanse i oljenæringen.


    • Gressgård, Leif Jarle; Melberg, Kjersti; Risdal, Martin; Skotnes, Ruth Østgaard; Selvik, Jon Tømmerås


      «Digitalisering i petroleumsnæringen».

      Presentasjon av forskningsresultater for Ptil;


    • Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Heggem, Reidun; Melberg, Kjersti


      Women in Norwegian farming.

      The 7th European symposium of the International Farming Systems Association;

      2006-05-07 - 2006-05-11.

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
  • Kommersialisering
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