Damoun Nassehi

Ekstern tilknyttet UiS

Damoun Nassehi


Email: damoun.nassehi@uis.no


Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Caring and Ethics

About me

My research interests lie within physician-patient relationships, digital health technologies, patient-centered care, and Ethics of care in the context of technology-mediated healthcare practices.

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Stavanger (UiS), working on the Caring Futures: Developing care ethics for technology-mediated care practices (QUALITECH) project, which is funded by the Research Council of Norway.

My postdoctoral project, titled "Relational ethics in a technology-mediated medical practice," aims to help understand the effects of new digital technologies on the physician-patient relationship.

I am an MD with a specialization in Family Medicine and a PhD in Medicine from the University of Copenhagen, where I researched brain tumors (meningiomas).

In addition to my work on technology-mediated healthcare practices, I am also a member of the Norwegian Board of Technology.


Mine forskningsinteresser ligger innenfor lege-pasient-forhold, digitale helse teknologier, pasientsentrert omsorg og omsorgsetikk i sammenheng med teknologimediert legepraksis.

Jeg er for tiden postdoktor ved Universitetet i Stavanger (UiS) og jobber på prosjektet "Caring Futures: Developing care ethics for technology-mediated care practices (QUALITECH)", som finansieres av Forskningsrådet i Norge.

Mitt postdoktorprosjekt, med tittelen "Relasjonell etikk i teknologimediert medisinsk praksis", har som mål å bidra til å forstå effektene av nye digitale teknologier på lege-pasient-forholdet.

Jeg er utdannet lege med spesialisering i allmennmedisin og har en doktorgrad i medisin fra Universitetet i København, der jeg forsket på hjernesvulster (meningeomer).

I tillegg til mitt arbeid med teknologimediert helsetjenestepraksis er jeg også medlem av Teknologirådet.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Nassehi, Damoun; Gripsrud, Birgitta Haga; Ramvi, Ellen


Theoretical Perspectives Underpinning Research on the Physician-Patient Relationship in a Digital Health Practice: Scoping Review.

Interactive Journal of Medical Research.

ISSN 1929-073X.

Volum 13.

DOI: 10.2196/47280

Ravndal, Line; Lindvig, Katrine P.; Jensen, Ellen L.; Sunde, Anita Lenora; Nassehi, Damoun; Thiele, Maja; Krag, Aleksander; Kjosavik, Svein Reidar


Algorithms for early detection of silent liver fibrosis in the primary care setting - a scoping review.

Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology.

ISSN 1747-4124.

Volum 17.

Hefte 10.


DOI: 10.1080/17474124.2023.2255522

Ding, Xynyi; Larson, Eric Cooper; Nassehi, Damoun


Measuring Oxygen Saturation With Smartphone Cameras Using Convolutional Neural Networks.

IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.

ISSN 2168-2194.

DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2018.2887209

Dyrbye, Henrik; Nassehi, Damoun; Sørensen, Lars Peter; Juhler, Marianne; Laursen, Henning; Broholm, Helle


VEGF-A mRNA measurement in meningiomas using a new simplified approach: Branched DNA and chemiluminescence.

Clinical Neuropathology.

ISSN 0722-5091.

DOI: 10.5414/NP300583

Nassehi, Damoun


Intracranial meningiomas, the VEGF-A pathway, and peritumoral brain edema.

Danish Medical Journal.

ISSN 2245-1919.

Volum 60.

Hefte 4.

Nassehi, Damoun; Sørensen, Lars Peter; Dyrbye, Henrik; Thomsen, Carsten; Juhler, Marianne; Laursen, Henning; Broholm, Helle


Peritumoral brain edema in angiomatous supratentorial meningiomas: An investigation of the vascular endothelial growth factor A pathway.

APMIS : Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Supplementum.

ISSN 0903-465X.

DOI: 10.1111/apm.12052

Nassehi, Damoun; Dyrbye, Henrik; Andresen, Morten; Thomsen, Carsten; Juhler, Marianne; Laursen, Henning; Broholm, Helle


Vascular endothelial growth factor A protein level and gene expression in intracranial meningiomas with brain edema.

