Kjell Tore Fosså


Kjell Tore Fosså


Email: kjell.t.fossa@uis.no

Room: KE E-245


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Naotunna, Chavin Nilanga ; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Influence of concrete cover thickness and clear distance between tensile bars on crack spacing behavior of large-scale reinforced concrete members.

Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS).

ISSN 8756-758X.

Volum 45.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1111/ffe.13650

Guruge, Chavin Nilanga Naotunna Palliy; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Experimental investigation of crack width variation along the concrete cover depth in reinforced concrete specimens with ribbed bars and smooth bars.

Case Studies in Construction Materials.

ISSN 2214-5095.

Volum 15.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cscm.2021.e00593

Guruge, Chavin Nilanga Naotunna Palliy; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Applicability of Existing Crack Controlling Criteria for structures with Large Concrete Cover Thickness.

Nordic Concrete Research.

ISSN 0800-6377.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.2478/ncr-2021-0002

Naotunna, Chavin Nilanga ; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Fosså, Kjell Tore


A new crack spacing model for reinforced concrete specimens with multiple bars subjected to axial tension using 3D nonlinear FEM simulations.

Structural Concrete.

ISSN 1464-4177.

Volum 22.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1002/suco.202100025

Naotunna, Chavin Nilanga ; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Experimental and theoretical behavior of crack spacing of specimens subjected to axial tension and bending.

Structural Concrete.

ISSN 1464-4177.

DOI: 10.1002/suco.201900587

Guruge, Chavin Nilanga Naotunna Palliy; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Fosså, Kjell Tore


COMPARISON OF THE BEHAVIOR OF CRACK WIDTH-GOVERNING PARAMETERS WITH EXISTING MODELS . I: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures (SMSS2019). Challenges in Design and Management of Structures, 20-22 March 2019 – Rovinj, Croatia. PRO 128, Vol. 4..

Rilem publications.

ISBN 978-2-35158-226-8.


Basteskår, Mikael; Engen, Morten; Kanstad, Terje; Fosså, Kjell Tore


A review of literature and code requirements for the crack width limitations for design of concrete structures in serviceability limit states.

Structural Concrete.

ISSN 1464-4177.

Volum 20.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1002/suco.201800183

Basteskår, Mikael; Engen, Morten; Kanstad, Terje; Johansen, Håvard; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Serviceability limit state design of large concrete structures: Impact on reinforcement amounts and consequences of design code ambiguity.

Engineering structures.

ISSN 0141-0296.

Volum 201.

DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109816

Shamsutdinova, Guzel; Hendriks, Max; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Jacobsen, Stefan


Ice abrasion testing of high performance concrete for offshore structures. I: Concrete in Arctic Conditions. WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS NO. 16 FROM A NORDIC WORKSHOP Trondheim, Norway 18–19 June, 2019.

ISBN 978-82-8208-067-5.


Shpak, Andrei; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Jacobsen, Stefan


Requirements and recommendations to frost durable concrete – an overview. I: Concrete in Arctic Conditions. WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS NO. 16 FROM A NORDIC WORKSHOP Trondheim, Norway 18–19 June, 2019.

ISBN 978-82-8208-067-5.


Shamsutdinova, Guzel; Hendriks, Max; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Jacobsen, Stefan


Ice abrasion testing of HP concrete for offshore structures. I: Durable Concrete for Infrastructure under Severe Conditions Smart Admixtures, Self-responsiveness and Nano-additions Proceedings 10-11 September 2019, Ghent.

ISBN 978-9-463-88638-3.


Shpak, Andrei; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Jacobsen, Stefan


Frost testing of HP/HVFA concrete for severe offshore conditions. I: Durable Concrete for Infrastructure under Severe Conditions Smart Admixtures, Self-responsiveness and Nano-additions Proceedings 10-11 September 2019, Ghent.

ISBN 978-9-463-88638-3.


Kjærnsmo, Henrik Eeg; Kakay, Samdar; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Grønli, John Charles


The Effect of Graphene Oxide on Cement Mortar.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

ISSN 1757-8981.

Volum 362.

DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/362/1/012012

Jacobsen, Stefan; Bekker, Alexander; Uvarova, Tatyana; Pomnikov, Egor; Kim, Lev; Fosså, Kjell Tore


CONCRETE ICE ABRASION: DETERIORATION MECHANISMS, TESTING AND MODELING. I: Proceedings ICDC 2012 International Congress on Durability of Concrete Trondheim Norway 18-21 June 2012.

ISBN 978-82-8208-031-6.

Hammer, Tor Arne; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Bjøntegaard, Øyvind


Cracking tendency of HSC: Tensile strength and self generated stress in the period of setting and early hardening.

Materials and Structures.

ISSN 1359-5997.

Volum 40.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1617/s11527-006-9109-9

Hammer, Tor Arne; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Influence of entrained air voids on pore water pressure and volume change of concrete before and during setting.

Materials and Structures.

ISSN 1359-5997.

Volum 39.


Hammer, Tor Arne; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Bjøntegaard, Øyvind


Cracking tendency of HSC: Tensile strength and self generated stress in the period of setting and early hydration. I: Crack Risk Assessment of Hardening Concrete Structures.

ISBN 82-91341-97-4.


