Siri Wiig

Professor i kvalitet og sikkerhet i helsesystemer

Siri Wiig


Telefon: 51834288


Rom: P15 122


Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet

Avdeling for kvalitet og helseteknologi

Kort om meg

Since April 2020, I am Center Director of SHARE-Center for Resilience in Healthcare at the Faculty of Health Sciences. SHARE is the largest research center in Norway investigating into quality and safety in healthcare. The center has more than 70 researchers affiliated and includes the partners UiS, NTNU Gjøvik and Oslo University Hospital.

My current research interests relate to resilience, organizational, and cultural factors involved in improving quality and safety in healthcare. Areas of interest in my research career involve perception of risk and quality in organizations, risk regulation, patient safety, quality improvement and learning in socio-technical systems in three different sectors: healthcare, petroleum industry, and municipal emergency preparedness.

I have been involved in several national and international research and R&D projects with different collaboration partners. I was principal researcher in the EU FP7 project QUASER (2010-2013). I established a large international and national network both within academia and in healthcare organizations during this period, and was granted by the Research Council Norway with a follow-up project to implement the QUASER-guide in Norwegian primary care settings (2016-2020). From 2018 I am part of the FRIMUMSAM TOPPFORSK project Resilience in Healthcare (2018-2023) as WP lead for for theory development (2018-2020) and currently as project manager (2020-2024). I am director and principal investigator of the EU Horizon Europe project Support4Resilience (2024-2028). Support4Resilience is coordiated by SHARE-University of Stavanger and is a project including 14 partners in 9 countries. 
