Thor Ole Gulsrud

Associate Professor

Thor Ole Gulsrud


Telephone: 51833104 / 46969237


Location: Kjell Arholms hus


Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Quality and Health Technology

About me

Thor Ole Gulsrud er prodekan for forskning og innovasjon ved Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet (HV) ved Universitetet i Stavanger og førsteamanuensis i helseteknologi.

I perioden november 2018 - desember 2022 var Gulsrud avdelingsleder for Avdeling for kvalitet og helseteknologi ved HV. Gulsrud har tidligere vært forskningssjef for Helseteknologi i NORCE (tidligere IRIS) og har også vært ansatt som førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi (IDE) ved UiS. 

Han har lang erfaring både fra medisinsk teknologi, medisinsk signal- og bildebehandling og olje & gass. Gulsrud har doktorgrad innenfor datamaskinbasert deteksjon av brystkreft og jobbet i den forbindelse tett med radiologer ved Stavanger universitetssjukehus. Han har vært forskningssjef for Boring og Brønn i SINTEF og har jobbet i forsknings- og utviklingsavdelingen i det amerikanske selskapet National Oilwell Varco.

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Fernandez Quilez, Alvaro; Larsen, Steinar Valle; Goodwin, Morten; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Kjosavik, Svein Reidar; Oppedal, Ketil


      Improving prostate whole gland segmentation in T2-weighted MRI with synthetically generated data. I: 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI).

      IEEE conference proceedings.

      ISBN 9781665412469.


      DOI: 10.1109/ISBI48211.2021.9433793

    • Oskal, Kay Raymond; Risdal, Martin; Janssen, Emiel; Undersrud, Erling Sandøy; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      A U‑net based approach to epidermal tissue segmentation in whole slide histopathological images.

      Discover Applied Sciences.

      ISSN 2523-3963.

      Volum 1.

      DOI: 10.1007/s42452-019-0694-y

    • Engan, Kjersti; Skretting, Karl; Herredsvela, Jostein; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Frame Texture Classification Method (FTCM) Applied on Mammograms for Detection of Abnormalities.

      International Journal of Signal Processing.

      ISSN 1304-4478.

      Volum 4.

      Hefte 2.

    • Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Fretheim, Karl Fredrik; Iversen, Barbro Furebotten; Eriksen, Liv


      A Computer Aided Detection (CAD) System for Microcalcifications in Mammograms - MammoScan muCaD.

      International Journal of Biomedical Sciences.

      ISSN 1306-1216.

      Volum 2.

      Hefte 3.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Engan, Kjersti; Herredsvela, Jostein


      VarMet - A Novel Method for Detection of Image Singularities. I: Proceedings of the WSEAS Conference : the 6th WSEAS International Conference on SIGNAL, SPEECH AND IMAGE PROCESSING (SSIP 06).

      World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS).

      ISBN 960-8457-53-X.

    • Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      VarMet - A novel method for detection of image singularities with application to mammography.

      WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing.

      ISSN 1790-5052.

      Volum 2.

      Hefte 9.


    • Engan, Kjersti; Lillo, Martin; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Compression of Digital Mammograms with Region-of-interest Coding Evaluated on a CAD System. I: Proceedings ogf SPIE, Medical Imaging 2005, Image Processing. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging.

      SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Engan, Kjersti; Herredsvela, Jostein


      Feature extraction in digital mammograms based on optimal and morphological filtering. I: Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing - Proceedings of SPIE Vol 5747.

      SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics.

    • Herredsvela, Jostein; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Engan, Kjersti


      Detection of circumscribed masses in mammograms using morphological segmentation. I: Medical Imaging 2005 - Image Processing.

      SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics.


    • Herredsvela, Jostein; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Skretting, Karl


      Detection of masses in mammograms by watershed segmentation and sparse representation using learned dictionaries. I: Proceedings NORSIG 2005.

      Tapir Akademisk Forlag.


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Engan, Kjersti; Hanstveit, T.


      Watershed segmentation of detected masser in digital mammograms. I: Proc. EMBC 2005.

      IEEE conference proceedings.

    • Herredsvela, Jostein; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Skretting, Karl


      Detection of lesions in mammograms using learned dictionaries and sparse representations.

      International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings.

      ISSN 1680-0737.

      Volum 11.

    • Tjøtta, Jarle; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Skaland, Ivar; Janssen, E.A.M.; Baak, J.P.A.


      Automatic Counting and Classifying of Cell-Nuclei in a Tissue Section. I: Proceedings of NORSIG 2005.

      Tapir Akademisk Forlag.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Husøy, John Håkon


      Optimal filter based detection of microcalcifications.

      IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.

      ISSN 0018-9294.

      Volum 48.

      Hefte 11.


  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Texture analysis of digital mammograms.

      ISBN 8276441386.

      Hefte 45.

  • Formidling
    • Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Os, Kari Annette; sønstabø, Øyvor


      Hva må heletjenesten gjøre mindre av? .



