Tine Riis Andersen

Universitetslektor i lesevitenskap

Tine Riis Andersen


Telefon: 51831394

E-post: tine.r.andersen@uis.no


Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Nasjonalt senter for leseopplæring og leseforsking

Kort om meg

I am a PhD candidate doing a joint degree at The Norwegian Centre for Reading Education and Research at the University of Stavanger and Trnava University in Slovakia. My PhD is part of a larger, international and interdisciplinary research project within literary reading: The Empirical Study of Literature Innovative Training Network (ELIT). The ELIT-project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860516. 

In my PhD project, I am investigating the experience of online and on-site reading groups (Shared Reading) for cancer patients as a creative activity with an indirect therapeutic impact. I am interested in how literary texts through Shared Reading can help facilitate talks about illness experiences, mortality and the 'inexpressible' and to compare experiences across modalities. 
I am also a part of the researcher network Interfaces of Reading and Writing (led by Anne Mangen and Hildegunn Støle). 

I have a background in literature from Copenhagen University and I have previously worked as a research assistant in a project within Narrative Medicine, which evaluated creative writing workshops for people with cancer, sclerosis, and rheumatism at The University of Southern Denmark.

My field of expertise is within Empirical Literary Studies, Narrative Medicine and Arts and Health. 

My supervisors are Anne Mangen, Frank Hakemulder, Erin Mctigue (UiS) and Zuzana Petrova (TRUNI)

Find me on Research Gate.

