Kari Kaldestad

Associate Professor

Kari Kaldestad


Telephone: 51834240

Email: kari.kaldestad@uis.no

Room: KA A-102


Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Caring and Ethics

About me

Kari Kaldestad started her career as a trained nurse, and continued her further education in Geriatrics. She holds a master’s degree in education from NLA University College, as well as a doctorate degree in caring science from Åbo Akademi University. Her research interests, scientific thinking, and pedagogical philosophy are based on the science of care, hermeneutics, and qualitative research methods. Her research and theory development focuses on topics such as caring and ethics, health, suffering, and dignity. The research is based on an interest in the vulnerable humans in various contexts. 

The research areas are as follows:

Caring science, theory development of central concepts such as dignity, health, love, and suffering. 

Research on men experiencing loss due to major life changes, and the consequences for their health. 

Research from a multiprofessional perspective in clinical practice aimed at developing ethical and sustainable care practices. 

Research on the use of film in guidance. 

Research on the concept of dignity in caring science.

Research on conserving the dignity of frail older women receiving municipal care. 

Research on nursing students' experiences in their first year of practice in nursing homes.


Board member and secretary of the Nordic College of Caring Sciences, NCCS. 

Member of The program area Life Phenomena and Care, Department of Care and Ethics, University of Stavanger. 

Chair of the conference Caring Science - The Heart of Multi-Professional Care, to be held in Stavanger in April 2024. The conference is a collaboration between Nordic College of Caring Sciences, The European Academy of Caring Science & the University of Stavanger.

Member of the research network CARE Philosophy.


Ongoing research projects:

The research project "A Life Worth Living" aims to affirm life and enhance the health of men navigating challenging life transitions. The specific focus during the period of 2023-2025 is on the experience of loss, specifically parental alienation.

The use of film in meta-guidance of experienced nurses, young doctors in specialization, and master students studying guidance, 2023-2024. 

Development of multiprofessional ethical competence in clinical practice. Collaboration between Stavanger University Hospital and the University of Stavanger. The project started in 2019 and is ongoing.


Responsible for the master's course "MHVEIL: Academic Supervision”, 15 ECTS.

Responsible for covering the topics health, suffering, and dignity in the course BSY160, Nursing Foundations.

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
  • Formidling
    • Mats, Holmberg; Bente, Hoeck; Anders, Bremer; Kaldestad, Kari; Monika, Koskinen


      The Nordic College of Caring Science develops, supports and disseminates caring science.

      Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

      ISSN 0283-9318.

      Volum 37.

      Hefte 2.


      DOI: 10.1111/scs.13179

    • Kaldestad, Kari


      Et liv verdt å leve - Om menns helse. Om tap av fedrerolle - foreldreframandgjering. .

      Likeverd og utenforskap: Mangler likestillingspolitikken empati for menn? ;

      2023-11-18 - .

    • Kaldestad, Kari; Bjerga, Grethe Heidi


      Drivkraft i veiledningen.



    • Kaldestad, Kari; Koskinen, Camilla Ann-Louise


      Menns liv og helse ved tap og livforandring. .


      ISSN 0800-5680.

      Volum 5.


    • Koskinen, Camilla Ann-Louise; Kaldestad, Kari; Bente Dorrit, Rossavik; Jensen, Anne Ree; Bjerga, Grethe Heidi


      Development of a model for multi-professional ethical competence in healthcare to maintain sustainable ethical caring in a changing world.

      The 4th International NCCS & EACS Conference - Caring in a changing world;

      2022-04-27 - 2022-04-28.

    • Koskinen, Camilla Ann-Louise; Kaldestad, Kari; Rossavik, Bente Dorrit; Jensen, Anne Ree; Bjerga, Grethe Heidi



      XVII Kansallinen hoitotieteellinen konferenssi ;

      2022-09-22 - 2022-09-23.

    • Kaldestad, Kari


      Et liv verdt å leve, om menns helse.

      Avdelingssamling, avdeling for omsorg og etikk;


    • Bjerga, Grethe Heidi; Rossavik, Bente Dorrit; Koskinen, Camilla Ann-Louise; Kaldestad, Kari; Ree Jensen, Anne


      Deltakelse på internasjonal konferanse i regi av NCCS og EACS: Caring in a changing world. .

      Internasjonal konferanse;

      2022-04-27 - 2022-04-28.

    • Bjerga, Grethe Heidi; Jaastad, Turid Anita; Handeland, Maria; Kaldestad, Kari; Dysvik, Elin


      Kontinuitet i alle ledd i bachelorutdanningen gir kvalifiserte sykepleiere.

      Tidsskriftet sykepleien.

      ISSN 0806-7511.

    • Jaastad, Turid Anita; Bjerga, Grethe Heidi; Handeland, Maria; Kaldestad, Kari; Dysvik, Elin


      Faglig skjønn og omsorg utfordres i koronaens tid.


      ISSN 0802-9768.

    • Kaldestad, Kari; Nåden, Dagfinn; Eriksson, Katie


      Dignity - a study of fragile old women living at home.

      International Scientific Nursing and Midwife Congress;

      2019-02-04 - 2019-02-06.

    • Kaldestad, Kari; Nåden, Dagfinn


      Glimt av verdighet - eldre kvinners livshistorie.

      Critical Perspectives on Person, Care and Aging;

      2019-05-15 - 2019-05-16.

    • Kaldestad, Kari; Jaastad, Turid Anita; Bjerga, Grethe Heidi; Handeland, Maria; Dysvik, Elin


      Kontinuitet i omsorgen er en motvekt til klokketiden og instrumentalistiske praksiser.

      Tidsskriftet sykepleien.

      ISSN 0806-7511.

    • Thorkildsen, Kari Marie; Rykkje, Linda; Kaldestad, Kari


      Spiritual care - an ethical basis for protecting patients dignity.

      Spiritiual Care - The State of the Art and International Perspectives ;

      2019-10-18 - .

    • Kaldestad, Kari


      Eldre kvinners verdighet – med utgangspunkt i samtaler med eldre skrøpelige kvinner som får hjemmesykepleie. .

      Fagseminar med tema: Liv, håp og verdighet. Personsentrering i omsorgen;

      2019-10-30 - .

    • Kaldestad, Kari


      Kvinnhering har forska på verdigheit.


    • Kaldestad, Kari


      Forholdet mellom verdighet og det hellige rommet .

      Deltakelse i panel sammen med professor og omsorgsfilosof Kari Martinsen;

      2018-09-18 - .

    • Kaldestad, Kari


      Begrepet verdighet - vitnesbyrd fra eldre kvinner - begrepets ontologi.

      Faglig foredrag for studenter i master i omsorgsvitenskap;

      2018-11-14 - .

    • Kaldestad, Kari




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