Fosså, Kjell Tore; Bjøntegaard, Øyvind


Cracking Tendency of HSC: Tensile Strength and Self Generated Stress in the Period of Setting and Early age Hardening.

Materials and Structures.

ISSN 1359-5997.

Fosså, Kjell Tore; Maage, Magne


Friction between concrete and slipform panel during slipforming.

Structural Concrete.

ISSN 1464-4177.

Hefte no 2.


Bøker og kapitler

Jacobsen, Stefan; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Shamsutdinova, Guzel; Shpak, Andrei


Concrete in Arctic Conditions. WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS NO. 16 FROM A NORDIC WORKSHOP Trondheim, Norway 18–19 June, 2019.

ISBN 978-82-8208-067-5.

Hefte 16.

Jacobsen, Stefan; Møen, Egil; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Myrland Jensen, Tore; Sistonen, Esko


Proceedings Workshop Ice Abrasion on concrete structures.

ISBN 978-82-8208-006-4.

Bjøntegaard, Øyvind; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Atrushi, Dawood; Sellevold, Erik Johan; Kanstad, Terje; Hammer, Tor Arne; Smeplass, Sverre


Stress development and cracking tendency in hardening concrete: Test methods at NTNU.

ISBN 82-14-02582-6.

Fosså, Kjell Tore; Hammer, Tor Arne; Kanstad, Terje


Prøving av betong til gulv, relativ fuktighet og uttørkingssvinn.


Shpak, Andrei; Brun, Marte Beheim; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Jacobsen, Stefan


Salt-frost scaling testing HVFA concrete to -52C: internal cracking measured with dilatometry.

XXIV NCR Symposium 2022;

2022-08-16 - 2022-08-19.

Fosså, Kjell Tore; Pilz, Monika


"Advanced Admixtures" for reinforced concrete with increased durability and resistance against harsh exposure conditions .



Shpak, Andrei; Brun, Marte Beheim; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Jacobsen, Stefan


Salt frost scaling testing HVFA concrete to -52C: - internal cracking measured with dilatometry.

XXIV NORDIC CONCRETE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM August 11th – 14th 2020, Sandefjord, Norway Utsatt pga korona;

2020-08-11 - 2020-08-14.

Fosså, Kjell Tore; Pilz, Monika


"Increased durability and resistance" against harsh exposure conditions of reinforced concrete with advanced admixtures.



Pilz, Monika; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Betongcast nr. 10 - Hvordan oppnå motstandsdyktig betong under ekstreme forhold - hvordan kan man designe betong som tåler ekstreme forhold?.

Betongcast nr. 10;


Pilz, Monika; Fosså, Kjell Tore


LORCENIS-NOR: Et formidlingsprosjekt om forbedret betong med lengre levetid.

Norsk Betongdag 2020;

2020-10-28 - 2020-10-29.

Pilz, Monika; Fosså, Kjell Tore


LORCENIS-NOR Utnytte forbedret betong med forlenget levetid for energi-infrastrukturer og konstruksjoner i ekstreme nordiske driftsforhold.

Norsk Betongdag 2020 / Stand;

2020-10-28 - 2020-10-29.

Guruge, Chavin Nilanga Naotunna Palliy; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Fosså, Kjell Tore



Nordic Mini Seminar;

2019-10-16 - 2019-10-17.

Naotunna, Chavin Nilanga ; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Comparison of the experimental crack spacing behavior with the theoretical predictions .

Nordic Concrete Research.

ISSN 0800-6377.


Naotunna, Chavin Nilanga ; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Comparison of the behavior of crack width-governing parameters with existing models.

International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures (SMSS2019);

2019-03-20 - 2019-03-22.

Kjærnsmo, Henrik Eeg; Kakay, Samdar; Grønli, John Charles; Fosså, Kjell Tore


The Effect of Graphene Oxide on Cement Mortar.

ICSEM 2018;

2018-03-07 - 3018-03-09.

Møen, Egil; Fosså, Kjell Tore


A new design- and construction method for the ice abrasion zone in marine concrete structures.

Concrete Innovation Conference 2014, Oslo;

2014-06-11 - 2014-06-13.

Møen, Egil; Høiseth, Karl Vincent; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Long term resistance of marine concrete structures to ice abrasion - A field study of lighthouses in the gulf of Bothnia.

Proceedings of the 10th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Quebec, Canada;

2014-07-21 - 2014-07-23.

Kim, Lev; Jacobsen, Stefan; Bekker, Alexander; Fosså, Kjell Tore


Ice-concrete abrasion study.

NORTRIB 2012 - 15th Nordic Symposium on Tribology - ;

2012-06-12 - 2012-06-15.

Hammer, Tor Arne; Fosså, Kjell Tore; Bjøntegaard, Øyvind


Cracking Tendency of HSC: Tensile Strength and Self Generated Stress in the Period of Setting and Early Hardening.

Eight International Conference on Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag and Natural Pozzolans in concrete;


Fosså, Kjell Tore


Parameters controlling the slipform friction.

Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Meeting Elsinore, Denmark;

2002-06-14 - .

Fosså, Kjell Tore


The Effect of Lightweight Aggregate on the Pore Water Pressure during Slipforming.

Second International Symposium on Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete;

Fosså, Kjell Tore



SINTEF-NTNU Betonginformasjonsdag 1999;