Huiwen Gong

Førsteamanuensis i regionale studier

Huiwen Gong



Sted: Stavanger, Norway


Handelshøgskolen UiS

Avd. for innovasjon, led. og mark.føring

Kort om meg

Huiwen Gong is Associate Professor of Regional Studies and Innovation at the Business School of the University of Stavanger. She holds a PhD in Economic Geography from Kiel University, Germany. From 2020-2022, she was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow (proposal among the top 5% of 1740 proposals submitted in the category "Social Sciences and Humanity") with the topic "The Geographies of Value Chain Construction in Emerging Complex Industries: a Comparative Study of the Electric Vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Industry in China and Germany". Her research focuses on the geographies of sustainability transitions, Sino-German industrial dynamics, regional foresight and the geography of innovation with a particular interest in the batttery value chains in China and Europe. She has conducted extensive field research in various industries (video games, blockchain, and batteries) in different regions in China, Germany and Switzerland. Her current research examines the strategies for building battery value chains by corporate and state actors in China and Europe (Germany and Nordic countries) under intensified geopolitical tensions with a particular focus on the local social, environmental and economic impacts of such a global battery craze. Her teaching activities include courses on the geography of sustainability transition, innovation studies, economic geography and geography of innovation.
