Tatiana Aleksandrovna Iakovleva

Professor i entreprenørskapsstudier

Tatiana Aleksandrovna Iakovleva


Telefon: 51831590

E-post: tatiana.a.iakovleva@uis.no

Rom: EOJ 233


Handelshøgskolen UiS

Avd. for innovasjon, led. og mark.føring

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Thomas, Elisa; Berg, Laila Margaret Nordstrand; Pinheiro, Romulo; Benneworth, Paul


      Universities and regional engagement : From the exceptional to the everyday.


      ISBN 9780367713072.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Bessant, John


      Responsible Innovation in Digital Health Empowering the Patient.

      Edward Elgar Publishing.

      ISBN 9781788975056.

    • Ødegård, Atle; Waldahl, Ragnhild Holmen; Willumsen, Elisabeth; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Strype, Jon


      Om utviklingen av spørreskjemaet SIMM-Q .

      ISBN 978-82-7321-751-6.

      Hefte 10/2018.

    • Meland, Kjersti V.; Iakovleva, Tatiana A


      Institutions and spin-offs: determining factors for etablishment and early market entry success for innovation based spin-offs from KIBS. In "Knowledge Intensive Business Services and Regional Competitiveness", ISBN 9781138859364.


      ISBN 9781138859364.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana A; Meland, Kjersti V.


      Spin-offs as the business model for innovation. I: Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship - ECIE 2015, 17-18 September, Genoa..

      Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.

      ISBN 978-1-910810-49-1.

    • Alsos, Gry Agnete; Brastad, Bjørn; Iakovleva, Tatiana; Ljunggren, Elisabet


      Flere og bedre bedriftsetableringer? Evaluering av Innovasjon Norges stipendordninger 1999-2005.

      Hefte 2006.

  • Formidling
    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Pasientmedvirkning i utvikling av digitale helse- og sosialtjenester.

      Workshop om EU finansiering til prosjekter innenfor helseteknologi;


    • Du, Shuili; Xie, Chunyan; Bagozzi, Richard P; Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Oftedal, Elin Merethe


      Humanizing Health Apps to Promote Usage among the Elderly Population.

      Marketing and Public Policy Conference;

      2023-06-08 - 2023-06-10.

    • Xie, Chunyan; Du, Shuili; Bagozzi, Richard P; Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Oftedal, Elin Merethe


      Elderly Consumers’ Reaction to an eHealth App: The Critical Role of Socio-Emotional Aspects of Technology Adoption.

      Project seminar of "Releasing the power of users";


    • Xie, Chunyan; Du, Shuili; Bagozzi, Richard P; Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Oftedal, Elin Merethe


      Elderly Consumers’ Reaction to an eHealth App: The Critical Role of Socio-Emotional Aspects of Technology Adoption.

      The Workshop “Explore the future with Maia, your personal AI assistant”;


    • Bessant, John Robert; Huang, Judy Hong; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Hearing user voices in innovation; the role of tools and boundary spaces.

      XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference 2023;

      2023-06-04 - 2023-06-07.

    • Shamsi, Marjan; Bagozzi, Richard P.; Olsen, Espen; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Digital remote working in the digitalization era: A cross-lagged study of attitude, behavior, and work engagement.

      EAWOP - 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress 2023;

      2023-05-24 - 2023-05-27.

    • Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Kaiser, Matthias


      Do You Speak Responsible Innovation.

      ODAM konferanse, Bordeaux;

      2023-07-11 - 2023-07-13.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Norwegian Smart Care Lab as an exsample of the boandary innovation space.



    • Huang, Judy Hong; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Bessant, John Robert


      PhD 50% seminar: Living lab for user involvement in innovation.

      PhD 50% seminar;


    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Bessant, John Robert; Huang, Judy Hong


      Hearing the voice of vulnerable users in healthcare innovation.

      Open User Innovation conference;

      2023-07-10 - 2023-07-11.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Explore MAIA- you personal AI assistant.

      Workshop about AI in health;


    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Xie, Chunyan; Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Du, Shuili


      Role of Anticipated Emotions in the technology acceptance of digital health applications among elderly users – the case of Norway.


