Oliver Martin Traxel

Professor i engelsk språk

Oliver Martin Traxel


E-post: oliver.traxel@uis.no

Rom: HG N-227


Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskap

Kort om meg

Originally from the city of Mainz/Germany, where I was born in 1970, I passed my Abitur twenty years later at the Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium, Weinheim. My main subjects were English and Latin, which prepared me for a career in English language studies with specific interest in the past stages. English Linguistics became one of my subjects at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg, with Prehistoric Archaeology and Egyptology being my other choices. My increasing interest in England, in particular the medieval period, led me to join a BA course in Medieval Studies at the University of Manchester in 1993, which I passed successfully three years later. In 1996, I joined Emmanuel College at the University of Cambridge, where I completed an MPhil degree in the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic in 1997, which prepared me for a subsequent doctoral programme. My particular interest during that time was in Old English manuscripts of the twelfth century. I was awarded a PhD degree in 2001. From 2001 to 2006 I was working in the wider field of English Linguistics as a Wissenschaftlicher Assistent to Prof. Dr. H. J. Neuhaus at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster for example on the Shakespeare Database Project and on my habilitation treatise on historical lexicology. I was awarded a venia legendi in English Philology in 2008. From 2006 to 2011 I represented the chair of English Medieval Studies and Historical Linguistics at the Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen in the role of interim professor. From 2011 to 2012 I was a lecturer at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster. In summer term 2012, I was teaching at the Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität, Munich, the Technische Universität, Darmstadt and the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg. From winter term 2012/13 to summer term 2015 I represented the chair of English Linguistics at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg in the role of interim professor. In winter term 2015/16, I was working as an interim professor in Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies at the Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken. In summer term 2016, I was teaching at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster. In August 2016, I took up a position of associate professor in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Stavanger, Norway and was promoted to a full professorship in April 2017. Since 2022 I have also acted as study programme leader of the English Section.

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      The Spelling of Conlangs: Fictional Languages and Their Orthographic Representation. I: Spelling Identities: Individual Orthographic Usages in English, Nordic and Constructed Languages.

      Reichert Verlag.

      ISBN 9783752006896.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      The reader as traveller : Interactive journeys within fantasy gamebooks. I: Travelling texts - texts Travelling : A Gedenkschrift in memory of Hans Sauer.


      ISBN 978383164996-9.


    • Fletcher, Rachel A.; Porck, Thijs; Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Early medieval English in the modern age : An introduction to Old English Medievalism. I: Old English Medievalism : Reception and recreation in the 20th and 21st Centuries.

      Boydell & Brewer.

      ISBN 9781843846505.


      DOI: 10.2307/j.ctv2k24cn4.7

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Creating a 'shadow tongue' : The merging of two language stages. I: Old English Medievalism : Reception and recreation in the 20th and 21st Centuries.

      Boydell & Brewer.

      ISBN 9781843846505.


      DOI: 10.2307/j.ctv2k24cn4.12

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Linguistic Medievalism in the Twenty-First Century. I: Middle Ages without borders : A conversation on medievalism.

      ISBN 9782728314935.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Old English words in modern contexts : The resurrection or reforming of extinct lexical items. I: Ihr werdet die Wahrheit erkennen / Ye Shall Know the Truth: Zum Gedenken an den Philologen / In Memory of the Philologist Ewald Standop.

      Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.

      ISBN 9783868218534.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Middle English in the modern world. I: Current Explorations in Middle English: Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME), University of Stavanger, Norway, 2017.

      Peter Lang Publishing Group.

      ISBN 978-3631782057.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Reviving a Past Language Stage: Modern Takes on Old English.

      Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature.

      ISSN 1436-7521.

      Volum 55.


      DOI: 10.3726/b15209

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Graphemics and Orthography in Massively Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Games: Use and Recognition. I: Von den Hieroglyphen zur Internetsprache: Das Verhältnis von Schrift, Laut und Sprache - From Hieroglyphs to Internet Language: The Relation of Script, Sound and Language.

      Reichert Verlag.

      ISBN 9783954901463.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Exploring the Linguistic Past through the Work(s) of J. R. R. Tolkien : some points of orientation from English language history. I: Binding Them All: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on J. R. R. Tolkien and His Works.

      Walking Tree Publishers.

      ISBN 978-3-905703-37-5.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Old English in the Modern World: Its Didactic Value.

      Old English Newsletter.

      ISSN 0030-1973.

      Volum 46.

      Hefte 3.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Languages. I: Handbook of Medieval Culture: Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages, 3 vols..

      De Gruyter Mouton.

      ISBN 9783110377606.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Altenglische Wörter in Mittelerde.