    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Norway Pumps & Pipes: Update from the Land of the Midnight Sun.

      Pumps & Pipes 14 - 20|20 vision;


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      UiS får pengestøtte til satsing på ultralyd.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      På labben med Forskningsdagene.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Fremtidens yrker: Helseteknolog.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Kreativitet og lyst til å tenke nytt - Pumps & Pipes.

      Årsmøte i Tekna Privat;

      2019-01-10 - 2019-01-11.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Oftedal, Bjørg Frøysland


      Innovativ samskaping for framtidens helsevesen med simulering og e-læring.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Norway Pumps & Pipes – Cross-industry collaboration.

      3rd Joining Forces Seminar;

      2018-04-19 - 2018-04-20.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Hiorth, Aksel; Larsen, Alf Inge; Bogale, Nigussie


      Vil bruke oljeteknologi - på hjertepasienter.

    • Oskal, Kay Raymond; Risdal, Martin; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Janssen, Emiel


      A Deep Learning Approach to Semantic Segmentation of Epidermal Tissue in Whole Slide Histopathological Images.

      14th European Congress on Digital Pathology and the 5th Nordic Symposium on Digital Pathology;

      2018-05-29 - 2018-06-01.

    • Risdal, Martin; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Janssen, Emiel


      Virtual staining simulator for computational pathology method development.

      14th European Congress on Digital Pathology and the 5th Nordic Symposium on Digital Pathology;

      2018-05-29 - 2018-06-01.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Milliardpotensiale i teknologioverføring.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Vanskelig å tenke nytt et gammelt sted.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Data science in oil & gas and medicine; similar challenges – different approaches.

      NorTex Data Integration Workshop;


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Kan oljeforskning bidra til bedre behandling av hjerte- og kreftsyke? .



    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Naboens verktøykasse tas nå i bruk.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Jolma, Ingunn Westvik


      65 millioner mer til forskning på banebrytende teknologi.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Pumps & Pipes Norway.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Norway Pumps & Pipes as an innovation platform.

      Pumps & Pipes Norway 2018;

      2018-10-17 - 2018-10-18.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Brønn og blod - olje møter helse.

      Debatt - Arendalsuka;

      2018-08-14 - 2018-08-17.

    • Hiorth, Aksel; Bogale, Nigussie; Vinningland, Jan Ludvig; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Vil bruke oljeteknologi – på hjertepasienter.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Opportunities for Technology and Innovation transfer across Oil & Gas and the Medical Sector.

      Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce - Lunch'n Learn;


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Norway Pumps & Pipes – teknologioverføring mellom olje & gass og medisin.

      Fagdag 2017;


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Overføring av teknologi og kompetanse mellom petroleum og medisin.

      Bruk av olje-kompetansen i nye næringer;


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Norway Pumps & Pipes – transfer of technology between oil & gas and medicine.



    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Norway Pumps & Pipes – teknologioverføring mellom olje & gass og medisin.



    • Seglsten, Per Helge; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      I løpet av ett år fant de åtte konkrete eksemper på hvordan oljeteknologi kan løse problemer i helsesektoren.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Medisin og olje; liknende utfordringer - forskjellige tilnærminger.

      Forsker Standup på Kåkå;


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Innovasjon på tvers av sektorer.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Technology Transfer: Driver for Innovation and Value Creation.

      Lunch’n Learn;


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Pumps & Pipes – en plattform for teknologiutveksling mellom industrier .

      NFA Helse og Medisinsk Teknologi;

      2016-04-13 - 2016-04-14.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Pumps & Pipes; Similar challenges – different approaches.

      ONS 2016;

      2016-08-29 - 2016-09-01.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Norway Pumps & Pipes – The story so far.

      Pumps & Pipes 10;


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      From increased oil recovery to increased heart recovery: Computer models for non-invasive diagnostics.

      Oslo Innovation Week;

      2016-10-17 - 2016-10-21.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Workshop – Autonome Systemer for Overvåking av Tilstand og Avvik.

      GCE Subsea Workshop ;


    • Sui, Dan; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Kristoffersen, Espen


      SPE 149906 - Advanced PreDrill Simulations for Safer and More Cost-effective Drilling.

      IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition;

      2012-03-06 - 2012-03-08.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Advanced simulation capabilities within drilling an well.

      SPE Stavanger Section Member Meeting,;


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Research & Development in SINTEF- drilling technology for the future.

      Offshore Technology Days;

      2011-10-19 - 2011-10-20.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Engan, Kjersti; Herredsvela, Jostein


      VarMet - A Novel Method for Detection of Image Singularities.

      The 6th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Speech and Image Processing 2006 (SSIP'06);

      2006-09-22 - 2006-09-24.

    • Engan, Kjersti; Lillo, Martin; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Compression of Digital Mammograms with Region-of-interest Coding Evaluated on a CAD System.

      SPIE International Symposium, Medical Imaging 2005;

      2005-02-12 - 2005-02-17.

