Jayantha Prasanna Liyanage

Professor i industriell teknologi og driftsledelse

Jayantha Prasanna Liyanage


Telefon: 51831440

E-post: j.p.liyanage@uis.no

Rom: KE E-245


Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for maskin, bygg og materialteknologi

Kort om meg

Prof. Jayantha P. Liyanage specializes in Industrial assets, Systems, Processes, Operations, and Performance at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. He has earned B.Sc. in Production engineering (First Class Honours), M.Sc. in Ergonomics / Human factors (Distinction), and PhD in Offshore technology. Prof. Liyanage was one of the active contributors for further development and operationalization of Offshore technology education and research area of the former Stavanger University College (HiS) since 1999. He had been the Program director of the 2-year Master program on Industrial asset management (former Offshore technology-Industrial asset management), and the current Program director of the Executive Experience-based Master program on Technology and Operations management (MTOM). Through his career path, Prof. Liyanage has acquired extensive experience in Educational program development and management, R&D, and Industrial collaboration.   

Prof. Liyanage had been the Chair of the University-Industry cooperative Cluster for Industrial Asset Management (CIAM) for almost 15 years (2004-2018). He has a strong background on working closely with many Industrial sectors and organizations since late 90s, inclusive of Major asset operators and owners, Engineering companies, Service providers, Advisory and Consulting organizations, Standardization institutes, and Authorities. He served in the Board of Directors of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Stavanger section with specific role as a Scholarships chair (2007-2015), and also was elected to the Board of Directors of the Norwegian Ergonomics and Human factors Society (NEHF). In addition, he has been a member of the Standardization committee SN/K 536 on Asset management, and SN/K 569 Revision of Management systems with Standard Norway. Prof. Liyanage was the Co-Chair of the European Network for Strategic Engineering Asset Management (EURENSEAM) involving many European countries. He has been in the Working Group (WG) on Advanced maintenance engineering, Services, and Technology of IFAC (International Federation for Automatic Control), and honorary member of IFRIM (International Foundation for Research in Maintenance). He had also been a Guest Professor of Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia, and University of Cincinnati, USA.

Prof. Liyanage has actively involved in number of R&D and Joint industry projects over the last few years both in advisory and managerial capacities. He has extensive experience as an Advisor of Doctoral and Masters degree projects. His national level R&D involvements, include his roles as one of the principal contributors to Norwegian Center for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE) representing UiS, and as the lead contributor on behalf of UiS towards a national R&D platform on Center for Petroleum Production Facilities (CPPF, together with Sintef, Marintek, NTNU, IFE, and IRIS). He has served as an Examiner of a number of Doctoral thesis and Doctoral defences both nationally and internationally. He has undertaken professional assignments as an External international expert in many capacities, inclusive of Academic recruitment processes, Educational and Research program evaluations, etc. Prof. Liyanage has published more than 250 publications. He is an editorial reviewer and a member of international editorial boards of a number of international journals and the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM).

Prof. Liyanage is an active participant in various International conferences as a Keynote speaker, an Invited session chair, and an Invited speaker. He was the Chair of the World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM) held in 2018 with the Theme of 'Engineering assets and Public infrastructures in the Age of Digitalization'.

For his performance he has received a number of prestigious awards inclusive of University of Peradeniya Award for Best Performance in Engineering (1995), Colombo Dockyard Award for the Best Performance in Production Engineering (1995), The Overall Best in Masters (1999), Lyse Energy Research Award for Excellent Research and Academic Contributions (2001), Society of Petroleum Engineers Best PhD Award (2003), Emerald Literati Club Award for Excellence (2004), Regional Ambassador (2014), Regional management and information Award of Society or Petroleum Engineers (SPE) (2017), and Outstanding Achievement Award of International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM) (2018).

Prof. Liyanage is a Founding Fellow of the ISEAM (International Society of Engineering Asset Management). He is an Honorary member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) since 2011, and an Honorary member of the Stavanger Academy of Sciences (VIS) since 2012.

He is currently serving as a Member of the National Publication committee under MNT domain, established by the Universities of Norway (Publiseringskomiteen til konstruksjonsfag, Nasjonale fagorgan i MNT-fag, Universitets- og høgskolerådet (UHR))    



PhD - Offshore Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway, 2003.

MSc - Ergonomics (Distinction), Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, 1999.

BSc - Production engineering (First Class Honors), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 1995



2018 - Outstanding Achievement Award, International Society for Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM)

2017 - Regional Management and Information Award for North Sea Region, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

2014 - Ambassador 2014, Region Stavanger, Norway

2004 - The Emerald Literati Club Award for Excellence, Emerald Publisher

2003 - Best PhD Award - Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Stavanger section, Norway.

