Per Amund Amundsen

Professor em.

Per Amund Amundsen


Telefon: 51831877


Rom: KE E-523


Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for matematikk og fysikk


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund


A charged finitely extensible dumbbell model: Explaining rheology of dilute polyelectrolyte solutions.

Physics of Fluids.

ISSN 1070-6631.

Volum 32.

Hefte 6.

DOI: 10.1063/5.0008321

Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Physical modelling of rheological properties of polymer solutions for enhanced oil recovery. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.

Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Modelling the rheology of two-phase polymer flow. I: 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR Norway 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-209-2.

Hoftun, Christopher; Johansen, B. W.; Naesje, K.; Adl, P.S.; Paulsen, D.; Valen, R.; Dalen, B.S.; Lee, P.; Glass, B.; McKay, C.P.; Zacny, K.; Vijendran, S.; Amundsen, Per Amund; Pattarini, Giorgio; Mohamad, S.; Wabakken, F.


Plasma Drill for Mars Exploration. I: Engineering for Extreme Environments: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments Orlando, Florida, USA 11 – 15 April 2016 .

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

ISBN 978-1-5108-4455-1.


Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund


Local equilibrium solutions in simple anisotropic cosmological models, as described by relativistic fluid dynamics.

Classical and Quantum Gravity.

ISSN 0264-9381.

Volum 33.

Hefte 20.

DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/33/20/205009

Pattarini, Giorgio; Rawlins, Sheldon; Saasen, Arild; Amundsen, Per Amund; Poedjono, Benny


Direction Drilling Measurement Errors Caused by Drilling Fluid Constituents. I: ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 8: Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology; Petroleum Technology.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

ISBN 978-0-7918-4999-6.

DOI: 10.1115/OMAE2016-54044

Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund; Hervik, Sigbjørn


On the viability of the truncated Israel–Stewart theory in cosmology.

Classical and Quantum Gravity.

ISSN 0264-9381.

Volum 32.

Hefte 19.


DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/32/19/195012

Omland, Tor Henry; Hodne, Helge; Saasen, Arild; Mjølhus, Stian; Amundsen, Per Amund


Drilling Fluid Weight Material Sedimentation—Sedimentation of Suspensions.

Petroleum science and technology.

ISSN 1091-6466.

Volum 31.

Hefte 18.


DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2010.489085

Waag, Tor Inge; Torkildsen, Torgeir; Amundsen, Per Amund; Nyrnes, Erik; Saasen, Arild


The Design of BHA and the Placement of Magnetometer Sensors Influence How Magnetic Azimuth Is Distorted by the Magnetic Properties of Drilling Fluids.

SPE Drilling & Completion.

ISSN 1064-6671.

Tellefsen, Kristoffer; Ding, Songxiong; Saasen, Arild; Amundsen, Per Amund; Fjogstad, Arild; Torkildsen, Torgeir


The Effect of Drilling Fluid Content on Magnetic Shielding of Downhole Compasses in MWDs. I: Deepwater Drilling and Completions Conference.

Society of Petroleum Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-61399-208-1.

DOI: 10.2118/150548-m

Waag, Tor Inge; Torkildsen, Torgeir; Amundsen, Per Amund; Nyrnes, Erik; Saasen, Arild


The Design of BHA and the Placement of Magnetometer Sensors Influence How Magnetic Azimuth Is Distorted by the Magnetic Properties of Drilling Fluids.

SPE Drilling & Completion.

ISSN 1064-6671.

Volum 27.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.2118/151039-pa

Ding, Songxiong; Datta, Biplab K.; Saasen, Arild; Amundsen, Per Amund


Experimental Investigation of the Magnetic Shielding Effect of Mineral Powders in a Drilling Fluid.

Particulate Science and Technology.

ISSN 0272-6351.

Volum 28.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1080/02726350903500781

Omland, Tor H.; Hodne, Helge; Saasen, Arild; Mjølhus, Stian; Amundsen, Per Amund


Rig-site equipment determines drilling fluid weight material sag.

Oil & Gas Journal.

ISSN 0030-1388.

Volum 108.

Hefte 1.


Amundsen, Per Amund; Ding, Songxiong; Datta, Biplab K.; Torkildsen, Torgeir; Saasen, Arild


Magnetic Shielding During MWD Azimuth Measurements and Wellbore Positioning.

SPE Drilling & Completion.

ISSN 1064-6671.

Volum 25.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.2118/113206-PA

Osnes, Svein Magne; Amundsen, Per Amund; Weltzin, Tore; Nyrnes, Erik; Hundstad, Brita Lucie; Grindhaug, G.


