Mikhail Gradovski

Professor i sosialpedagogikk

Mikhail Gradovski


Telefon: 51832413

E-post: mikhail.gradovski@uis.no

Rom: KA A-233


Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for sosialfag

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Eriksen, Heidi Lie; Gradovski, Mikhail


      Praksisveiledning i sosionomutdanningen. En kvalitativ studie av sosionomstudenters og praksisveilederes erfaringer og opplevelser med praksisveiledning. .

      ISBN 978-82-8439-211-0.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen; Rutanen, Niina; Sumsion, Jennifer; Mika, Carl TH; White, E. Jayne


      The first 1000 days of early childhood : Becoming.

      Springer Nature.

      ISBN 9789813296558.

      Hefte 10.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Evaluering av kurset for PhD veiledere.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

    • Bjørknes, Linda Elisabeth; Delås, Grethe Marit; Gradovski, Mikhail; Haaland, Joakim Jiri; Lone, Arvid; Paulsen, Erik; Søndenå, Kari


      Sosialpedagogikkens mangfold.


      ISBN 9788245023169.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Gradovski, Mikhail. Et godt sted å være – et godt sted å lære? Evaluering av leseopplæringen på det 2. trinnet.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      The educational relational construct of a dialogue in writings of representatives of the Norwegian Dialogue Pedagogy.

      ISBN 9788247183342.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      The educational relational construct of a dialogue in writings of representatives of the Norwegian Dialogue Pedagogy.

      Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet.

      ISBN 9788247183489.

      Volum 2008.

      Hefte 116.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Krasilnikova, Vera; Avdeev, Aleksey


      Some actual problems of the Pedagogical and General Education in the north of Europe.

      ISBN 5-88476-184-8.

  • Formidling
    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Veiledning i transformative kunnskapssamfunn: utfordringer og behov.

      Veiledningskonferansen 2024;

      2024-02-08 - 2024-02-09.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Løkken, Ingrid Midteide


      Polyphonic journey of becoming academicians.

      Association for Visual Pedagogies (AVP) Conference: Decolonising Visualities, Visibilising Pedagogies. ;

      2023-06-08 - 2023-06-10.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Omre, Unn Cecilie


      Addressing the challenge of the balance between the sound environment for the child to develop and the requirement to maintain child’s ties with its family.

      European Conference of Social Work Education 2023;

      2023-06-19 - 2023-06-23.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Akademisk boikott vil ikke bare straffe israelsk akademia, men også en selv..


      ISSN 1894-8995.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Vi må verne om vår akademiske frihet og ikke gi biter av den bort.


      ISSN 1894-8995.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      ISPAS project: development and results.

      ISPAS final meeting;

      2022-02-24 - 2022-02-25.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Welfare protection of LGBT+ youth and families in Norway..

      International Science Days;


    • Larsen, Bjørn Kjetil; Gradovski, Mikhail; Øndes, Salim Josef; Kajamaa, Anu


      Mind the gap : interprofessional collaboration for reintegration after prison. Podcast: Better together : improving interagency collaboration, innovation and learning.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Coenders Gallart, Germa


      Paving the path of the PhD tracking in Europe: development of the survey for PhD candidates.

      UK CGE 2022;

      2022-06-30 - 2022-07-01.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Introduction speech to the First DPJ Online Conference.

      The First DPJ Online Conference;

      2022-12-12 - 2022-12-14.

    • White, Jayne; Gradovski, Mikhail


      A point of departure: A chronotopic encounter with Bakhtin..

      17th International Bakhtin Conference;

      2021-07-05 - 2021-07-10.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      PhD supervisors’ own perspectives on how a course for development of supervisors’ agency should be designed and what it should include..

      IDERN Research Symposium;

      2021-07-12 - 2021-07-13.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Welfare protection of LGBT+ youth and families: issues and challenges..

      International Week at the AP univerisity of applied sciences and arts Antwerpen;


    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Rutanen, Niina


      The First 1000 Days of Early Childhood – Becoming Presenting the book and discussion (particularly Finnish, Norwegian and Russian perspectives). Commentaries and reflections on local diversities and global commonalities.

      Young children in diverse cultural and institutional contexts – the first 1000 days and beyond;


    • Vatne, Bente; Søndenå, Kari; Gradovski, Mikhail


      Staging subjectivity in bachelor thesis.

      Nordic Educational Research Organisation (NERA);

      2019-03-06 - 2019-03-08.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Janfada, Mahtab; Janfada, Nasim; Redder, Bridgette; Westbrook, Fiona; White, Jayne E.; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen


      Dangerous Images and Dialogic Responses.