    • Tjøtta, Jarle; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Skaland, Ivar; Janssen, E.A.M.; Baak, J.P.A.


      Automatic Counting and Classifying of Cell-Nuclei in a Tissue Section.

      NORSIG 2005, Norsk symposium i Signalbehandling;

      2005-09-22 - 2005-09-24.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Engan, Kjersti; Herredsvela, Jostein


      Feature extraction in digital mammograms based on optimal and morphological filtering.

      SPIE International Symposium Medical Imaging 2005 - Image Processing;

      2005-02-12 - 2005-02-17.

    • Herredsvela, Jostein; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Engan, Kjersti


      Detection of circumscribed masses in mammograms using morphological segmentation.

      Medical Imaging 2005 - Image Processing;

      2005-02-13 - 2005-02-17.

    • Herredsvela, Jostein; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Skretting, Karl


      Detection of masses in mammograms by watershed segmentation and sparse representations using learned dictionaries.

      Norsig-2005 Norsk symposium i signalbehandling;

      2005-09-22 - 2005-09-24.

    • Herredsvela, Jostein; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Skretting, Karl


      Detection of lesions in mammograms using learned dictionaries and sparse representations.

      3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference IFMBE European Conference on Biomedical Engineering;

      2005-11-20 - 2005-11-25.

    • Herredsvela, Jostein; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Skretting, Karl


      Texture Classification Using Sparse Representations by Learned Compound Dictionaries.

      Spars'05 Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations;

      2005-11-16 - 2005-11-18.

    • Engan, Kjersti; Fretheim, Karl Fredrik; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Compression of Digital Mammograms without Interfering with a System for Automatic Detection of Microcalcifications - MammoScan uCaD.

      NOBIM 2004;


    • Høimyr, Hjørdis; Drengstig, Tormod; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Image processing in lobster farming - Classification of juvelnile lobsters.

      Norsig 2003;

      2003-10-02 - 2003-10-04.

    • Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Josefsen, Kai Ruben


      Watermarking of digital mammograms without interfering with automatic detection of microcalcifications.

      IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-2003;

      2003-09-14 - 2003-09-17.

    • Richardsen, Stine Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Mapping of geological objects from seismic data.

      Norsk Symposium i Signalbehandlnig, NORSIG-2003;

      2003-10-02 - 2003-10-04.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Optimal texture feature extraction in digital mammograms.

      6th International Workshop on Digital Mammography;

      2002-06-22 - 2002-06-25.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Norsk dataprogram oppdager brystkreft.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Husøy, John Håkon


      Detection of clustered microcalcifications in compressed mammograms.

      12th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis;

      2001-06-11 - 2001-06-14.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Mestad, Einar


      Preprocessing techniques for improved segmentation of clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms.

      Norwegian Signal Processing Symposium 2001;

      2001-10-18 - 2001-10-20.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Analysis of mammographic microcalcifications using a computationally efficient filter bank.

      International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 2001;

      2001-05-07 - 2001-05-11.

    • Ødegård, Jan Erik; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Rettedal, Arne


      Redesign of introductory course in electrical and computer engineering at Stavanger University College.

      International Conference on Engineering Education 2001;

      2001-08-06 - 2001-08-10.

    • Ødegård, Jan Erik; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Rettedal, Arne


      Redesign of introductory course in electrical and computer engineering at Stavanger University College.

      International Conference on Engineering Education 2001;

      2001-08-06 - 2001-08-10.

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Husøy, John Håkon


      Optimal filter for detection of clustered microcalcifications.

      15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition;

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Husøy, John Håkon


      Optimal filter for texture feature extraction in digital mammograms.

      NOBIM konferansen 2000;

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Automated detection of clusters of microcalcifications using a multichannel filtering approach.

      In International Symposium on Digital Signal Processing;

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Husøy, John Håkon


      Application of quadrature mirror filter bank in combination with cooccurrence matrices for classification of texture images.


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Kjøde, Sissel


      Optimal filter for detection of stellate lesions and circumscribed masses in mammograms.

      SPIE's Visual Communications and Image Processing 1996.;

    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Gabrielsen, Stein-Ole


      Classification of microcalcifications using a multichannel filtering approach.


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Løland, Eirik


      Multichannel filtering for texture feature extraction in digital mammograms.


    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Husøy, John Håkon


      Image texture classification using Quadrature Mirror Filter bank in combination with Co-occurrence matrices.


    • Husøy, John Håkon; Randen, Trygve; Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Image texture classification with digital filter banks and transforms.

      SPIE International symposium on optical instrumentation and applied science: Applications of Digital Image Processing XVI;

      1993-07-14 - 1993-07-16.

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
    • Gulsrud, Thor Ole


      Norway Pumps & Pipes 2020.

    • Herredsvela, Jostein; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Skretting, Karl


      Detection of masses in mammograms by watershed segmentation and sparse representation using learned dictionaries.

  • Kommersialisering
  • Cristin hovedlogo, Cristin current research information system in Norway