MWD vibration measurements : a time for standardisation. I: SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition : proceedings : 17-19 March 2009, RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Society of Petroleum Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-55563-213-7.

Amundsen, Per Amund; Ding, Songxiong; Datta, Biplab K.; Torkildsen, Torgeir; Saasen, Arild


Magnetic Shielding during MWD Azimuth Measurements and Wellbore Positioning. I:

Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Omland, Tor H.; Dahl, Bjørn; Saasen, Arild; Taugbøl, Knut; Amundsen, Per Amund


Optimized Solids Control Provides Opportunities for Drilling Depleted Reservoirs.

Journal of Petroleum Technology.

ISSN 0149-2136.

Volum 60.

Hefte 11.


Omland, Tor H.; Saasen, Arild; Amundsen, Per Amund


Detection Techniques Determining Weighting Material ag in Drilling Fluids and Relationship to Rheology.

Annual Transactions - The Nordic Rheology Society.

ISSN 1601-4057.

Volum 15.


Omland, Tor H.; Jørgensen, T.; Saasen, Arild; Taugbøl, Knut; Dahl, Bjørn; Reinholdt, F.; Scholz, N.; Ekrene, S.; Villard, E.; Amundsen, Per Amund; Amundsen, H.E.F.; Fries, M.; Steele, A.


Improved Drilling Process Control Through Continuous Particle and Cuttings Monitoring. I: SPE 107547.

Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Omland, Tor H.; Albertsen, Tron; Taugbøl, Knut; Saasen, Arild; Svanes, Kåre; Amundsen, Per Amund


The Effect of the synthetic and Oil based Drilling Fluid's Internal Water Phase Composition on Barite Sag.

SPE Drilling & Completion.

ISSN 1064-6671.

Volum 21.


Amundsen, Per Amund; Torkildsen, Torgeir; Saasen, Arild


Shielding of directional magnetic sensor readings in a Measurement While Drilling tool for oil well positioning.

Journal of energy resources technology.

ISSN 0195-0738.


Omland, Tor H.; Saasen, Arild; Svanes, Kåre; Amundsen, Per Amund


The influence of particle type and size distribution on viscosity i a non-newtonian drilling fluid.

Annual Transactions - The Nordic Rheology Society.

ISSN 1601-4057.

Volum 14.

Tolich, N. R.; Barker, Paul; Harty, P. D.; Amundsen, Per Amund


Energy of the 14O Superallowed Positron Decay. Phys.


Volum 67.

Barker, Paul; Keeling, M. J.; Wood, W. B; Amundsen, Per Amund


Determination of the energy of the 1.75MeV resonance in the 13C(p,g)14N reaction in terms of a 1-volt standard.


ISSN 0026-1394.

Volum 39.


Harty, P. D.; Bowden, N. S.; Barker, Paul H.; Amundsen, Per A.


Energy of the superallowed beta decay of 38Km.

Physical Review C. Nuclear Physics.

ISSN 0556-2813.

Volum 58.


Anagnostopoulos, D. F.; Borchert, G.; Gotta, D.; Rashid, K.; Jakubassa-Amundsen, D. H.; Amundsen, P.A.


High resolution study of ion induced K_alpha_{1,2} X-ray spectra from high-Z elements.


Volum 58.


Barker, Paul H.; Amundsen, Per A.


Revised Q-values for the superallowed positron decay of 10C and 14@SO.

Physical Review C. Nuclear Physics.

ISSN 0556-2813.

Volum 58.


Amundsen, P.A.; Barker, P.H.


Atomic energy loss correction for (p,n) og (p,gamma) nuclear reaction energies.


Volum C60.

Bøker og kapitler

Amundsen, Per Amund; Torkildsen, Torgeir; Saasen, Arild; Omland, Tor H.


Shielding of directional magnetic sensor readings in a Measurement While Drilling tool for oil well positioning.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 8276442668.

Hefte 8.


Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Modelling the rheology of two-phase polymer flow.

IOR 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery;

2017-04-24 - 2017-04-27.

Shogin, Dmitry; Amundsen, Per Amund; Hiorth, Aksel; Madland, Merete Vadla


Rheology of polymeric flows in circular pipes, slits and capillary bundles: analytical solutions from kinetic theory.

IOR 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery;

2017-04-24 - 2017-04-27.

Amundsen, Per Amund


Planeter, stjerner og galakser,.


2016-04-02 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Planeter, stjerner og galakser.


2016-11-28 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund




2016-03-16 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Galaksenes bevegelse.


2016-11-16 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Merkurpassasjen 9. Mai 2016 Hvorfor er en prikk på Solen spennende?.


2016-05-09 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Galakser og Galaksehoper. Litt om våre nærmeste naboer..