      Der Flammifer von Westernis: Die offizielle Vereinszeitschrift der Deutschen Tolkien Gesellschaft e.V..

      ISSN 1437-6563.

      Volum 53.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Pseudo-Archaic English: The Modern Perception and Interpretation of the Linguistic Past.

      Studia Anglica Posnaniensia.

      ISSN 0081-6272.

      Volum 47.

      Hefte 2-3.


      DOI: 10.2478/v10121-012-0003-y

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Electronic/Online Resources. I: English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook, 2 vols..

      De Gruyter Mouton.

      ISBN 978-3-11-020265-6.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      The Katherine Group as a Source for the Reconstruction of Unattested Words from the Old English Period. I: More than Words: English Lexicography and Lexicology Past and Present. Essays Presented to Hans Sauer on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Part I.

      Peter Lang Publishing Group.

      ISBN 9783631595770.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Medieval and Pseudo-Medieval Elements in Computer Role-Playing Games: Use and Interactivity.

      Studies in Medievalism.

      ISSN 0738-7164.

      Volum 16.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Linking Old English and Middle English: the Peterborough Chronicle as an Introductory Teaching Tool to the History of English. I: Bergs, Alexander & Janne Skaffari (eds.) The language of the Peterborough Chronicle.

      Peter Lang Publishing Group.

      ISBN 978-3-631-56454-7.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Low German Loanwords in Middle English: a Comparison Between the Electronic OED (Second Edition) and MED.

      Niederdeutsches Jahrbuch.

      ISSN 0083-5617.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Language Change, Writing and Textual Interference in Post-Conquest Old English Manuscripts: the Evidence of Cambridge, University Library, Ii. 1.33.

      Peter Lang Publishing Group.

      ISBN 978-0820473475.

  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Traxel, Oliver Martin; Myrvoll, Klaus Johan


      Spelling Identities: Individual Orthographic Usages in English, Nordic and Constructed Languages.

      Reichert Verlag.

      ISBN 9783752006896.

    • Fletcher, Rachel A.; Porck, Thijs; Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Old English Medievalism: Reception and Recreation in the 20th and 21st Centuries.

      Boydell & Brewer.

      ISBN 9781843846505.

      Hefte 21.

    • Fletcher, Rachel A.; Porck, Thijs; Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Old English Medievalism : Reception and recreation in the 20th and 21st Centuries.

      Boydell & Brewer.

      ISBN 9781843846505.

      Volum 21.

      Hefte ..

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin; Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Mäkinen, Martti; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar


      Current Explorations in Middle English: Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME), University of Stavanger, Norway, 2017.

      Peter Lang Publishing Group.

      ISBN 978-3631782057.

      Hefte 56.

    • Sutherland, Jon; Farrell, Simon; Agsten, Marcel; Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Invasion der Normannen.

      ISBN 9783939212065.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Habilitation Thesis: Lexical Instability and Replacement in the History of English with Particular Emphasis on the Documentation of Old English Words: Evidence from the 'Dictionary of Old English' and the 'Oxford English Dictionary'.

  • Formidling
    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: The Spelling of Conlangs: Fictional Languages and Their Orthographic Representation.

      Guest lecture;

      2024-06-25 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Welcome and Introduction.

      The Middle Ages in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Relevance, Reimagination, Inspiration (MARRI);

      2024-08-22 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Exploring the Linguistic Past through the Work(s) of J. R. R. Tolkien.

      FIKS Guest Lecture;

      2023-12-07 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Opening.

      Old Sources – New Creations: Modern Takes on Past English Language Stages;

      2022-09-09 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Closing and Outlook.

      Old Sources – New Creations: Modern Takes on Past English Language Stages;

      2022-09-09 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: The Reader as Traveller: Interactive Journeys within Fantasy Gamebooks .

      Travel(l)ing Texts – Texts Travel(l)ing: Symposium on the Occasion of Hans Sauer’s 75th Birthday;

      2021-11-12 - 2021-11-13.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: The Spelling of Conlangs: Fictional Languages and Their Orthographic Representation .

      Spelling, Writing and Identity, 2nd Symposium on Linguistic Identities;

      2021-11-29 - 2021-11-30.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Review: Sauer, Hans, and Piotr P. Chruszczewski, eds., Mostly Medieval: In Memory of Jacek Fisiak, Beyond Language 5. San Diego, CA 2020: Æ Academic Publishing.

      Academic Journal of Modern Philology.

      ISSN 2299-7164.

      Volum 14.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Fictional Englishes: Inventing a Past, Imagining a Future.

      Linguistic Identities Symposium;

      2019-09-12 - 2019-09-13.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Old English Words in Modern Contexts: The Resurrection or Reforming of Extinct Lexical Items.