APMIS : Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica. Supplementum.

ISSN 0903-465X.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0463.2011.02764.x

Nassehi, Damoun; Galbo, Henrik; Skovsgaard, Flemming


Primary psoas abscess in a young healthy male.

Ugeskrift for Læger.

ISSN 0041-5782.

Volum 170.

Hefte 48.


Bøker og kapitler

Nassehi, Damoun


Study protocol: Physicians’ use of digital technologies and its impact on the physician-patient relationship - a scoping review .

Koksrud Bekkelund, Anne Siri; Lovett, Hilde; Tennøe, Tore; Nassehi, Damoun; Brøgger, Helga M.; Riegler, Michael; Fosse, Erik; Madsen, Steinar


KUNSTIG INTELLIGENS I KLINIKKEN - Seks trender for fremtidens helsetjeneste.

Tennøe, Tore; Lovett, Hilde; Fosse, Erik; Hatlen, Siri B; Madsen, Steinar; Nassehi, Damoun; Melberg, Hans Olav; Riegler, Michael


Kunstig Intelligens og Norske Helsedata.

Lovett, Hilde; Nassehi, Damoun; Fosse, Erik; Hatlen, Siri B; Madsen, Steinar; Melberg, Hans Olav; Riegler, Michael


Kunstig Intelligens - Muligheter, Utfordringer og en Plan for Norge.

ISBN 978-82-92447-95-6.

Lovett, Hilde; Tennøe, Tore; Dale, Ola; Langtvedt, Nils Jørgen; Melberg, Hans Olav; Madsen, Steinar; Nassehi, Damoun; Roald, Marie Nora


Mobile Selvtester.


Nassehi, Damoun


Livsforlengelse på tvers av pasientens ønske.

Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening.

ISSN 0029-2001.

Volum 144.

Hefte 7.

DOI: 10.4045/tidsskr.24.0206

Nassehi, Damoun


Empowering the Vulnerable: Ethical Considerations for Digital Services in General Practice.

Navigating Vulnerability and Sustainability in Digital Health Services;


Nassehi, Damoun


Innspillsmøte i forbindelse med felles KI-plan for helse- og omsorgstjenesten.

Nassehi, Damoun


Kunstig intelligens og pseudovitenskap er en farlig kombinasjon.


Nassehi, Damoun


Akupunkturens plass i moderne medisinsk praksis.

Dagens medisin.

ISSN 1501-4290.

Nassehi, Damoun


Akupunktur i helsetjenesten: Svak evidens og økonomiske insentiver.

Dagens medisin.

ISSN 1501-4290.

Nassehi, Damoun; Gripsrud, Birgitta Haga; Ramvi, Ellen


Først av alt – ikke å skade.

Dagens medisin.

ISSN 1501-4290.

Nassehi, Damoun


Å vokse opp i en digital verden - anno 2022.

Foreldremøte og paneldiskusjon;


Nassehi, Damoun; Ramvi, Ellen; Gripsrud, Birgitta Haga


Physicians’ Use of Digital Technologies and its Impact on the Physician-Patient Relationship. Data presentation from a scoping review.

Caring Futures Midway symposium;

2022-11-23 - 2024-11-24.

Nassehi, Damoun


Et innlegg om ensomhet.

Dalane Tidende.

ISSN 0809-2591.

Kaiser, Spencer; Parks, Ashley; Leopard, Patrick; Albright, Charlie; Goel, Mayank; Nassehi, Damoun; Larson, Eric Cooper


Design and learnability of vortex whistles for managing chronic lung function via smartphones.

UbiComp '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing;

2016-09-12 - .

Nassehi, Damoun; Dyrbye, Henrik; Sørensen, Lars Peter; Juhler, Marianne; Laursen, Henning; Broholm, Helle


Neuropilin-1 mRNA expression in intracranial meningeomas with brain edema.

17th International Congress of Neuropathology;

2010-09-01 - .