Janne Gabrielle Hunsbeth

Universitetslektor i jordmorfag

Janne Gabrielle Hunsbeth


E-post: janne.g.hunsbeth@uis.no

Sted: Universitetet i Stavanger


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Avdeling for omsorg og etikk

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
  • Formidling
    • Hunsbeth, Janne Gabrielle; Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland


      Hva skal jordmor hete?.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Hunsbeth, Janne Gabrielle


      SimBegin for jordmorstudenter: Erfaringer med bruk av simulering for å styrke læring og fasilitatorkompetanse https://www.safer.net/paskesymposium-31-mars-2023-2/.



    • Hunsbeth, Janne Gabrielle


      Community midwifery in Norway.

      Erasmus BIP Programme;

      2023-09-11 - 2023-09-15.

    • Hunsbeth, Janne Gabrielle; Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina


      Community midwifery in Norway.

      Erasmus+ staff mobility, midwifey winter school;

      2023-09-11 - .

    • Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Borlaug, Torhild; Espejord, Silje; Hunsbeth, Janne Gabrielle


      SimBegin in midwifery education -an introduction to student driven simulation.

      7th Education Conference in Athens-Greece, EMA 2023;

      2023-10-25 - 2023-10-29.

    • Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Borlaug, Torhild; Espejord, Silje; Hunsbeth, Janne Gabrielle


      Four good habits for communication skills in midwifery simulation and group reflection..

      7th Education Conference in Athens-Greece, EMA 2023;

      2023-10-25 - 2023-10-29.

    • Hunsbeth, Janne Gabrielle; Espejord, Silje; Borlaug, Torhild


      The controversy of gender neutral midwifery titles: The case of Norway.

      EMA Education confernece 2023;

      2023-10-26 - 2023-10-29.

    • Hunsbeth, Janne Gabrielle; Folkvord, Synnøve Mari Eidsvik


      Community midwifery in Norway.

      Erasmus+ staff mobility, midwifey winter school;

      2023-09-11 - .

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
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  • Cristin hovedlogo, Cristin current research information system in Norway