      Medieval Symposium, 24th International Association of University Professors of English Triennial Conference (IAUPE);

      2019-07-20 - 2019-07-21.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Creating a "Shadow Tongue": The Merging of Two Language Stages.

      26th International Medieval Congress (IMC);

      2019-07-01 - 2019-07-04.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Old English in the Works of J. R. R. Tolkien.

      UiS Open Day;

      2019-03-05 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Exploring the Linguistic Past through the Work(s) of J. R. R. Tolkien.

      Guest Lecture;

      2019-10-30 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Review: Birkett, Tom, and Kirsty March-Lyons, ed., Translating Early Medieval Poetry: Transformation, Reception, Interpretation. Medievalism 11.

      Anglia. Zeitschrift für englische Philologie.

      ISSN 0340-5222.

      Volum 136.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Reviving a Past Language Stage: Modern Takes on Old English.

      6th Middle English Scribal Texts Symposium;

      2018-08-22 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Old English in the Works of J. R. R. Tolkien.


      2018-08-16 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Linguistic Medievalism in the 21st Century.

      4th The Middle Ages in the Modern World Conference;

      2018-11-21 - 2018-11-25.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Exploring the Linguistic Past through the Work(s) of J. R. R. Tolkien.


      2018-04-13 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Exploring the Linguistic Past through the Work(s) of J. R. R. Tolkien.

      Guest Lecture;

      2018-12-20 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Middle English in the Modern World.

      10th International Conference on Middle English;

      2017-05-31 - 2017-06-02.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Middle English in the Modern World.

      3rd Middle Ages in the Modern World Conference;

      2017-06-28 - 2017-07-01.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Reviving a Past Language Stage: Modern Takes on Old English.

      5th International Conference of the Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics, held at 24th International Medieval Congress;

      2017-06-03 - 2017-06-06.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: The Medievalism of Language: Translations of Modern Texts into Old and Middle English.

      5th Middle English Scribal Texts Symposium;

      2016-09-23 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Review: Traidl, Veronika. 2016. Telling Tales about Beowulf: The Poem and the Films. English and Beyond 4. Munich: Herbert Utz.

      Medievally Speaking.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Pseudo-Old English for a Modern Audience: Linguistic Creativity in Paul Kingsnorth's "The Wake".

      31st International Conference on Medievalism;

      2016-07-18 - 2016-07-20.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin; Nyberg, Elin


      The names of Tolkien's universe explained.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin; Nyberg, Elin


      Alle navnene i Ringenes herre har en historie.


      ISSN 1891-635X.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Ausflüge in die englische Sprachgeschichte mit J. R. R. Tolkien.

      Tolkien Thing;

      2015-07-09 - 2015-07-12.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Ausflüge in die englische Sprachgeschichte mit J. R. R. Tolkien.


      2015-08-21 - 2015-08-23.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Exploring the Linguistic Past through the Work(s) of J. R. R. Tolkien.

      Guest lecture;

      2015-07-14 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Old English, Middle English and Modern Media.

      Lecture Cycle: English-Speaking Cultures;

      2014-12-12 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Exploring the Linguistic Past through the Work(s) of J. R. R. Tolkien.

      Lecture Cycle: Einmal Tolkien und wieder zurück: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf J. R. R. Tolkien und sein Werk;

      2014-11-03 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: The Creation of Pseudo-Archaisms in the 18th Century: A Linguistic Study of Thomas Chatterton's Rowley Poems.

      18th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics;

      2014-07-14 - 2014-07-17.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Graphemik und Orthographie in englischsprachigen Massively Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Games: Verwendung und Erkennbarkeit.

      Linguistisches Kolloquium;

      2014-06-03 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: Übersetzungen moderner Texte ins Alt- und Mittelenglische.

      Symposium Probleme des Übersetzens: Sprache - Literatur - Kultur;

      2014-01-31 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: The English Language in Australia and New Zealand.

      Lecture Cycle: English-Speaking Cultures;

      2013-12-20 - .

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Paper: The Medievalism of Language: Translations of Modern Texts into Old and Middle English.

      1st The Middle Ages in the Modern World Conference;

      2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28.

    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Epilogue: Geschichtlicher Hintergrund. I: Invasion der Normannen.

      ISBN 9783939212065.


    • Traxel, Oliver Martin


      Review: de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine. 2010. Be Þam Lytlan Æþelinge. Transl. into Old English by Fritz Kemmler. Neckarsteinach: Edition Tintenfass, & de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine. 2008. The Litel Prynce. Transl. into Middle English by Walter Sauer. Neckarsteinach: Edition Tintenfass.


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