Raymond Bjuland

Professor i matematikkdidaktikk

Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for grunnskolelærerutdanning, idrett og spesialpedagogikk
HG O-114
  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Using quantitative text analysis to investigate communication in practice-based professional development..

      Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics (JERM).

      ISSN 2288-7733.

      Volum 34.

      Hefte 3.


      DOI: 10.29275/jerm.2024.34.3.485

    • Tyskerud, Anita; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Commognitive conflicts in mathematics teachers' pedagogical discourse in lesson study.

      Mathematics Teacher Education and Development.

      ISSN 1442-3901.

      Volum 25.

      Hefte 1.


    • Valbekmo, Ingunn; Bjuland, Raymond


      Students’ reasoned dialogs during problem solving in a Norwegian thinking classroom. .

      Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk.

      ISSN 1104-2176.

      Volum 28.

      Hefte 1/2.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne


      What and how mathematics teachers notice while co-planning instruction. I: Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13).

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-963-7031-04-5.


    • Herleiksplass, Nils-Jakob; Freiman, Viktor; Bjuland, Raymond


      Exploring the structure of multiplication tasks in Norwegian textbooks within a developmental approach. I: Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13).

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-963-7031-04-5.


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Opportunities to learn professional noticing while co-planning, rehearsing, co-enacting and reflecting on mathematics instruction. I: Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12).

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 979-1-22-102537-8.


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Learning professional noticing by co-planning mathematics instruction. I: Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future : Preceedings of Norma 20 : The ninth Nordic conference on mathematics education Oslo, 2021.

      ISBN 9789198402438.


    • Hovtun, Gaute; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne; Gjære, Åsmund Lillevik; Jakobsen, Arne; Kristensen, Morten Søyland


      Exploring opportunities to learn mathematics in practice-based teacher education : a Norwegian case study. I: Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future : Preceedings of Norma 20 : The ninth Nordic conference on mathematics education Oslo, 2021.

      ISBN 9789198402438.


    • Jacinto, Everton Lacerda; Kazima, Mercy; Jakobsen, Arne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Mathematics teacher education in Malawi. I: International perspectives on mathematics teacher education.

      Information Age Publishing.

      ISBN 9781648026300.


    • Gautam, Ramesh; Bjuland, Raymond


      Realization of the mathematical signifier 25 × 12.

      Skrifter från Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning.

      ISSN 1651-3274.

      Hefte 14.


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Opportunities to learn ambitious mathematics teaching from co-planning instruction..

      Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk.

      ISSN 1104-2176.

      Volum 26.

      Hefte 3-4.


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Learning to notice learners mathematical thinking while co-enacting instruction . I: The 29th annual conference of the Southern African association for research in mathematics science and technology education, 12-15 January 2021 : Positioning and disrupting mathematics science and technology education (MSTE) in the development agenda in Southern Africa.

      The Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology.

      ISBN 9780639835235.


    • Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina; Jakobsen, Arne; Kazima, Mercy


      Malawian primary mathematics teachers views on teaching and learning. I: 28th Conference of the Southern African association for research in mathematics science and technology education : SAARMSTE 14-16 January 2020 : Fostering delight in mathematics science and technology education.

      The Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology.

      ISBN 9780639835211.


    • Jacinto, Everton Lacerda; Jakobsen, Arne; Bjuland, Raymond


      A case study of one Malawian pre-service teachers understanding of pedagogical content knowledge entailed in the work of teaching mathematics. I: 28th Conference of the Southern African association for research in mathematics science and technology education : SAARMSTE 14-16 January 2020 : Fostering delight in mathematics science and technology education.

      The Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology.

      ISBN 9780639835211.


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Learning to elicit and respond to students’ mathematical ideas through Teacher Time-Out. . I: 27th Annual Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), 15 January – 17 January 2019, hosted by University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa : Book of Proceedings.

      The Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology.

      ISBN 978-0-9922269-8-5.


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Learning ambitious teaching of multiplicative properties through a cycle of enactment and investigation.

      Mathematics Teacher Education and Development.

      ISSN 1442-3901.

      Volum 21.

      Hefte 1.


    • Norton, Julie; Helgevold, Nina; Bjuland, Raymond


      The role of collaborative planning : How to use joint planning as a learning process in lesson study. I: Lesson study in initial teacher education : Principles and practices.

      Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

      ISBN 9781787567986.


      DOI: 10.1108/978-1-78756-797-920191005

    • Ni Shuilleabhain, Aoibhinn; Bjuland, Raymond


      Incorporating lesson study in ITE: organisational structures to support student teacher learning.

      Journal of Education for Teaching.

      ISSN 0260-7476.

      Volum 45.

      Hefte 4.


      DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2019.1639262

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Tools for helping student-teachers learning the complex work of teaching in lesson study cycles.. I: Lesson study in initial teacher education : Principles and practices.

      Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

      ISBN 9781787567986.


      DOI: 10.1108/978-1-78756-797-920191010

    • Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      The work of positioning students and content in mathematics teaching. I: Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-90-73346-75-8.


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Preface : mathematics teacher preparation and lesson study. I: Theory and practice of lesson study in mathematics : an international perspective.

      Springer Nature.

      ISBN 9783030040314.


      DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-04031-4_22

    • Larssen, Deborah Lynn Sorton; Cajkler, Wasyl; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina; Fauskanger, Janne; Wood, Phil; Baldry, Fay; Jakobsen, Arne; Bugge, Hans Erik; Næsheim-Bjørkvik, Gro; Norton, Julie E.


      A literature review of lesson study in initial teacher education: perspectives about learning and observation.

      International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies.

      ISSN 2046-8253.

      Volum 7.

      Hefte 1.


      DOI: 10.1108/IJLLS-06-2017-0030

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina


      Dialogic processes that enable student teachers' learning about pupil learning in mentoring conversations in a Lesson Study field practice.

      Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.

      ISSN 0742-051X.

      Volum 70.


      DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2017.11.026

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Deep learning as constructed in mathematics teachers’ written discourses.

      International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (IEJME).

      ISSN 1306-3030.

      Volum 13.

      Hefte 3.


      DOI: 10.12973/iejme/2705

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Valenta, Anita; Bjuland, Raymond


      Good mathematics teaching as constructed in Norwegian teachers’ discourses . I: Nordic Research in Mathematics Education. Papers of NORMA 17. The Eight Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. Stockholm, May 30 - June 2, 2017.

      Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF.

      ISBN 978-91-984024-1-4.


    • Langåker, Ellinor Bollete; Bjuland, Raymond


      Investigating communicative patterns in a Malawian classroom: A teacher's use of semiotic resources. I: Book of long papers: 25th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association of Research in Mathematics, Science & Technology Education (SAARMSTE).

      The Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology.

      ISBN 978-0-9922269-4-7.


    • Mwadzaangati, Lisnet; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Investigating the work of teaching geometric proof: The case of a Malawian secondary mathematics teacher. I: Proceedings of the Third ERME Topic Conference on Mathematics Teaching, Resources and Teacher Professional Development (ETC3, October 5 to 7, 2016).

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-3-00-058755-9.


    • Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne


      Investigating potential improvements of mathematics student teachers’ instruction from Lesson Study. I: Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 10).

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-1-873769-73-7.


    • Thomo, Florence Mamba; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      A preservice secondary teacher's pedagogical content knowledge for teaching algebra. I: Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 10).

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-1-873769-73-7.


    • Tyskerud, Anita; Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Investigating Lesson Study as a practice-based approach to study the development of mathematics teachers’ professional practice. I: Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 10).

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-1-873769-73-7.


    • Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Aktivitetsteoretiske perspektiver på Lesson Study og praksisopplæring i grunnskolelærerutdanning. I: Lesson study i en nordisk kontekst.

      Gyldendal Akademisk.

      ISBN 9788205490888.


    • Munthe, Elaine; Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina


      Lesson study in field practice: a time-lagged experiment in initial teacher education in Norway.

      International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies.

      ISSN 2046-8253.

      Volum 5.

      Hefte 2.


      DOI: 10.1108/IJLLS-12-2015-0047

    • Munthe, Elaine; Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina


      Hva er forskningsgrunnlaget for Lesson Study som metode til styrking av profesjonskunnskap i skolen?. I: Lesson study i en nordisk kontekst.

      Gyldendal Akademisk.

