Xiangyu Quan


Xiangyu Quan


Telefon: 51831232

E-post: xiangyu.quan@uis.no


Handelshøgskolen UiS

Avd. for innovasjon, led. og mark.føring

Kort om meg

UiS Business School, Department of Innovation, Management and Marketing.

Xiangyu Quan is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Stavanger (UiS). She has a Master in Management from ESCP Business School and a Master in International Business from the Darla Moore School of Business, South Carolina.

She works on innovation management, smart and sustainable community development. 


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Quan, Xiangyu; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen


Public-private partnerships in smart cities: A critical survey and research agenda.

City, Culture and Society.

ISSN 1877-9166.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ccs.2022.100491


Quan, Xiangyu; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Riandita, Andra


Does geographical location matter for eco-innovation? A comparison of eco-innovation and collaboration between core and peripheral regions.

UiS Smart City Research Symposium;

2023-12-06 - 2023-12-07.

Quan, Xiangyu; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Fitjar, Rune Dahl


What used to help you might harm you -- the role of local embeddedness and collaboration in firm resilience.

6th Global Conference on Economic Geography;

2022-06-07 - 2022-06-10.

Quan, Xiangyu; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen; Fitjar, Rune Dahl


What used to help you might harm you -- the role of local embeddedness and collaboration in firm resilience.

6th Geography of Innovation Conference ;

2022-07-04 - 2022-07-06.

Quan, Xiangyu


Understanding participant behavior in online communities: when do influential participants emerge?.

NORSI Research School Conference;

2022-04-21 - 2022-04-22.

Westbrook, Tegg; Quan, Xiangyu


Open Innovation and Rapid Entrepreneurialism during Crises: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Nordic Edge/UiS Research Symposium on Smart Cities;


Quan, Xiangyu


knowledge collaboration in online communities.

Young Researchers' Night;


Quan, Xiangyu


Partnership in Smart Cities.

Nordic Edge;

2020-09-21 - 2020-09-24.