2001 - Lyse Energy Research Award, Norway.

1999 - The Overall Best Performance in Masters in Ergonomics, Sweden.

1995 - Colombo Dockyard Award for Best Performance in Production engineering, Sri Lanka.

1995 - University of Peradeniya Award for Best Performance in Engineering, Sri Lanka.



Study program director, Master degree program in Industrial Asset Management, University of Stavanger (Ranked by the Study-barometer of Norway in the Category of 'Mechanical and Electrical engineering' as; 3rd National best Master degree in 2015, 2nd National best Master degree in 2016, 3rd National best Master degree in 2017, and The National best Master degree in 2019https://www.tekna.no/magasinet/stavangermaster-topper-med-sideveis-tenking/ and The National best Master degree consecutively in 2020; https://www.tekna.no/magasinet/mastervinner-onsker-delt-kildekode-for-koronavaksiner/

Co-Author (2018), of the Publication that received Best paper award; Zhu, P., Liyanage, J.P., Jeeves, S., Condition and performance monitoring of emergency shutdown systems: data visualization and analysis for decision support, in  Liyanage, J.P., Amadi-Echendu, J., Mathew, J., Engineering assets and Public infrastructures in the Age of digitalization: The proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018), Springer, pp 376-386.

Doctoral thesis Advisor (2012 – 2020) of Ole-Erik Endrerud, PhD Project on ‘Simulation-Based Decision Support for Engineering Assets: An Agent-Based Approach for Operations and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms', in collaboration with Equinor (former Statoil) and Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE). The project lead to the Spin-off Company Shoreline AS .

Doctoral thesis advisor (2006-2009) of Jawad Raza, PhD project on 'Integrated operations: Technical integrity and Performance optimisation', in collaboration with ConocoPhillips Norway. The PhD thesis recieved the Best PhD thesis award from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Stavanger section

Prinicpal Author (2003), of the Publication that received Best paper award; Liyanage, J.P., Kumar, U., Towards a value based view on operations and maintenance performance management, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Emerald Publishing, vol.9, no.4, pp 333-350.

Bachelor and Master thesis advisor of Eirik Tjoestheim and Faisal Dahman, 2 Student Thesis of Høgskolen i Stavanger (HiS) in 2003/2004 selected as 2 of the 10-Best Student thesis under ‘Den Tekniske Messen 2004’ held in Lillestrøm. Bachelor thesis on ‘Total productive maintenance (TPM)' by Eirik Tjoestheim (in Social Science & Personnel administration Program, Faculty of Social Sciences) was done in collaboration with Hydro Karmøy, and Master thesis on ‘Tail-end Production’ by Faisal Dahman (in Petroleum engineering program, Faculty of Science and Technology) was done in collaboration with AkerKværner. Eirik Tjoestheim received the 1st place of the Student thesis competition.     



2022-todate:  Member of the National Publication committee for MNT domain, established by the Universities of Norway (Publiseringskomiteen til konstruksjonsfag, Nasjonale fagorgan i MNT-fag, Universitets- og høgskolerådet (UHR))  

2018: World Congress Chair, The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018), International Society for Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM)

2004-2018: Chair, Cluster on Industrial Asset Management (CIAM), University of Stavanger.

2009-todate: Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM)

2012-todate: Honorary member, Stavanger Academy of Sciences (VIS) 

2011-todate: Honorary member, Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA)      

2008-todate: Honorary Founding Fellow, International Society for Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM)

2012-todate: Member of the National mirror committee SN/K536 on Asset management, Standard Norge (Standardization institution of Norway)

2016-todate:  Member of the National mirror committee SN/K569 Revision of Management systems, Standard Norge (Standardization institution of Norway)

2001-todate: Life member, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

2004 - 2007: Member of the Management and Information Award Committee, Appointed by 2005 SPE President, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

2004-todate: Member, The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals (TEKNA)



Engineering-operations-management of Industrial assets and infrastructures, Complex and dynamic Socio-Technical systems, Human-Technology-Organization/Human factors, Industrial performance and performance management, Industrial systems and Asset integrity, Integrated information systems, Integrated and Collaborative work processes, Information-driven decision processes, Modern interconnected Digital systems, Integrated operations, Smart assets and infrastructures, Digital work processes, ISO 55000 and Standardization, Sustainable industrial assets-systems-processes, Green industrial facilities and systems. 