      2023-11-02 - 2023-11-03.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Sett med pensjonistens oyne - hvordan utlose brukerstemmens kraft.

      Digital Helse;

      2023-05-24 - 2023-05-25.

    • Du, Shuili; Bagozzi, Richard P; Xie, Chunyan; Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Oftedal, Elin Merethe


      Humanizing Health Apps to Promote Usage Among the Elderly: The Roles of Human-Technology Relationship and Anticipated Emotions.

      EMAC conference;

      2022-05-24 - 2022-05-27.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Kickul, Jill; Thomas, Elisa; Oftedal, Elin M


      PDW Future Literacy Lab for Social Impact of Digital Entrepreneurship.

      Academy of Management Annual Meeting;

      2022-08-05 - 2022-08-09.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna




      2022-10-30 - 2022-11-01.

    • Huang, Hong; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Bessant, John Robert


      Boundary spaces to enable innovation: the role of living labs.

      23rd International CINet Conference;

      2022-09-11 - 2022-09-13.

    • Huang, Hong; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Thomas, Elisa; Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes


      The emergence of the boundary innovation space for user involvement – the study of a living lab in welfare service in Norway.

      ISPIM Innovation Conference;

      2022-06-04 - 2022-06-07.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Thapa, Raj Kumar


      Governing digital innovations for responsible outcomes – the case of digital healthcare and welfare services.

      Academy of Management Conference;

      2022-08-06 - 2022-08-10.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Brukerens stemme.

      Bolig for livet ;


    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      historical overview of Norwegian smart Care lab development and evolution.

      Releasing the power of users seminar;

      2022-09-29 - 2022-10-01.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Olsen, Espen; Jensen, Maria Therese; Shahverdi, Masoumeh


      Antecedents of creativity during the COVID-19 pandemic: A JD-R perspective.

      International CINet confernce;

      2022-09-11 - 2022-09-13.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Bessant, John Robert; Oftedal, Elin Merethe; da Silva, Luciana Maines


      Innovating Responsibly—Challenges and Future Research Agendas.


      ISSN 2071-1050.

      Volum 13.

      DOI: 10.3390/su13063215

    • Ødegård, Atle; Waldahl, Ragnhild Holmen; Willumsen, Elisabeth; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Strype, Jon


      The conceptual development of the Social Innovation Measurement Model (SIMM-Q).

      the 5th Innovation in Public Services and public Policy conference Pubsic conference (PUBSIC 2020);

      2020-01-29 - 2020-01-31.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Laudal, Thomas


      Ansvarlig innovasjon i digitale helse -Pasienter og brukere som digitale partnere.



    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Oftedal, Elin Merethe; hagland, marit; Wåge, Dagfinn


      Towards responsible innovation business model – recognizing economic, environmental and social values.

      ISPIM conference ;


    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Releasing the power of users – articulating user interests to accelerate new innovative pathways in digital health and welfare sector.

      Learning network workshop 1;


    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Toward an inclusive, entrepreneurial and economically sustainable future for developing and Central Eastern European Countries (editorial).

      Forum Scientiae Oeconomia.

      ISSN 2300-5947.

      Volum 7.

      Hefte 1.


    • Meland, Kjersti V.; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship through public procurement for innovation (PPI): a case study of Norwegian local government procurement.


      2019-09-08 - .

    • Meland, Kjersti V.; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Entrepreneurial processes of spin-off establishments in SMEs..

      II Paper Development seminar: II New developments in entrepreneurial process research;

      2019-04-22 - 2019-04-23.

    • Meland, Kjersti V.; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Firms digital strategies: drivers .


      2019-11-21 - 2019-11-22.

    • Meland, Kjersti V.; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Firms digitalization strategies.Sources and effects on innovation..


      2019-05-07 - 2019-05-08.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Meland, Kjersti V.


      Digitalization as enabler of innovation capacity and firm growth.


      2019-11-21 - 2019-11-22.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Digitalize or Die.

