Mahmood Fani

PhD Candidate

Mahmood Fani




Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Energy Resources


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Fani, Mahmood; Strand, Skule; Puntervold, Tina; Mamonov, Aleksandr; Pinerez Torrijos, Ivan Dario; Khan, Md Ashraful Islam


Geochemical effects of carbonated water on reservoir and caprock minerals for carbon capture and storage.

Gas Science and Engineering.

ISSN 2949-9097.

Volum 124.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jgsce.2024.205246

Fani, Mahmood; Peyman, Pourafshary; Peyman, Mostaghimi; Nader, Mosavat


Application of microfluidics in chemical enhanced oil recovery: A review.


ISSN 0016-2361.

Volum 315.

DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2022.123225

Karimova, Marzhan; Pourafshary, Peyman; Fani, Mahmood


Shock/Soaking injection scheme to improve oil recovery in carbonate formations by low salinity water flooding. I: SPE Conference at Oman Petroleum & Energy Show.

Society of Petroleum Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-61399-706-2.

DOI: 10.2118/200226-MS

Fani, Mahmood; Pourafshary, Peyman


Optimisation of smart water shock flooding in carbonates: Effect of soaking time.

International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology.

ISSN 1753-3309.

Volum 28.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1504/IJOGCT.2021.118816


Fani, Mahmood; Puntervold, Tina; Strand, Skule; Mamonov, Aleksander


Assessing the Effect of Carbonated Water on the Geochemistry of CO2-Storing-Bed Minerals.

SPE Norway Subsurface Conference;


Fani, Mahmood; Puntervold, Tina; Strand, Skule; Mamonov, Aleksander


Low emssion methods for IOR and CCS.

Energy Norway;

2024-04-15 - 2024-04-18.

Fani, Mahmood; Abdulina, Veronika


IOR solutions for lower emissions.

Joining Forces- Solving the energy challenges together;

2024-04-10 - .

Obo, Alfred; Fani, Mahmood; Mamonov, Aleksandr; Khan, Md Ashraful Islam; Puntervold, Tina; Strand, Skule


The effect of carbonated produced water for enhanced oil recovery in sandstone.


2023-10-02 - 2023-10-04.

Fani, Mahmood; Puntervold, Tina; Strand, Skule


Assessing the effect of carbonate water injection on geochemical reactions for CO2 sotrage and EOR based projects in NCS.

Vestland CCUS ;

2023-11-21 - 2023-11-22.

Al-Mashrafi, Abdulsallam; Fani, Mahmood; Asfand, Faisal; Amani, Mahmood; Assadi, Mohsen; Mosavat, Nader


Downhole Steam Generation for Green Heavy Oil Recovery.

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference;

2021-11-15 - .