      ISBN 9788205490888.


    • Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Positioning in identifying narratives of/about pre-service mathematics teachers in field practice.

      Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.

      ISSN 0742-051X.

      Volum 58.


      DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2016.05.005

    • Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Lærerstudenters utvikling av matematikklæreridentitet.

      Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift.

      ISSN 0029-2052.

      Volum 99.

      Hefte 2.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar


      Lesson study in teacher education: Learning from a challenging case.

      Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.

      ISSN 0742-051X.

      Volum 52.


      DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2015.09.005

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina; Munthe, Elaine


      Lesson Study og lærerstudenters fokus på elevers læring i veiledningssamtaler.

      Acta Didactica Norge.

      ISSN 1504-9922.

      Volum 9.

      Hefte 1.


      DOI: 10.5617/adno.1299

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne


      Pre-service teachers developing lesson plans in field practice. I: Nordic research in mathematics education – Proceedings of NORMA14, Turku, June 3-6, 2014.

      ISBN 978-952-5993-17-2.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne


      What questions do mathematics mentor teachers ask?. I: Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-80-7290-844-8.


    • Jakobsen, Arne; Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Undervisningskunnskap i matematikk for lærere på 5. - 10. trinn. I: QED 5-10. Matematikk for grunnskolelærerutdanningen. Bind 2.

      Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

      ISBN 978-82-02-42098-7.


    • Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Fra “de” til “vi”? – fokus i lærerstudenters refleksjoner før og etter en praksisperiode i matematikk. I: FoU i praksis 2013. Artikkelsamling fra konferanse om praksisrettet FoU i lærerutdanning.

      Akademika forlag.

      ISBN 978-82-321-04215.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Jakobsen, Arne; Munthe, Elaine


      Muligheter og begrensninger for studenters læring i praksisopplæring – eksempel fra en førveiledningsdialog i matematikk.

      Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk.

      ISSN 1104-2176.

      Volum 19.

      Hefte 1.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar


      Lærerstudenters refleksjoner om utvikling av læringsfellesskap.


      ISSN 1500-4538.

      Volum 37.

      Hefte 4.


      DOI: 10.3402/uniped.v37.23242

    • Jakobsen, Arne; Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Undervisningskunnskap i matematikk for lærere på 1.–7. trinn. I: QED 1-7: Matematikk for grunnskolelærerutdanningen: Bind 2.

      Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

      ISBN 978-82-02-42092-5.


      DOI: 10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2018-04-03

    • Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond; Jakobsen, Arne


      Using content analysis to investigate student teachers’ beliefs about pupils. I: Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-975-429-315-9.

      s.1389-1398 .

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Jakobsen, Arne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Analysis of psychometric properties as part of an iterative adaptation process of MKT items for use in other countries.

      ZDM: Mathematics Education.

      ISSN 1863-9690.

      Volum 44.

      Hefte 3.


      DOI: 10.1007/s11858-012-0403-4

    • Bjurland, Raymond; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      Professional mathematics teacher identity: analysis of reflective narratives from discourses and activities.

      Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.

      ISSN 1386-4416.

      Volum 15.


      DOI: 10.1007/s10857-012-9216-1

    • Jakobsen, Arne; Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Correlations between teachers' MKT in different content areas. I: Proceedings of NORMA 11 The Sixth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education.

      University of Iceland Press.

      ISBN 978-9979-54-965-9.


    • Bjurland, Raymond


      The mediating role of a teacher’s use of semiotic resources in pupils’ early algebraic reasonin.

      ZDM: Mathematics Education.

      ISSN 1863-9690.

      Volum 44.

      Hefte 5.


      DOI: 10.1007/s11858-012-0421-2

    • Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      An activity theory view on learning studies.

      International Journal of Early Childhood.

      ISSN 0020-7187.

      Volum 43.

      Hefte 3.


      DOI: 10.1007/s13158-011-0048-4

    • Jakobsen, Arne; Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Comparison of item performance in a Norwegian study using U.S. developed mathematical knowledge for the teaching measures. I: CERME 7: Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-83-7338-683-9.

      s.. 1575-1584.

    • Jakobsen, Arne; Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      What can be learned from comparing performanceof mathematical knowledge for teaching iteam found in Norway and in the U.S.?. I: 11th International Conference of The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century ProjectTurning Dreams into Reality: Transformations and Paradigm Shifts in Mathematics Education.

