Anders Vassenden

Professor i sosiologi

Anders Vassenden


Telefon: 51831523


Rom: EOJ SV-313


Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for medie- og samfunnsfag

Kort om meg

Anders Vassenden is Professor of Sociology at the University of Stavanger, Norway, and holds a doctorate from the University of Oslo. His research interests include cultural sociology, social class, ethnic relations, ethno-racial stigmatization, national identities, qualitative methods, child welfare, and housing studies. His research on these topics is inspired by microsociological theory, particularly the work of Erving Goffman.

At UiS, Vassenden teaches cultural sociology (BA) and qualitative methods (PHD). He is currently the program coordinator for the sociology program, and is head of the researcher group called The Interactionist Cultural Sociology Group.

Among Vassenden's key publications are:

Vassenden A, A Handulle & J Orupabo (2024) To confront or not to confront? Seeing minorities’ responses to ethnoracial stigmatisation through Goffman’s ritual interaction order. The Sociological Review, (

Handulle A & A Vassenden (2024) Transmission of child removal stories Among Norwegian Somalis: An interactionist analysis of ethnic minority parents’ fears of child welfare services. Acta Sociologica, 67(2), 198-214. (

Vassenden A & M Mangset (2024) Social Encounters and the Worlds Beyond: Putting Situationalism to Work for Qualitative Interviews. Sociological Methods & Research, 53(2), 1002-1032. (

Vassenden A & I Rusnes (2022) ’I Say I Work at the University’. Norwegian Professors and Passing as Interaction Ritual. Symbolic Interaction. 45(3):327-355 (

Vassenden A & M Jonvik (2022) Photo Elicitation and the Sociology of Taste: A Review of the Field, Empirical Illustrations, Arguments for A “Return to Photography. The Sociological Quarterly 63(1):154-174 (

Vassenden A & T Lie (2013) Telling Others How You Live – Refining Goffman's Stigma Theory Through an Analysis of Housing Strugglers in a Homeowner Nation. Symbolic Interaction 36(1):78–98 (

Vassenden, A. (2010) Untangling the different components of Norwegianness. Nations and Nationalism, 16(4):734–752. (

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Bergsgard, Nils Asle; Vassenden, Anders


      Hva har oljen gjort med oss? Økonomisk vekst og kulturell endring.

      Cappelen Damm AS.

      ISBN 9788202451615.

    • Bergsgard, Nils Asle; Vassenden, Anders


      Avsluttende essay: Rike og like?. I: Hva har oljen gjort med oss? Økonomisk vekst og kulturell endring.

      Cappelen Damm AS.

      ISBN 9788202451615.

    • Vassenden, Anders; Bergsgard, Nils Asle; Bratt, Christopher; Lie, Terje


      Sammen eller hver for seg? Botetthet og integrering blant rusavhengige kommunale leietakere – funn fra spørreundersøkelser blant boligadministrasjoner og beboere..

    • Vassenden, Anders; Bergsgard, Nils Asle; Lie, Terje


      "Ryktet forteller hvor du bor". Botetthet og integrering blant rusavhengige kommunale leietakere.

    • Vassenden, Anders; Lie, Terje; Skoland, Kathrine


      "Man må ha en plass å bo" - En sosiologisk studie av vanskeligstilte i et boligeierland.

    • Nødland, Svein Ingve; Vassenden, Anders


      Inkludering i idrettslag Gjennomgang av en tilskuddsordning.

    • Vassenden, Anders; Thygesen, Janne; Brosvik Beyer, Stian; Alvestad, Marit; Abrahamsen, Gerd Randi


      Barnehagens organisering og strukturelle faktorers betydning for kvalitet.

    • Vassenden, Anders; Bergsgard, Nils Asle


      Et skritt tilbake? En sosiologisk studie av unge norske kunstnere med innvandringsbakgrunn.


      ISBN 978-82-7081-155-7.

    • Berg, Christin; Vassenden, Anders; Gjerstad, Brita


      Innvandrere som risikogruppe i trafikken -forslag til tiltak?.

    • Vassenden, Anders


      Kartlegging og evaluering av prøveordningen med kulturkort for ungdom.

    • Bergsgard, Nils Asle; Vassenden, Anders


      Stavanger-regionen som europeisk kulturhovedstad - slik kulturaktørene ser det.

    • Blomgren, Atle; Vassenden, Anders


      Utfordringsnotat til Rogaland Fylkeskommunes arbeid med: "Det er bruk for alle" - Regionplan for et inkluderende samfunn.

  • Formidling
    • Vassenden, Anders


      Putting Erving Goffman’s Theories to Work in Empirical Sociology: Ritual, Stigma, and the Interaction Order Sui Generis in Studies of Social Class and Ethnic Relations..

