Carina Antonia Hallin

Førsteamanuensis II i kollektiv og hybrid intelligens

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Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Norsk hotellhøgskole

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      The State of Knowledge Management (KM) Research and Practices in the Hospitality Industry. I: Current Research in Hospitality and Tourism.


      ISBN 978-82-450-1410-5.


    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      An Organizational Prediction Market: Turning Frontline Employees into Visionaries. I: Current Research in Hospitality and Tourism.


      ISBN 978-82-450-1410-5.


      DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2125878

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia; Øgaard, Torvald; Marnburg, Einar


      Exploring Qualitative Differences in Knowledge Sources: A Study of Hierarchical Effects of Judgmental Confidence and Accuracy Performance.

      International Journal of Knowledge Management.

      ISSN 1548-0666.

      Volum 5.

      Hefte 4.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia; Marnburg, Einar


      Knowledge management in the hospitality industry: A review of empirical research.

      Tourism Management.

      ISSN 0261-5177.

      Volum 29.

      Hefte 2.


      DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2007.02-019

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia; Marnburg, Einar


      In Times of Uncertainty in the Hotel Industry: Hotel Directors' Decision-Making and Coping Strategies for Dealing with Uncertainty in Change Activities.

      Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.

      ISSN 1502-2250.

      Volum 7.

      Hefte 4.


    • Hallin, Carina Antonia; Mykletun, Reidar J.


      Space and Place for BASE: On the Evolution of a BASE-Jumping Attraction Image.

      Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.

      ISSN 1502-2250.

      Volum 6.

      Hefte 2.


    • Harrison, Jeffrey S.; Chang, Eun-Young; Hallin, Carina Antonia; Joerchel, Todd; Nevarez, Jorge; Wang, Meng


      Exporting a North American Concept to Asia - Starbucks in China.

      The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly.

      ISSN 0010-8804.

      Volum 46.

      Hefte 2.


  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Boucher, Stephen; Hallin, Carina Antonia; Paulson, Lex


      The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance.


      ISBN 9781003215929.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      Exploring the Strategic Impact of Service Employees? Tacit Knowledge: The Development of an Indicator for Forecasting Economic Performance of Hotel Companies.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 9788276443844.

      Hefte 77.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia; Marnburg, Einar


      En rapport om udvikling af lokalt tilpasset kompetencehævningsprogrammer.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

  • Formidling
    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      Ansatte kan spå om fremtiden.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      Servicemedarbeideres kunnskap under lupen.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      Lønnsom involvering.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      Ansatte kan spå inntjeningen.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      Ansatte kan forutsi inntjening.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      Using employee knowledge to forecast company performance: An exploratory study of a prediction index.

      The 17th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research;

      2008-09-25 - 2008-09-28.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia; Tveterås, Sigbjørn


      Hospitality employees' confidence towards the future: An Exploraratory study of prediction index for forecasting economic performance of hotel businesses.

      Advances in Tourism Economics 2007;

      2007-04-13 - 2007-04-14.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia; Øgaard, Torvald; Marnburg, Einar


      Differences in confidence-accuracy calibration performance between employees and executives in the hotel industry.

      The 16th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research;

      2007-09-27 - 2007-09-30.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia; Marnburg, Einar


      Front Personnel's Amazing Strategic Knowledge? Tracking a Curious Research Idea.

      Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE)2005. Sharing Tourism Knowledge;

      2005-02-01 - 2005-02-05.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      Uncertainty as a Means of Competitive Certainty.

      Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE)conference 2005. Sharing Tourism Knowledge.;

      2005-02-01 - 2005-02-05.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      Knowledge Management Issues in the Hospitality Industry. What do We Know?.

      14th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research;

      2005-09-22 - 2005-09-25.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia


      Strategic Change Management in the Hospitality Industry - The Loci of Hotel Directors' perceived Contextual and Operational Uncertainty.

      13th Nordic Symposium of Hospitality and Tourism Research;

      2004-11-04 - 2004-11-07.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia; Mykletun, Reidar J.


      Image Diffusion of the Base Jumpers Mekka.

      The 12th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research;

      2003-10-02 - 2003-10-05.

    • Hallin, Carina Antonia; Mykletun, Reidar J.


      The experience of free fall flight when BASE-jumping in Kjerag, Norway.

      Conference at Waikato University, New Zealand;

      2003-12-08 - 2003-12-11.

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