2016-11-15 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Planetarieforedrag og visning, Solsystemet og Universet.

Planetarieforedrag, Vitenfabrikken, Sandnes;

2014-01-22 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Stjerner som ikke finnes - ennå?.

Medlemsmøte, Stavanger Astronomiske Forening;

2014-03-20 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Den kopernikanske revolusjonen.

Instituttseminar, IMN/UiS;

2014-09-19 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Hva er det å se på himmelen?.

Foredrag, Stavanger Astronomiske Forening;

2014-10-04 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Vårt nærmeste nabolag.

Planetarieforedrag og visning, Stavanger Astronomiske Forening;

2014-10-22 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Hvor langt er det til stjernene?.

Åpent Universitet, UiS;

2014-09-28 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Stjernenes liv og død.

Åpent Universitet, UiS;

2014-09-28 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Bruk av planetarium i undervisningen. Planetarievisning..

Instituttsamling, IMN;

2014-05-06 - .

Waag, Tor Inge; Torkildsen, Torgeir; Amundsen, Per Amund; Nyrnes, Erik; Saasen, Arild


The Design of BHA and the Placement of the Magnetometer Sensors Influence How Magnetic Azimuth is Distorted by the Magnetic Properties of Drilling Fluids.

SPE/IADC San Diego;

2012-03-06 - 2012-03-08.

Amundsen, Per Amund


Stjernenes vakre død.


2011-04-13 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Mørk materie - fysikk eller metafysikk.

Seminar i naturvitenskap, UiS;

2011-11-10 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Stjernecruise - planetarieforedrag.


2011-11-16 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund


Hvordan finne frem på himmelen.


2011-10-29 - 2011-10-30.

Amundsen, Per Amund


Hva er det å se på himmelen.


2011-10-19 - 2011-10-20.

Amundsen, Per Amund


Planetarieforedrag, Researchers´ Night.

Researchers´ Night, Forskningsdagene;

2011-09-23 - .

Amundsen, Per Amund





Amundsen, Per Amund


Stjernebildenes forhistorie.



Amundsen, Per Amund





Amundsen, Per Amund


Astronomiens julestjerner - Vinterens stjernehimmel.



Amundsen, Per Amund


Hvor langt er det til stjernene?.



Ding, Songxiong; Datta, Biplab K.; Saasen, Arild; Amundsen, Per Amund


Experimental investigation into shielding effect of magnetic powders in drilling fluids.

aiche 08;

2008-11-11 - 2008-11-16.

Ding, Songxiong; Hafenbrädl, F.O. von; Saasen, Arild; Amundsen, Per Amund


Preliminary Investigation into Magnetite Powder¿s Magnetic Shielding Effect on Drilling Fluid.


2008-06-10 - 2008-06-12.

Ratnayake, Chandana; Datta, Biplab K.; Amundsen, Per Amund; Saasen, Arild; Waag, Tor Inge


Control and Prediction of Pipeline Erosion of Pneumatic Conveying Plants.

9th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation (ICBMH 2007),;

2007-11-09 - 2007-11-11.

Amundsen, Per Amund


On the measurement of magnetic properties of powders and slurries.

POSTEC annual meeting 2006;


Amundsen, Per Amund


Hvor er de andre i universet?.



Amundsen, Per Amund


Hvorfor tror vi på Big Bang?.



Amundsen, Per Amund


Hvorfor tror vi på Big Bang?.



Omland, Tor H.; Saasen, Arild; Svanes, Kåre; Amundsen, Per Amund


The influence of particle type and size distribution on viscosity i a non-newtonian drilling fluid.

Annual meeting of the Nordic Rheology Society;

2005-06-01 - 2005-06-03.

Amundsen, Per Amund


Magnetic shielding effects from a drilling fluid and its influence on directional drilling.

2nd Quarter Meeting of the European Drilling Engineering Association (DEA(e));

2005-06-23 - 2005-06-24.

Torkildsen, Torgeir; Edvardsen, Inge; Fjogstad, Arild; Saasen, Arild; Amundsen, Per Amund; Omland, Tor H.


Drilling Fluid Affects MWD Magnetic Azimuth and Wellbore Position.

IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, Texas 2004;


Omland, Tor H.; Øvsthus, Jorunn; Svanes, Kåre; Saasen, Arild; Jacob, Hans-Joachim; Sveen, Terje; Hodne, Helge; Amundsen, Per Amund


Weighting Material Sag.

The Nordic Rheology Conference;


Kunstnerisk produksjon

Amundsen, Per Amund; Handeland, Siri


UTE: Planetstien i Sandnes.

Amundsen, Per Amund


Planetstien i Sandvedparken, Sandnes.