      Oxford University Press.

      ISBN 83-919465-0-9.


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Jakobsen, Arne


      Does the format matter? How the multiple-choice format might complicate the MKT items.

      Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk.

      ISSN 1104-2176.

      Volum 16.

      Hefte 4.

    • Jakobsen, Arne; Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Similar but different - Investigating the use of MKT in a Norwegian kindergarten setting. I: CERME 7: Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISBN 978-83-7338-683-9.


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      "Eg kan jo multiplikasjon, men ka ska eg gjørr?" - det utfordrende undervisningsarbeidet i matematikk. I: Ny som lærer : sjansespill og samspill.

      Tapir Akademisk Forlag.

      ISBN 978-82-519-2514-3.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      A teacher's use of gesture and discourse as communicative strategies in concluding a mathematical task. I: Proceedings of CERME 6. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. January 28th - February 1st 2009, Lyon (France).

      Institut National de Recherche Pedagogique.

      ISBN 978-2-7342-1190-7.


    • Borgersen, Hans Erik; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Bjuland, Raymond


      An Overview of the Development of Research on Collaborative Problem Solving in Mathematics at the University of Agder. I: The First Sourcebook on Nordic Research in Mathematics Education Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and contributions from Finland.

      Information Age Publishing.

      ISBN 978-1-61735-099-3.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      The constitution of mathematics teacher identity. I: Nordic Research in Mathematics Education.


      ISBN 978-90-8790-781-5.


    • Jaworski, Barbara; Bjuland, Raymond


      Teachers' perspectives on collaboration with didacticians to create an inquiry community.

      Research in Mathematics Education.

      ISSN 1479-4802.

      Volum 111.

      Hefte 1.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      The constitution of mathematics teacher identity. I: Nordic research in mathematics education. Proceedings from Norma08 in Copenhagen, April 21-April 25, 2008.


      ISBN 9789087907822.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      The Interplay Between Gesture and Discourse as Mediating Devices in Collaborative Mathematical Reasoning : A Multimodal Approach.

      Mathematical Thinking and Learning.

      ISSN 1098-6065.

      Volum 10.

      Hefte 3.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      A teacher's use of gesture and discourse as communicative strategies in the presentation of mathematical task. I: Proceedings of the 32th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 32).


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Mathematically productive discourses among student teachers.

      Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk.

      ISSN 1104-2176.

      Volum 12.

      Hefte 2.


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Adult Students' Reasoning in Geometry: Teaching Mathematics through Collaborative Problem Solving in Teacher Education.

      The Mathematics Enthusiast.

      ISSN 1551-3440.

      Volum 4.

      Hefte 1.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Collaborative problem solving in geometry without teacher intervention. I: Relating practice and research in mathematics education : proceedings of NORMA 05, Fourth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education.

      Tapir Akademisk Forlag.


    • Borgersen, Hans Erik; Bjuland, Raymond


      Verksted for problemløsning i matematikk: Mening, bevis og generalisering. I: Læringsfellesskap i matematikk.

      Caspar Forlag.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      En lærers bruk av problemløsningsverksted: Fra LCM til klasserommet. I: Læringsfellesskap i matematikk.

      Caspar Forlag.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      Pupils' mathematical reasoning expressed through gesture and discourse: A case study from a sixth-grade lesson. I: European Research in Mathematics Education : Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

      European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Dialogiske tilnærminger i klasserommet: Utvikling av matematiske begreper gjennom lærer-elev dialog i klasserommet eller gjennom elevsamarbeid i smågrupper. I: Ulike perspektiv på læring.

      Senter for voksenopplæring.


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Student teachers' reflections on their learning process through collaborative problem solving in geometry.

      Educational Studies in Mathematics.

      ISSN 0013-1954.

      Volum 55.

      Hefte 01.mar.


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Lærerstudenters matematiske tenkning og utvikling i en sosial kontekst. Problemløsning i smågrupper.

      Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk.

      ISSN 1104-2176.

      Volum 6.

      Hefte 2.


  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Munthe, Elaine; Helgevold, Nina; Bjuland, Raymond


      Lesson Study I Utdanning Og Praksis.

      Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

      ISBN 978-82-02-47063-0.

    • Jaworski, Barbara; Fuglestad, Anne Berit; Bjuland, Raymond; Breiteig, Trygve; Goodchild, Simon; Grevholm, Barbro


      Læringsfellesskap i matematikk Learning Communities in Mathematics.

      Caspar Forlag.

      ISBN 8290898509.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Problem-solving processes in geometry. Teacher students' co-operation in small groups: A dialogical approach. I: Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (23rd, Haifa, Israel, July 25-30, 1999).


  • Formidling
    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar


      Identifying narratives of an individual mathematics teacher that might limit professional development.

      The Tenth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education;

      2024-06-04 - 2024-06-07.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Tenkende klasserom.

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      What and how do mathematics teachers notice during co-planning sessions? .


      2023-07-10 - 2023-07-14.

    • Wæge, Kjersti; Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Realfagskrisen: Slik styrker vi lærerne og undervisningen..


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Wæge, Kjersti; Bjuland, Raymond


      Mathematics teachers’ professional development: Opportunities to learn core practices..

      Rehearsing Teaching in Teacher Education (ReTPro) – Digital Research Conference.;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      The complex work of teaching in Lesson Study cycles .

      Summer School, Graduate School in Mathematics and Science Education;

      2023-06-19 - 2023-06-22.

    • Helgevold, Nina; Bjuland, Raymond


      Lesson Study som arbeidsmåte i det komplekse undervisningsarbeidet.

      Seminar for Tysvær og Vindafjord opplæringssenter;


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Opportunities to learn professional noticing while co-planning, rehearsing, co-enacting and reflecting on mathematics instruction.

      12th Conference for European Research in Mathematics Education;

      2022-01-02 - 2022-01-06.

    • Opheim, Linda Gurvin; Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne; Goodchild, Simon; Mosvold, Reidar; Wæge, Kjersti


      Professional development for mathematics teacher educators.

      12th Conference for European Research in Mathematics Education;

      2022-01-02 - 2022-01-06.

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Learning to notice learners’ mathematical thinking while co-enacting instruction.

      29th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education;

      2021-01-12 - 2021-01-14.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne


      Lesson Study i lærerutdanningen ved UiS: Erfaringer fra matematikk .

      Digitalt nasjonalt seminar: Lesson Study som profesjonsutvikling i lærerutdanningen;


    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Learning professional noticing by co-planning mathematics instruction.

      The Ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, NORMA 20;

      2021-06-01 - 2021-06-04.

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Wæge, Kjersti; Bjuland, Raymond


      Teacher time out as site for studying mathematical knowledge for teaching.

      14th international congress on matheamtics education;

      2021-07-11 - 2021-07-18.

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Analytisk observasjon av elevers tankemåter..

      Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning.

      ISSN 0802-8192.

      Volum 32.

      Hefte 3.


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina


      Dybdelæring og dialogisk undervisning.



    • Fauskanger, Janne; Helgevold, Nina; Jakobsen, Arne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Kazima, Mercy


      Malawian primary mathematics teachers’ views on teaching and learning.

      the 28th annual conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education;

      2020-01-14 - 2020-01-17.

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Helgevold, Nina; Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar; Kazima, Mercy; Jakobsen, Arne


      Changing Malawian primary teachers’ views on teaching and learning through Lesson Study..

      World Association of Lesson Study (WALS) Online International Conference. https://www.walsnet.org/2020/ ;

      2020-12-02 - 2020-12-04.

    • Jacinto, Everton Lacerda; Jakobsen, Arne; Bjuland, Raymond


      A Case Study of One Malawian Pre-service Teacher’s Understanding of Pedagogical Content Knowledge Entailed in the Work of Teaching Mathematics.

      28th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE);

      2020-01-14 - 2020-01-16.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Lesson Study i grunnskolelæreres praksisopplæring?.

      Nasjonalt Webinar om praksisopplæring i lærerutdanninger;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Lesson Study inspirert praksisopplæring i grunnskolelærerutdanning .

      Faglig webinar for studenter, praksislærere og faglærere;


    • Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Balancing positioning of students and attention to content.

