Academic Writing Workshop

18-19 September 2024 at Ydalir campus hotel, Stavanger

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Writing is an integral part of a doctoral study, yet it tends to be an individual endeavor that many doctoral researchers find challenging. In the writing workshops, I will assist participants in making their everyday writing practice productive and joyful. We will also investigate various genres related to research traditions and experiment with ways of representing research. The workshops will be hands-on, based on recent research on academic writing and take participants’ needs and interests as a point of departure. The workshops alternate between short introductions to theory and method, writing exercises, peer reflections and reflections in plenum. Due to limited time, there will be no possibility of individual guidance at this workshop.


18th September.  

10.00-12.00                               Guided writing exercises and dialogue, introduction to individual writing and peer feedback

12.00-13.00                               Lunch

13.00-15.00                               Individual writing / peer feedback (participants can choose one or the other)

15.00-15.30                               Coffee break and informal talk

15.30-16.30                               Guided writing exercises and dialogue

16.30 -                                        Optional: Continue individual writing / peer feedback                                                             

19th September

Morning                                     Breakfast and individual writing

10.00-12.00                               Guided writing exercises and dialogue

12.00-13.00                              Lunch

13.00-15.00  Guided writing exercises and dialogue

Brief bio:

Charlotte Wegener is associate professor at Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark. Throughout her academic career, she has written in various genres, she studies academic writing and publishes papers and book about doctoral writing and academic writing in general. She teaches workplace learning and social innovation within the fields of social work, health and education and runs doctoral courses on writing and qualitative methods. She has a background in music science and Nordic literature and finds inspiration in these fields in her writing practice and teaching. Due to limited time, there will be no possibility of individual guidance at this workshop.