Njål Foldnes

Professor i statistikk

Njål Foldnes


E-post: njal.foldnes@uis.no


Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Nasjonalt senter for leseopplæring og leseforsking

Kort om meg

I am interested in multivariate methods used in social science research, mainly structural equation modeling, factor analysis and developing simulation methods for multivariate correlated data. 

My research involves proposing new methods for assessing model fit in SEM, critique of existing simulation methodologies and development of new ones. 

covsim package

Also, I have been working together with S Grønneberg on delineating the limits of ordinal SEM and proposing new estimators for ordinal data. 

Also, I lead a machine learning project aimed at early detection of struggling readers based on gameplay data from a literacy app for school starters. 

Gameplay machine learning project