      The eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11);

      2019-02-06 - 2019-02-10.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Lesson Study som redskap for læreres profesjonsutvikling - muligheter og utfordringer.

      Faglig seminar, Matematikksenteret;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Quality of the PhD thesis: Reflections from the University of Stavanger .

      Seminar on quality of PhD theses in mathematics education;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Hvordan lede utviklingsarbeidet med fagfornyelsen?.

      Konferanse, Lutherske Friskolers Forbund (LFF);


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Metodiske betraktninger knyttet til forskerens ulike roller i forskningsprosjekter .

      Samling-Forskerskolen-PROFRES ;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Lesson study as a promising approach for professional development of mathematics teachers and mathematics teacher educators (in Norway and in Malawi).

      Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA);

      2018-06-25 - 2018-06-28.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Panel discussion, Culture meets culture, mathematics in and around us. A case study from a Malawian classroom .

      Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA);

      2018-06-25 - 2018-06-29.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne


      The challenge of providing instructional support in mentoring conversations: Mathematics student teachers' support in field service .

      LaUDiM-konferansen: Eleven i fokus – matematikk på barnetrinnet.;

      2018-11-28 - 2018-11-29.

    • Kazima, Mercy; Jakobsen, Arne; Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond


      Strengthening Numberacy in Early Years Through Professional Development of Teachers in Malawi.

      26th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE);

      2018-01-16 - 2018-01-19.

    • Langåker, Ellinor; Bjuland, Raymond


      Investigating communicative patterns in a Malawian mathematics classroom: A teacher's use of semiotic resources.

      25th annual conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE);

      2017-01-17 - 2017-01-20.

    • Mamba, Florence; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      A preservice secondary teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge for teaching algebra.

      10th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education;

      2017-02-01 - 2017-02-05.

    • Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne


      Investigating potential improvements of mathematics student teachers’ instruction from Lesson Study.

      10th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education;

      2017-02-01 - 2017-02-05.

    • Tyskerud, Anita; Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Investigating Lesson Study as a practice-based approach to study the development of mathematics teachers’ professional practice.

      10th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education;

      2017-02-01 - 2017-02-05.

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Valenta, Anita; Bjuland, Raymond


      Good mathematics teaching as constructed in Norwegian teachers’ discourses.

      Nordic research in mathematics education conference (NORMA);

      2017-05-30 - 2017-06-02.

    • Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Helgevold, Nina; Munthe, Elaine; Bjuland, Raymond


      Towards inter-rater reliability: A study of factors that may influence scoring of classroom videos.

      Systematic observation in educational research;

      2017-09-27 - 2017-09-28.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Possibilities and challenges of implementing Lesson Study in mathematics teacher education.

      The Eight Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education (NORMA 17) ;

      2017-05-30 - 2017-06-02.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina; Næsheim-Bjørkvik, Gro


      Dybdelæring gjennom Lesson Study.


      2017-09-28 - 2017-09-29.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina


      Muligheter og utfordringer med Lesson Study som skolebasert kunnskapsutvikling.

      Utdanningskonferansen 2017;


    • Larssen, Deborah Lynn Sorton; Helgevold, Nina; Næsheim-Bjørkvik, Gro; Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne; Østrem, Sissel; Drew, Ion Patrick Francis


      TasS Project (teachers as students): Lesson study in Initial Teacher education in Norway, a time-lagged experiment from field practice.

      Bringing Teacher Education Forward;

      2016-06-06 - 2016-06-08.

    • Larssen, Deborah Lynn Sorton; Cajkler, Wasyl; Wood, Philip; Helgevold, Nina; Elliot, John; Fauskanger, Janne; Bugge, Hans Erik; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Næsheim-Bjørkvik, Gro; Jakobsen, Arne


      Lesson study and initial teacher education(ITE): understanding learning and meaningful observation to guide beginning teachers.

      World association of Lesson study 2016;

      2016-09-03 - 2016-09-05.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Skolebasert kunnskapsutvikling gjennom Lesson Study.

      Samling, Utdanningsetaten, Oslo kommune;


    • Mwadzaangati, Lisnet; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Investigating the work of teaching geometric proof: The case of a Malawian secondary mathematics teacher.