      Digitalize or Die – Dynamic Drivers of Responsible Research and Innovation in health and welfare services;


    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Responsible Innovation – Creating Smart Cities Together.

      Nordic Edge;


    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Laudal, Thomas


      Empowering the users - Implications of digitization for innovation and entrepreneurship in healthcare.

      ACERE Conference;

      2018-02-06 - 2018-02-09.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Foss, Lene


      Achieving Strategic Fit through RRI -The case of e-Health start-ups in Norway.

      ACERE Conference;

      2018-02-06 - 2018-02-09.

    • Thapa, Raj Kumar; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Digitalization and responsibility as a driver for a successful new venture creation.

      NORSI Research School Conference;

      2018-01-11 - 2018-01-12.

    • Thapa, Raj Kumar; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Digitalization and responsibility -driver for a successful new venture creation: Case of healthcare and Welfare Services.

      ACERE Conference and Doctoral Consortium, Brisbane, 6-9.2.2018;

      2018-02-06 - 2018-02-09.

    • Thapa, Raj Kumar; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Digitalization and responsibility as a driver for a successful new venture creation.

      Public Seminar “Digitalize or Die – Dynamic Drivers of Responsible Research and Innovation in health and welfare services”, ;


    • Thapa, Raj Kumar; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Digitalize or Die – Dynamic Drivers of Responsible Research and Innovation in health and welfare services.

      Rogaland: Innovasjonskonferansen 2018 “Inspirasjonstorget”;


    • Thapa, Raj Kumar; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Foss, Lene


      Responsible Research and Innovation: A Systematic Review of Conceptual Papers& Future Research Agenda.

      Center for Innovation Research PhD/Postdoc Workshop, UiS Business School,;


    • Thapa, Raj Kumar; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Responsible Research and Innovation: Innovation initiatives for Positive Social Impact.

      Regional Innovation Policies Conference;

      2018-10-11 - 2018-10-12.

    • Thapa, Raj Kumar; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna


      Responsible digital disruption – the case of e-Health.

      Regional Innovation Policies Conference;

      2018-10-11 - 2018-10-12.

    • Thapa, Raj Kumar; Iakovleva, Tatiana A; Foss, Lene


      Responsible Research and Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review.

      ISPIM konferanse;

      2017-06-18 - 2017-06-21.

    • Laudal, Thomas; Iakovleva, Tatiana A; Dent, John; Williams, Michael D; Kumar, Raj



      ISPIM Conference 2017;

      2017-06-19 - 2017-06-21.

    • Kickul, Jill; Iakovleva, Tatiana A


      Doing it responsibly- bringing innovations to market.

      ISPIM conference;

      2017-06-19 - 2017-06-21.

    • Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Foss, Lene; Iakovleva, Tatiana A


      Dynamic Drivers of responsible innovation.


      2017-06-19 - 2017-06-21.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana A


      Digitalization as a driver for new entrepreneurial business models. Case of e-health.

      AOM confernce;

      2017-08-04 - 2017-08-09.

    • Isaksen, Arne; Fløysand, Arnt; Asheim, Bjørn Terje; Aslesen, Heidi; Hydle, Katja Maria; Gjelsvik, Martin; Tveterås, Ragnar; Normann, Roger Henning; Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Jakobsen, Stig-Erik; Herstad, Sverre Johan; Thune, Taran Mari; Iakovleva, Tatiana A


      Innovasjons- og næringslivsforskning ved et veiskille.


      ISSN 0333-0273.

      Hefte 3/4.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana A


      Digitalize or Die - Responsible Innovations in Healthcare and Welfare Sectors.

      International Conference on Social Studies, Communication and Education;

      2016-05-02 - 2016-05-03.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana A; Thapa, Raj Kumar


      Responsible Innovation through ICT solutions in Healthcare and Welfare Sectors – theoretical perspective.

      European Summer University Conference;

      2016-09-16 - 2016-09-18.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana A; Oftedal, Elin Merethe


      Digitalize or Die - new project in welfare and health research.

      presentation for Norwegian Smart Care Cluster;


    • Iakovleva, Tatiana A; Fitjar, Rune Dahl


      Forskerprosjekt "Digitalize or Die - dynamic drivers for responsible research and innovation in health and welfare sectors".