2017-2021: International Expert project advisor (Sweden) EU Project on Predictive Cognitive Maintenance Decision Support system (PreCoM), Partners: Linnaeus University (Sweden), E-Maintenance (Sweden), Paragon (Greece), Savvy Data Systems (Spain), Vertech (France), Bosch-Rexroth (Germany), Soraluce (Spain), Sakana (Spain), Overbeck (Germany), Spinea (Slovakia), Goma-Camps (Spain), Lantier (Spain), Ideko (Spain), Alternative Energies and Atomis Energy Commission (France), Technological Institute for Industrial mathematics (Spain), Technical University of Munich (Germany), Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany).

2018-2019: International Expert project advisor (Sweden), Swedish Project on Data analytics in Maintenance planning, Partners: Volvo Group Trucks Operations (Sweden), Volvo Car Corporation (Sweden), Volvo Construction Equipment (Sweden), IFS (Sweden), Axxos (Sweden), Scania (Sweden), VBG Group (Sweden), Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Målardalen University (Sweden).

2015-2018: International project partner, Finnish project Service solutions for fleet management (S4Fleet), funded by Finnish Metals and Engineering Competence Cluster, Partners; Lappeenranta University of Tech., Finland, Alto University Finland, Kone, IBM, Nokia, Solteq, etc. 

2013-2014: International Project partner, Finnish project Strategic business models and governance for sustainable solutions (StraSus), funded by Finnish research council TEKES, Partners; Lappeenranta University of Tech. Finland, VTT Finland, Polimi Italy, etc.

2011-2014: Project partner & Work Package leader, EU funded project on Sustainable value creation in manufacturing networks (SustainValue). Partners; VTT Research Finland, University of Cambridge UK, University of Stavanger Norway, FIR Germany, DIN Germany, Politecnico di Milano Italy, FIDIA Italy, Riversimple UK, CLAAS Germany, Elson Solutions Finland. 



Doctoral project (Norway, forthcoming)

Data-driven decision support for Renewbale energy sector

Doctoral project (Norway)

Advanced Situation awareness in Complex industrial assets under dynamic and digital contexts, Industrial partner; Kairos Technology AS



2018-2022: Doctoral project Co-advisor, Project on Modelling and simulation for intelligent maintenance, by Helge Nordal. University of Stavanger, Norway. In collaboration with Gassco.

2016-2020: Doctoral project advisor, Project on Safety instrumented systems in low demand mode in oil and gas production process: Data-driven decision support for improvements in operation and maintenance practice, by Pengyu Zhu. University of Stavanger, Norway. In collaboration with industrial partners.

2012-2020: Doctoral project advisor, Project on Simulation-Based Decision Support for Engineering Assets: An Agent-Based Approach for Operations and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms, by Ole-Erik Vestøl Endrerud, University of Stavanger, Norway. In collaboration with Equinor (former Statoil).

2011-2014: Doctoral project advisor, Project on Analysis and Management of Bottlenecks in Supply Networks Towards a Structured Approach to Stabilization of Inbound Material Flow, by Jakob Emanuel Beer, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by European Commission.

2010-2012: Project manager, Project on Integrity through systems engineering: Risk based criteria (INTECRITERIA), Partners: Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE) and VTT-Finland

2010-2012: Project manager, Project on Risk-based technology platforms and transfer strategies for Offshore wind energy assets, Partner: Norwegian Centre Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE).

2007: Project manager and R&D partner, Joint industry project on Technical integrity management solutions for Gassled: Implementation solutions, Partners, Gassco, UiS, DNV, AGR Emi Team AS.

2006-2009:  Doctoral project advisor, Project on Business-to-Business collaborative work processes for integrated environments: Evaluation and Development for Integrated Planning in complex Offshore Oil Production, by Yu Bai, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by the Petromaks program of Norwegian Research Council.

2006-2009: Doctoral project advisor, Project on Technical Integrity and Operations & Maintenance Performance Optimization in Complex Assets: Optimization through Data and Organizational Intelligence in an Integrated Environment, by Jawad Raza, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by ConocoPhillips.

2006-2009: Doctoral project advisor, Project on Managing Environmental Sustainability in Seaports: Towards an integrated method, by Alsnosy Balbaa, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by Arab Academy of Science and Technology, Egypt.

2004-2008:  Doctoral project co-advisor, Project related to Maintenance performance indicators for Railroad system, by Thomas Åhren, Railway Research Center, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden.  

2004-2008: Doctoral project co-advisor, Project related to Train punctuality improvement through effective maintenance, by Rikard Granstrøm, Railway Research Center, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden.  

2004-2005: Doctoral project co-advisor, Project related to Industrial services and innovation in the knowledge intensive economy: Mapping of players, roles, content, and needs, by Sukhvir Singh Panesar, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by Norwegian research Council.

