Merja Riitta Stenroos


Merja Riitta Stenroos


Telephone: 51831365


Room: HG Q-256


Faculty of Arts and Education

Department of Cultural Studies and Languages

About me

Merja-Riitta Stenroos er professor i engelsk språkvitenskap ved UiS.

Hun hadde en tidlig karriere som forfatter og journalist i Finland og publiserte fem diktsamlinger på svensk i perioden 1981-2000. Hun flyttet til Skottland sent på 1980-talet og studerte engelsk og keltiske språk ved Universitetet i Glasgow, og skrev en doktoravhandling om middelalderdialekter i Herefordshire (1997).

Hun har vært ansatt ved Universitetet i Stavanger siden 1998, med full professorstilling siden 2007. Hun har ledet to fireårige forskningsprosjekter finansiert av NFR, og veiledet flere PhD studenter. Hennes forskergruppe har produsert to større tekstkorpuser av middelaldertekster (The Middle English Grammar Corpus / MEG-C og A Corpus of Middle English Local Documents / MELD) samt en bok, Records of Real People, utgitt av John Benjamins i 2020.

Studieåret 2022-23 var Stenroos tilsatt som Core Fellow på Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies ved Universitetet i Helsinki.

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar


      Records of real people : Linguistic variation in Middle English local documents.

      John Benjamins Publishing Company.

      ISBN 9789027207951.

      Volum 11.

      Hefte ..

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin; Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Mäkinen, Martti; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar


      Current Explorations in Middle English: Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME), University of Stavanger, Norway, 2017.

      Peter Lang Publishing Group.

      ISBN 978-3631782057.

      Hefte 56.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Mäkinen, Martti; Særheim, Inge


      Language Contact and Development around the North Sea.

      John Benjamins Publishing Company.

      ISBN 978-90-272-4839-8.

      Volum 321.

      Hefte 4.

  • Formidling
    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      ‘As y shal onswere byfore god & man’: late and post-medieval legal statements as sociolinguistic evidence.

      Sociolinguistic Variation in Historical Legal Texts from Britain;

      2023-10-06 - 2023-10-07.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Nu is þeo leore for-leten: complexity, conservatism and substitution sets in historical English spelling.

      SELIM 2023;

      2023-09-13 - 2023-09-14.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      The loss and persistence of spellings indicating rounded vowels in late and post-medieval West Midland texts.


      2021-06-07 - 2021-06-11.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Traditional spelling as identity marking in the history of English.

      Spelling identities: 2nd symposium on Linguistic Identities;

      2021-11-29 - 2021-11-30.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      What, if anything, are Middle English dialects? Some thoughts on a changing concept..

      11th International Conference on Middle English;

      2019-02-05 - 2019-02-08.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      The presence of women in Middle English local documents.

      SELIM 31;

      2019-09-19 - 2019-09-21.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Historical documents as expressions of identity: the MELD corpus.

      Linguistic Identities Symposium;

      2019-09-12 - 2019-09-13.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Late medieval English documentary and literary language: how different are they?.

      The 20th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics;

      2018-08-27 - 2018-08-31.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Formulaicness, individual voice and the function of late medieval English letters .

      SELIM 30;

      2018-09-27 - 2018-09-29.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      In our vulgar tongue: the ‘vernacularisation' and 'standardisation' of local administrative writing in late and post-medieval England .

      The Emergence of Standard English in Multilingual Britain;

      2017-04-20 - 2017-04-21.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Multilingualism and visual grammar in late medieval English land surveys.

      HiSoN 2016 Historical Sociolinguistics and Socio-Cultural Change;

      2016-03-10 - 2016-03-11.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Land documents as a source of word geography.

      19th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics;

      2016-08-22 - 2017-08-26.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Mapping Middle English documentary texts.

      SELIM 26;

      2014-09-18 - 2014-09-20.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Money, monks and murder: using English in the Middle Ages.

      Åpen fagdag;

      2014-09-28 - .

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Beyond the predictable: schoolbooks and the habit of bilingual writing in late medieval England.

      Historical code-switching: the next step;

      2014-06-11 - 2014-06-13.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Contextualizing the written language of English merchants in the fifteenth century.

      Merchants of innovation;

      2014-04-07 - 2014-04-09.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      The MELD project: update on progress and thoughts on the way ahead.

      The 3rd Middle English Scribal Texts Symposium;

      2014-08-19 - .

    • Stenroos, Merja; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar


      Middle English legal documents and the geography of written dialects.

      ICOME 8 (8th international conference on Middle English);

      2013-05-02 - 2013-05-04.

    • Stenroos, Merja; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar


      The traces of vernacular literacy: mapping Middle English written variation.

      Historical perspectives on English urban vernaculars;


    • Stenroos, Merja; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar


      The language and geography of Middle English documentary texts.

      Middle English Scribal Texts symposium;


    • Stenroos, Merja


      31 ord for ’man’.

      UniverS : magasin for Universitetet i Stavanger.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Griser med og uten saus.

      UniverS : magasin for Universitetet i Stavanger.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Dialect and bilingualism in late medieval English schoolbooks.

      17th International Conference of English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL);

      2012-08-20 - 2012-08-25.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      The development of OE eo/ēo and the systematicity of Middle English spelling.