      ERME Topic Conference ETC3;

      2016-10-05 - 2016-10-07.

    • Mamba, Florence; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      A Malawian preservice secondary school teacher’s mathematical knowledge for teaching equations.

      ERME Topic Conference ETC3;

      2016-10-05 - 2016-10-07.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina


      Lesson Study inspirert praksisopplæring.

      Etterutdanningsøkt for praksislærere;


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne


      What questions do mathematics mentor teachers ask?.

      9th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education;

      2015-02-04 - 2015-02-08.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar


      Lesson study in teacher education: Learning from a negative case.

      2015 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA);

      2015-04-16 - 2015-04-20.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Results from the TasS Project, Lesson Study in ITE.

      Vitenskapelig seminar;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      The professional continuum starts in ITE. How do we qualify for future professional growth? Lesson Study in ITE.

      EU kommisjonssamling;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Erfaringer med Lesson Study i Grunnskolelærerutdanning(GLU).

      GLU konferansen 2015, Internasjonalisering og forskningsbasering;

      2015-03-18 - 2015-03-19.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Hvordan kan Lesson Study bidra til skolebasert kunnskapsutvikling?.

      Rektorkonferansen 2015, Rogaland;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Implementing Lesson Study in ITE Field practice.



    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Hvordan kan Lesson Study bidra til skolebasert kunnskapsutvikling - resultater fra TasS prosjektet.



    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Experiences from a NFR Project. What can we learn?.

      LaUDiM Reference Group Meeting;


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne


      Dialogues of student teachers developing lesson plans of mathematics in field practice.

      The Seventh Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education;

      2014-06-03 - 2014-06-06.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina; Østrem, Sissel; Juhler, Martin Vogt; Larssen, Deborah


      Results from the TasS project.

      Nasjonal konferanse om Lesson Study;


    • Smedstad, Tormod; Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina


      Lærere som lærer (Omtale av TasS prosjektet, UiS).

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina


      Lesson Study i praksisopplæringen.

      Seminardag i regi programområdet, Læreres Undervisningskunnskap (LUK) ;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Teachers as Students, et eksperimentelt design i GLU.

      Møte med Kunnskapsdepartementet;


    • Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne; Bjuland, Raymond; Jakobsen, Arne


      Who are “they”? Student teachers’ beliefs.

      Eighth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 8);

      2013-02-05 - 2013-02-10.

    • Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne


      Fra "de" til "vi" – fokus i lærerstudenters diskusjoner før og etter en praksisperiode i matematikk.

      "Samspill mellom forskning og utdanning". FoU i praksis;

      2013-04-22 - 2013-04-23.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Symposium: Muligheter for studenters læring i praksisopplæring.

      FoU i Praksis;

      2013-04-22 - 2013-04-23.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Mosvold, Reidar; Fauskanger, Janne


      Affordances and constraints for student teachers' learning in a pre-lesson mentoring session of mathematics.

      The World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS);

      2013-09-06 - 2013-09-09.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Vurdering med fokus på underveisvurdering.

      Kurs for lærere i Tastaskolene (5.-10. trinn);


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Å regne i alle fag med matematikklæreren som hovedansvarlig.

      Kurs for lærere i Tastaskolene;


    • Munthe, Elaine; Bjuland, Raymond; Helgevold, Nina


      Lesson Study in Initial Teacher Education.

      World Association of Lesson and Learning Studies (WALS);

      2013-09-06 - 2013-09-08.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Teachers as Students - Lærere som lærer.

      PRAKUT-konferanse - Forskning om lærerutdanning - hva vet vi? ;


    • Bjurland, Raymond; Jakobsen, Arne


      Studenter lærer av elever, TasS-prosjektet (Teachers as Students).

      FoU i praksis, Tema: Dannelse, mangfold og fremtid;

      2012-04-23 - 2012-04-24.

    • Bjurland, Raymond


      Presentasjon av TasS-prosjektet (Teachers as Students).

      Nasjonal konferanse om utdanning, Hva er kvalitetsutfordringene?;


    • Bjurland, Raymond


      Didaktiske utfordringer i klasserommet, mellomtrinn.

      Skolemøtet for Rogaland;


    • Bjurland, Raymond


      Didaktiske utfordringer i klasserommet, ungdomstrinn.