2004-2006: Doctoral project co-advisor, Project related to Service delivery strategies for operations and maintenance of offshore production facilities, by Rajesh Kumar, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by Industrial partners.



2022/23 Member of the Assessment committee (appointed), Doctoral thesis on Risk-based operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms, by Mihai Florian, Aalborg University, Denmark.

2022 Member of the Adjudication committee, Doctoral thesis on On the establishment of effective condition-based maintenance for oil-filled electrical transformers to avoid failures due to copper corrision problems and its role toward sustainable energy, by Ramsey Jadim, Linnaeus University, Sweden.

2021 Principal examiner, Doctoral thesis on Impact of user experience on the quality of manually collected maintenance data, by Katrine Mahlamäki, Aalto University, Finland.

2020 Principal opponent, Doctoral thesis on On the development of a new digitalised maintenance approach for factories of the future, by Hatem Algabroun, Linnaeus University, Sweden.

2020 Principal opponent, Doctoral thesis on Soft Issues of Industry 4.0: A study of human-machine interaction, by Prasanna Illankoon, Luleå University of technology, Sweden.

2020 Principal opponent and Member of the Adjudication committee, Doctoral thesis on Stochastic Wind Park Modelling and Maintenance Scheduling under Uncertainty, by Helene Seyr, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.

2020 Primary examiner, Doctoral Thesis on Problems of implementing asset management policies in Australian water utilities, by Mary McGeoch, Southern Cross University, Australia.

2019 Member of the Adjudication committee, Doctoral thesis on Smart Maintenance: Maintenance in digitalized manufacturing, by Jon Bokrantz, Chalmers University of technology, Sweden.

2019 Principal examiner, Doctoral thesis on Supporting strategic asset management in complex and uncertain decision contexts,  by Juri Hanski, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland.

2019 Primary examiner, Doctoral thesis on Total cost of ownership along the mine asset management and supply chain, by Amir Noorbakhsh, Curtin University, Australia.

2016 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Processing risk in Asset management: Exploring the boundaries of risk basd optimization under uncertainity in the Asset management department of a Dutch energy distribution network operator, by Ype C. Wijnia, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands.

2015 Principal examiner, Licentiate thesis on Human factors approach for Maintenance improvements, by Mojgan Aalipour, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.

2014 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on On the wave wind interactions and implications for Offshore wind turbines, by Siri M Kalvig, University of Stavanger, Norway. 

2014 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Offshore wind data integration, by Trinh Hoang, Nguyen, University of Agder, Norway

2013 Principal examiner, Doctoral thesis on Modelling flexible asset management in industrial maintenance companies and networks, by Salla Marttonen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland.

2012 External examiner, Doctoral thesis on Integrated health prediction of bridge systems using Dynamic object oriented Bayesian Networks (DOOBNs), by Ruizi Wang, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. 

2011 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Gas turbine based power generation with CO2 capture, by Nikolett Sipocz, University of Stavanger, Norway. 

2011 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Activity based life-cycle cost analysis: Design, operation, and maintenance in arctic environment, by Dina Kayrbekova, University of Stavanger, Norway. 

2010 External examiner, Doctoral thesis on Power systems reliability studies in the liberalized scenario, by Vijay Venu, Indian Institute of Technology, India. 

2009 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Design for production performance: Reliability, maintainability, Arctic condition, by Xueli Gao, University of Stavanger, Norway.

2009 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Evaluation of the structural integrity of corroding oil & gas pipes, by Maneesh Singh, University of Stavanger, Norway.

2009 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Technologies for better utilization of production resources, by Anders Ingwald, Vaxjo University, Sweden. 

2007 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Industrial service innovations: Practices, Processes, and Service relationships, by Sukhvir Panesar, University of Stavanger, Norway. 

2003 Principal examiner, Licentiate thesis on Product support and spare part planning considering system reliability and operating environment, by Behzad Ghodrati, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. 



2020 - Liyanage, J.P., Amadi-Echendu, J., Mathew, J., (ed.), Engineering assets and Public infrastructures in the Age of digitalization: The proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018), Springer. 

2017 - Liyanage, J.P., Uusitalo, T., (ed.), Value networks in Manufacturing: Sustainability and Performance excellence, Springer.

2012 - Tiusanen, R., Jannes, J., Liyanage, J.P., RAMSI management model and Evaluation criteria for Nordic Offshore wind assets, VTT, Finland.

2011 - Singh, M., Rao, B.K.N., Liyanage, J.P., (ed), Advances in Industrial asset integrity management, Proceedings of the 24th International congress on Condition monitoring an Diagnostic engineering management (COMADEM 2011), COMADEM International, UK.

