What should you consider when choosing a country for outbound exchange?

Familiarise yourself with potential host countries before applying for exchange.

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When planning an exchange, there are several factors you need to consider that may be relevant to you and your individual situation. Here are some key points you should look at before applying for exchange through the University of Stavanger (UiS).

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Personal considerations

There may be personal considerations you should take into account when looking at possible countries for an exchange. These might relate to minority background, ethnicity and religion, gender, sexual orientation and identity, language and culture, climate, safety, disability, healthcare, medications, and similar factors.

It's important to research the countries you are interested in beforehand and assess whether there are factors relevant to your individual situation. This way, you can make informed decisions and be better prepared for your exchange.

Here are some external links that may be useful:

Personal finances

It is crucial to understand the cost of living in the countries you are considering. Please remember that there can be significant variations between different cities within the same country, and you should investigate typical living costs for students, especially focusing on housing, groceries, transport, activities, and similar expenses. These are costs you will incur in addition to travel expenses and any potential tuition fees at the host institution.

Read more about finances during your exchange.

Academic freedom, activism, and security

As a student from Norway, it can be a significant transition to study in a country where there might not be as much academic freedom. This could mean that certain topics or viewpoints are not accepted or open for discussion. You can explore various countries through the Academic Freedom Index.

If you experience direct or indirect pressure on your academic freedom of expression or recruitment attempts related to intelligence activities, you should report this through UiS's notification portal Let us know. Here you can report things that have happened in your classes, during placements, or in your free time as long as it affects your learning environment.

You should also be aware that in several countries, as an exchange student, you may not be allowed to participate in political demonstrations or similar activities. This can result in visa cancellation and deportation, and it's important that you are familiar with the laws regarding this.


You must check whether you need a visa to go on exchange to the countries you are interested in. This generally depends on your nationality. It is important to check what type of visa you need and what factors influence this; for example, whether you are undertaking studies or a placement, or the duration of your stay.

You should contact the relevant embassy or equivalent if you have questions about the visa and the application process. If you have already been nominated to a host institution, you can also contact them, for example, if you need documents for your visa application.

Please remember to check the expiration date of your passport and any requirements for how long it must be valid after your return.


It is important to stay updated on which vaccines are required or recommended for the countries you wish to travel to. This information can be found on the Norwegian Institute of Public Health's website for travel health advice.

If you are going on a placement, there may be requirements for specific vaccines. As soon as you have received a response to your exchange application and know where you will be traveling, you should contact your department and host institution for more information about any vaccine requirements for the placement period.

To get the best effect from the vaccines, you should start the vaccination process well in advance of your departure.