Massimiliano Ditta
Auer, Jens; Ditta, Massimiliano
The Wismar Ship: The Construction of a Large Clinker-Built Merchant Vessel from the 12th Century AD.International Journal of Nautical Archaeology.
ISSN 1057-2414.
Ravnås, Hallgjerd Håbakk; Olsen, Thomas Meldahl; Weibull, Wiktor Waldemar; Reiersen, Håkon; Ditta, Massimiliano; Vivås, Arild
Marine Geophysical Survey of a Medieval Shipwreck in Shallow Waters Using an Autonomous Surface Vehicle: A Case Study from Avaldsnes, Norway.Journal of Maritime Archaeology.
ISSN 1557-2285.
Volum 18.
Hefte 4.
Ditta, Massimiliano; Van Damme, Thomas; Auer, Jens
Mass documentation of archaeological ship timbers: introducing a novel, time-efficient approach.Archaeonautica.
ISSN 2117-6973.
Volum 21.
Ditta, Massimiliano; Auer, Jens
The “Big Ship” of Wismar: a well-preserved 12th-century cargo vessel from the harbour of Wismar.Archaeonautica.
ISSN 2117-6973.
Volum 21.
Van Damme, Thomas; Auer, Jens; Ditta, Massimiliano; Grabowski, Michał; Couwenberg, Marie
The 3D annotated scans method: a new approach to ship timber recording.Heritage Science.
ISSN 2050-7445.
Volum 8.
Hefte 1.
Ditta, Massimiliano; Auer, Jens
The Wreck of the Pettu as an Example for Nineteenth Century Rural Shipbuilding in South-Western Finland.Journal of Maritime Archaeology.
ISSN 1557-2285.
Volum 11.
Ditta, Massimiliano; Auer, Jens; Maarleveld, Thijs
Albrecht Dürer and Early Modern Merchant ships : a reflection on the spread of ideas and transfer of technology.Archeologia postmedievale.
ISSN 1592-5935.
Volum 18.
DOI: 10.1400/228613
Reiersen, Håkon; Ditta, Massimiliano
Skipsstevnene fra Gard. Haugesund i vikingtid og middelalder / Boat timbers in wetlands. The strange case of Western Norway.
2024-01-21 - .
Vivås, Arild; Demuth, Volker; Ditta, Massimiliano; Ravnås, Hallgjerd Håbakk
Nothow - a hanseatic harbour at Avaldsnes in Western Norway.
The Annual Meeting 2023: In Poseidons' Realm XXVIII;
2023-03-22 - 2023-03-26.
Demuth, Volker; Ditta, Massimiliano; Ravnås, Hallgjerd Håbakk; Vivås, Arild
Middelalderhavnen på Avaldsnes. Mellom bygd og by, konger og hanseater.
Middelalderarkeologi i Norge;
Reiersen, Håkon; Ditta, Massimiliano
Orientering om ny forsking i hamna ved Avaldsnes.
Omvising hamneområde Avaldsnes;
2023-05-24 - .
Baussant, Thierry; Ditta, Massimiliano; Fojuth, Marie-Theres; Svensen, Rudolf
Havet og oss: En festaften for havet.
Åpningsarrangement Forskningsdagene 2022;
Reiersen, Håkon; Gil Bell, Theo Eli; Hillesland, Kristoffer; Demuth, Volker; Ditta, Massimiliano
Endelig fant de hanseatenes havn - Vi har lett lenge etter den. Nothow, hanseatenes havn på Avaldsnes, er endelig funnet..
Haugesunds avis.
ISSN 0805-4967.
Volum 128.
Hefte 150.
Reiersen, Håkon; Ditta, Massimiliano
Kan være beviset på at det ble bygget store vikingskip her [sak ved Magnus Berning, s. 10-11].
Reiersen, Håkon; Ditta, Massimiliano
Omvisning og orientering om ny forskning i Avaldsnesområdet.
Collegium Medievale, høsttur;
2022-10-22 - .
Ditta, Massimiliano; Tisseyre, Philippe
About the Metallic Ram of Acqualadroni (Messina).
ISSN 1436-3372.
Volum 20.