      Skolemøtet for Rogaland;


    • Bjurland, Raymond


      Hva betyr det å gjøre matematikk? Åpne oppgaver og problemer.

      Kurs for lærere i Tastaskolene (5. - 10. klasse);

      2012-10-02 - .

    • Bjurland, Raymond


      Diagnostisk undervisning - kartlegging.

      Kurs for lærere i Tastaskolene (5. - 10. klasse);

      2012-11-06 - .

    • Bjurland, Raymond


      Foreløpige forskningsresultater i TasS prosjektet.

      Prosjektsamling for prosjektledere, forskningsprogrammet PRAKUT;

      2012-06-13 - .

    • Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne; Jakobsen, Arne


      Similar but different - Investigating the use of MKT in a Norwegian kindergarten setting.

      The Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education;

      2011-02-09 - 2011-02-13.

    • Jakobsen, Arne; Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Item performance characteristics found in a Norwegian study using mathematical knowledge for teaching measures.

      The Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education;

      2011-02-09 - 2011-02-13.

    • Jakobsen, Arne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne


      Some Results found using U.S. Developed Measures for Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching in Norway.

      5th Annual International Conference on Mathematics & Statistics;

      2011-06-13 - 2011-06-16.

    • Jakobsen, Arne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond; Fauskanger, Janne


      What can be learned from Comparing Performance of Mathematical Knowledge for teaching items found in Norway and in the U.S.?.

      The 11th International Conference of The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project;

      2011-09-11 - 2011-09-17.

    • Jakobsen, Arne; Fauskanger, Janne; Mosvold, Reidar; Bjuland, Raymond


      Correlations between teachers’ MKT in different content areas.

      The 2011 NORMA conference;

      2011-05-09 - 2011-05-14.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      The mediating role of a teacher’s use of semiotic resources in pupils’ early algebraic reasoning.

      Presentation at PhD seminar (Summer school) ;

      2011-08-22 - 2011-08-24.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Fra matteskrekk til mattemestring.

      Åpen fagdag ;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Kommentar til Ole Kristian Bergems forelesning: Aktuelle utfordringer i matematikkfaget. Analyser av funn fra TIMSS 2007 og PISA+.

      Temaseminar UTDANNING 2020;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Vurdering for læring - Utfordringer knytta til underveisvurderung i matematikk - ungdomsskolelærere.



    • Bjuland, Raymond


      The Constitution of Mathematics Teacher Identity.

      NORMA 08;

      2008-04-21 - 2008-04-25.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Utforskende aktiviteter i klasserommet: kan det gi næring til elevers engasjement i læring av matematikk?.

      LAMIS sommerkurs 2008;

      2008-08-08 - 2008-08-11.

    • Cestari, Maria Luiza; Bjuland, Raymond; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      Identity in education. The constitution of mathematics teacher identity from a socio cultural perspective.

      The forth Nordic Conference on cultural and activity research (ISCAR);

      2007-06-15 - 2007-06-17.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Borgersen, Hans Erik; Damsgaard, Kjetil; Mjølund, Tor Arne


      Styrt utforsking og samarbeidslæring i videregående skole.

      Bedre matematikkundervisning - Kan forskning og utvikling hjelpe?;


    • Bjuland, Raymond; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      Pupil's mathematical reasoning expressed through gesture and discourse: A case study from a sixth-grade lesson.

      5th Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2007;

      2007-02-22 - 2007-02-26.

    • Bjuland, Raymond; Cestari, Maria Luiza; Borgersen, Hans Erik


      En lærers bruk av problemløsningsverksted: Fra LCM til klasserommet.

      KUL Matematikk, Læringsfellesskap og IKT undervisning;

      2006-09-05 - 2006-09-07.

    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Dialogiske tilnærminger i klasserommet.

      Nasjonal konferanse innen voksenopplæring;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Collaborative problem solving in geometry without teacher intervention.

      Fourth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education;


    • Bjuland, Raymond


      Utvikling av matematiske begreper gjennom lærer-elev dialog i klasserommet eller gjennom elevsamarbeid i smågrupper.

      Nordisk konferanse om dynamiske arbeidsmåter i undervisning og kartlegging;


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