      SELIM 12;

      2012-10-04 - 2012-10-06.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Full som en lord.

      UniverS : magasin for Universitetet i Stavanger.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Å svive rundt på øya Man.

      UniverS : magasin for Universitetet i Stavanger.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Real people in real places: towards a corpus of Middle English local documents.

      Middle English local documents - language, geography and social history;

      2012-09-07 - .

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Makinen, M; Særheim, Inge


      Editors' introduction. I: Language Contact and Development around the North Sea.

      John Benjamins Publishing Company.

      ISBN 978-90-272-4839-8.


    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Speaking to whom? Identity and intelligibility in Middle English scribal transmission.

      Scribes as Agents of Language Change;

      2011-04-04 - 2011-04-06.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      "For englisch was it neuere": grammar books and vernacularisation in fifteenth-century England.

      Latin and vernacular grammatica in medieval Europe;

      2011-08-11 - 2011-08-12.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Introduction to MEG-C 2011.

      Lansering av Middle English Grammar Corpus 2011.1;


    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar


      Two Staffordshires: real and typological space in the study of Middle English linguistic variation.

      Helsinki Corpus Festival;

      2011-09-27 - 2011-10-02.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Skolegang og skolebøker i mellomalderen: hva engelske håndskrifter kan fortelle.

      Åpen fagdag 2011;


    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Et lydbilde fra helvete.

      UniverS : magasin for Universitetet i Stavanger.

      Hefte 1.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta


      Da jentene var gutter.

      UniverS : magasin for Universitetet i Stavanger.

      Hefte 3.

    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta



      UniverS : magasin for Universitetet i Stavanger.

      Hefte 4.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Kunsten å lese mellomengelsk: trghug og thork.


      Volum 1.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      På jakt etter de vises stein: ord for den innvidde.


      Volum 4.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Sal, xal, schal, shal and ssal: written forms of shall/should in Middle English and the question of their phonological significance.

      The 15th International Conference of English Historical Linguistics;

      2008-08-25 - 2008-08-29.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      The Middle English Grammar Project.

      Symposium in celebration of the Middle English Grammar Corpus;

      2008-04-25 - 2008-04-26.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Transcription and lemmatization in the Middle English Grammar Project.



    • Stenroos, Merja


      Sampling and annotation in the Middle English Grammar Project.


      Volum 1.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Making sense of Middle English spelling variation: the (sh) set.

      Nordic Association of English Studies Conference;

      2007-05-24 - 2007-05-26.

    • Stenroos, Merja; Mäkinen, Martti


      The Middle English Grammar Corpus and Database.



    • Stenroos, Merja; Mäkinen, Martti


      The Middle English Grammar project: working towards a corpus of Middle English localisable texts.

      International Corpus Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME-28);

      2007-05-23 - 2007-05-27.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      The pronoun of address in Piers Plowman: authorial and scribal usage in some C-text manuscripts.

      The 14th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics;

      2006-08-21 - 2006-08-26.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Women and dangerous things in the thirteenth-century Southwest Midlands: reconsidering the semantic side of the English gender change.



    • Stenroos, Merja


      A History of Middle and Early Modern English.

      NLT - Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift.

      ISSN 0800-3076.

      Volum 24.

      Hefte 1.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Reconsidering a Scandinavian loan: the spread of they, their, them in English.

      Språkforum, Det humanistiske fakultet, Universitetet i Stavanger;


    • Stenroos, Merja


      The premature reformation: learning, literacy and radicalism in the English Wycliffite movement.

      Forum for Historie og Samfunn, Det humanistiske fakultet, Universitetet i Stavanger;


    • Stenroos, Merja


      "Shalt thou so, knave?" The English pronoun of address as a problem area in late- and post-medieval written English.

      Symposium on Literacy Studies, University of Stavanger;

      2005-04-22 - 2005-04-24.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Unmarked or unsexed? The loss of grammatical gender reconsidered.

      The 5th International Conference on Middle English;

      2005-08-24 - 2005-08-27.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      A Middle English mess of fricative spellings: reflections on thorn, yogh and their rivals.

      The 4th Medieval English Studies Symposium, 27-28 November 2005;

      2005-11-27 - 2005-11-28.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Grammatical gender in Early Middle English texts of the Southwest Midlands.

      13th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics;

      2004-08-24 - 2004-08-28.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      The spread of they in Middle English: functional, diatopic and diastratic perspectives.

      Third Middle English Studies Symposium;

      2004-11-27 - 2004-11-28.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      Regional dialects and spelling conventions in Late Middle English: searches for (th) in the LALME data.

      First International Conference on Historical English Dialectology;

      2003-09-04 - 2003-09-07.

    • Stenroos, Merja


      The Middle English Grammar Project.

      International Conference of English Historical Linguistics 12;


  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
    • Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Mäkinen, Martti; Horobin, Simon; Smith, Jeremy


      Middle English Grammar Corpus (MEG-C) 2011.1.

    • Stenroos, Merja; Mäkinen, Martti; Smith, Jeremy; Horobin, Simon


      The Middle English Grammar Corpus.

  • Kommersialisering
  • Cristin hovedlogo, Cristin current research information system in Norway