      Intermunicipality network for welfare technology ;


    • Iakovleva, Tatiana A


      From Employee to entrepreneur.

    • Haugland, Siri Håvås; Iakovleva, Tatiana A; Prøsch-Danielsen, Lisbeth; Åmo, Bjørn Willy


      What is the role of the co-supervisor to the doctoral process at UiA, Uis and Nord University?.

      Developing Doctoral Supervison course 2016 ;

      2016-11-16 - 2016-11-17.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana A


      Entrepreneurial Intentions, Risk Perceptions and Cultural Norms - does the gender matters?.

      Academy of Management Proceedings.

      ISSN 0065-0668.

      DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2016.18125abstrac

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana A


      Entrepreneurial Intentions, Risk Perceptions and Cultural Norms – does the gender matters?.

      Academy of Management Conference;

      2016-07-31 - 2016-08-11.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana; Shirokova, Galina; Tzukanova, Tatiana


      Exploring the Relationship between University Context and Entrepreneurial Intentions: Institutional Perspective.


      2014-11-19 - 2014-11-21.

    • Melland, Kjersti; Iakovleva, Tatiana


      Institutions and spin-offs from SME´s: Determining factors for creation of spin-offs from SME´s.


      2014-11-19 - 2014-11-21.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana; Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Foss, Lene


      Impact of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial intentions: University context and educational program characteristics.

      ACERE Conference;

      2014-02-04 - 2014-02-07.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana; Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Foss, Lene


      Influence of the University Context on innovativeness, Creativity and Entrepreneurial Intentions of the Students - 5 County Study.

      EURAM 2014;

      2014-07-04 - 2014-07-07.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana; Solesvik, Marina


      Entrepreneurial intentions in post-Soviet economies: Gender differences and entrepreneurial cultural values in Russia and Ukraine.

      USASBE Conference;

      2013-01-10 - 2013-01-13.

    • Foss, Lene; Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Iakovleva, Tatiana


      Action-Based Education in Academic Entrepreneurship: A New Role of the Student?.


      2013-01-10 - 2013-01-13.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana


      Gender Differences in Entrepreneurial Intentions, Risk Perceptions and Cultural Norms.

      58th International Council for Small Business World Conference;

      2013-06-20 - 2013-06-23.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana; Kolvereid, Lars; Sørhaug, Ø.; Gorgievski, M.


      Perceived Barriers to entrepreneurship: A qualitative comparison of developing and developed countries. I: Entrepreneurical Strategies and Policies for Economic Growth.

      ISBN 978-88-6292-266-1.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana; Borch, O.J.


      Entrepreneurship and collaboration for innovation. I: XXIII ISPIM Conference: Action for Innovation: innovating from experience.

      ISBN 978-952-265-242-3.

    • Iakovleva, Tatiana; Borch, Odd Jarl; Melland, K.M.


      The role of innovation and knowledge codification in SME growth through business groups model.

      Research in Entrepreneurship and small Business. Book of abstracts.

      ISSN 2219-5572.


    • Iakovleva, Tatiana; Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Foss, Lene


      Impact of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial intentions: university enterprise context, educational program characteristics and theory of planned behavior.

      Research in Entrepreneurship and small Business. Book of abstracts.

      ISSN 2219-5572.

    • Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe; Iakovleva, Tatiana; Didyk, Vladimir; Kharitonova, G


      Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Nature Based Tourism – The role of Institutional Profiles in Northern Norway and Northwest Russia.

      The 56th annual world conference on ICSB’;

      2011-06-15 - 2011-06-18.

    • Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe; Iakovleva, Tatiana; Didyk, Vladimir; Isaeva, Ludmila; Kharitonova, G; Petrov, V


      Economic development of protected areas in Norway and Russia.

      NFRs Nordområdekonferanse;

      2010-11-10 - 2010-11-12.

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