      Invitert for vitenskapelig presentasjon;


    • Vassenden, Anders; Handulle, Ayan Abdi Mohamoud; Orupabo, Julia


      The Force of Situations: Ambiguous Ethnoracial Stigmatization and the Interaction Order.

      European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (EUSSSI) Annual Conference;

      2023-07-05 - 2023-07-07.

    • Vassenden, Anders; Mangset, Marte


      Turning critique into promise: How situationalism can aid qualitative training.

      Spark talk;


    • Vassenden, Anders; Orupabo, Julia; Handulle, Ayan Abdi Mohamoud


      The Force of Situations: Ambiguous Ethnic Stigmatization and the Interaction Order.

      The Nordic Sociological Association Conference;

      2022-08-10 - 2022-08-12.

    • Orupabo, Julia; Vassenden, Anders; Handulle, Ayan Abdi Mohamoud


      Saving the white guys’ face: Unpacking the invisible labour behind non-responses to racial stigmatization.

      Contemporary forms of racism and discrimination;

      2022-09-18 - 2022-09-21.

    • Vassenden, Anders


      Egalitarianism as an interaction order phenomenon: A Goffmanian reinterpretation of elites’ ordinariness.

      8th international Power Conference. ;

      2022-11-24 - 2022-11-26.

    • Vassenden, Anders


      "I say I work at the University": Norwegian Professors and Passing as Interaction Ritual.

      The Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Conference 2021;

      2021-08-05 - 2021-08-08.

    • Skarpenes, Ove; Hestholm, Roger; Vassenden, Anders


      Den store middelklassesamtalen.

      Eilerts salong;


    • Vassenden, Anders; Handulle, Ayan Abdi Mohamoud; Vedøy, Gunn


      A modern-day Pied Piper? Migrants to Norway, The Child Welfare Services, and rumor.

      The European Sociological Association Conference 2019.;

      2019-08-20 - 2019-08-23.

    • Mangset, Marte; Vassenden, Anders


      'A-B-C, as easy as 1-2-3'? Towards a situational understanding of qualitative interviews..

      European Sociological Association Conference 2019;

      2019-08-20 - 2019-08-23.

    • Handulle, Ayan Abdi Mohamoud; Vassenden, Anders


      The role of ethnicity in child welfare institutions: How do second-generation Somali parents cope with ethnic stigma?.

      The Migration Conference ;

      2018-06-26 - 2018-06-28.

    • Vassenden, Anders; Jonvik, Merete; Gujord, Heming H.; Bergsgard, Nils Asle


      Ridiculing your house while respecting what you read: Distinction and morality in two contrasting fields of cultural consumption.

      Nordic Sociological Association Conference 2018;

      2018-08-08 - 2018-08-10.

    • Vassenden, Anders; Vedøy, Gunn; Handulle, Ayan Abdi Mohamoud


      A modern-day Pied Piper of Hamelin? The Norwegian Child Protective Services, migrant associations, bonding social capital.

      the 29th Nordic Sociological Association Conference;

      2018-08-08 - 2018-08-10.

    • Vassenden, Anders; Vedøy, Gunn


      Innvandrere, sivile organisasjoner og velferd.

      Mangfold, velferdsstat og frivillighet;


    • Vassenden, Anders


      Hva har oljen gjort med oss? Økonomisk vekst og kulturell endring.

      Jæren Senior Universitet;


    • Vassenden, Anders; Jonvik, Merete


      Photo elicitation in the study of culture and taste.

      American Sociological Association Annual Meeting;

      2017-08-11 - 2017-08-16.

    • Vassenden, Anders; Jonvik, Merete


      Photoe elicitation in the study of culture and taste2.

      The Network for the Studies of Cultural Distinctions and Social Differentiation-workshop (SCUD). Rising Inequalities;


    • Vassenden, Anders


      Oljevirksomhetens påvirkning av den sosiale og kulturelle utviklingen i Stavanger-området.

      Populærvitenskapelig innlegg;


    • Vassenden, Anders


      Fra religionshovedstad til religiøst hukommelsestap?.

      Prestemøte i Stavanger;


    • Jonvik, Merete; Vassenden, Anders


      Cultural capital as a hidden asset. Management of class differences in everyday life.

      The Network for the Studies of Cultural Distinctions and Social Differentiation-workshop (SCUD);

      2016-06-07 - 2016-06-08.

    • Gjerstad, Brita; Vassenden, Anders


      Skreddersydd kjøreopplæring.


      ISSN 0332-8988.

      Hefte 9.

    • Gjerstad, Brita; Vassenden, Anders


      Innvandrere i trafikken.

      Dagens næringsliv.

      ISSN 0803-9372.

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