      Association for Visual Pedagogies 2019 International AVP Conference;

      2019-06-17 - 2019-06-19.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Theoretical consideraton of love as a counter-concept and its implication for teaching practice..

      ISTP 2019;

      2019-08-19 - 2019-08-23.

    • Vatne, Bente; Søndenå, Kari; Gradovski, Mikhail


      Students' professional agency in Early Childhood Teacher Education (ECTE)..

      28th EECERA Conference;

      2018-08-28 - 2018-08-31.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Power relations and individual agency of the interlocutors involved in a dialogue based learning constructs practiced in higher educational establishments.

      Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Conference;

      2018-09-10 - 2018-09-12.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Søndenå, Kari; Lee, Anne


      A new approach to understanding quality in supervision.

      3rd International Conference on Development in Doctoral Education & Training;

      2017-04-03 - 2017-04-04.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Søndenå, Kari


      Analysis of Ethical Challenges in Supervision of PhD candidates using the Concept of Chronotope.

      The 16th International Bakhtin Conference: Bakhtin in the Post-Revolutionary Era.;

      2017-08-06 - 2017-08-10.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Søndenå, Kari; Lee, Anne


      Developing Doctoral Supervision: Evaluaring av Veilederutviklingskurset ved UiA, NORD, og UiS, og "Train the trainers" pilot ved UiS.

      Nasjonal forskerutdanningskonferanse 2017;

      2017-06-07 - 2017-06-08.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Løkken, Ingrid Veronika Midteide


      The ethical dilemmas of video supervision in the age of social media.

      The First Association of Visual Pedagogies Conference AVPC 2016: Visual Pedagogies and Digital Cultures;

      2016-06-18 - 2016-06-19.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Søndenå, Kari


      Aesthetical object and meaning-making activity behind the creation of pre- and post-texts in the mentoring practice.

      25th EECERA;

      2015-09-07 - 2015-09-10.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail



      Knowledge Cultures.

      ISSN 2327-5731.


    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Bakhtinian pedagogy is needed in our postmodern world.

      Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal.

      ISSN 2325-3290.

      Volum 1.

      DOI: 10.5195/dpj.2013.16

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Children's poverty in Russia and Norway: commonalities, differences and integration of the dialogue in communication practices used between the officials and children.

      XXV CESE Conference;

      2012-06-18 - 2012-06-21.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Autonomy and demands it makes upon teachers: Hans Skjervheim’s concept of autonomy through the prism of Diana Meyers’ feministic account of autonomy.

      13th Biennial International Conference "Passion, Commitment and Justice in Education";

      2012-08-15 - 2012-08-18.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Eggen, Astrid Birgitte


      Avoiding the dichotomy of theory and practice: applying critical theoretical discourse as a methodological background for a school development project within the area of assessment.

      15th Biennial of the Intenational Study Association on Teachers and Teaching;

      2011-07-05 - 2011-07-08.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      The use of the pedagogical concepts from the arsenal of the Norwegian Pedaogy in the time of Postmodernism.

      12th Biennual Conference of the International Network of Philosophers of Education;

      2010-07-28 - 2010-07-31.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Rettighetsløse i korrupt system.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Dialogue Pedagogy in the time of Postmodernism.

      14th Biennial Conference of International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching;

      2009-07-01 - 2009-07-04.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Lev Vygotsky's understanding of development and learning.



    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Hans Skjervheim's solution to the problem of symmetry/asymmetry in a dialogue.

      11th Biennial Conference of the International Network of Philosophers of Education;

      2008-08-09 - 2008-08-12.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Kos og kaos.

    • Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Gradovski, Mikhail


      Pedagogiske myter.


      ISSN 1502-9778.

      Hefte 19.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Utvikling og ferdigheter.

      Kurs i forbindelse ved lansering av 'Sinus' lærerbok for videregåendeskoler;


    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Ystenes, Martin; Sigmundsson, Hermundur


      Brodering, julenisser og matematikk.


    • Holten, Thomas Willy; Gradovski, Mikhail; Sigmundsson, Hermundur


      Gutter får feil leseopplæring i skolen.


      ISSN 1502-9778.

      Hefte 3.


    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Sigmundsson, Hermundur


      Brodering, julenisser og matematikk.


      ISSN 0805-3804.


    • Gradovski, Mikhail; Holten, Thomas Willy


      Mytene, begreper og ferdigheter.


      ISSN 0805-3804.

    • Gradovski, Mikhail


      Matte skal bli kult igjen!.


      ISSN 0805-3804.


    • Holten, Thomas Willy; Gradovski, Mikhail; Sigmundsson, Hermundur


      Ferdighetsutvikling - øving gjør mester.


      ISSN 0805-3804.

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