Studietilbudsartikkel test

Tester om det går an å opprette og publisere en studietilbudsartikkel.

Sist oppdatert

2 år

Antall studieplasser





15. april

Om studiet

Lærer kjefter på eleven sin.

Hva kan du bli?

Career prospects

Demand for knowledge about the nexus between energy, environment, and society is increasing. Employers such as public sector ventures and institutions, think tanks and interest groups, consultancies, the energy industry, and start-ups all explore new ways of thinking and acting to enable social change.

This Master’s social science graduates are therefore an asset for the public and private sector. We are actively working with an expanding network of private and public companies and institutions, as well as alumni in Rogaland, Norway, and beyond.

Work placement opportunity

In the third semester, students can apply for the elective course ‘Work placement’ (30 credits). This course gives students the opportunity to complete an internship in a company or organization related to sustainable development and/or the energy transition. Each year, we offer work places in businesses and organizations the department has an agreement with. Students can also propose work placements that may be evaluated by the department. See more information about work placements under "Study plan and courses".

Graduates from the master programme in Energy, Environment, and Society qualify for PhD studies.


Alle studieprogram ved UiS har definerte mål for hva du skal lære gjennom studieløpet. Les mer om læringsutbyttet for dette studieprogrammet.

Learning outcomes
In the study program, we aspire to promote the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to contribute to the strategies and solutions for a sustainable society. Graduates will after completion of the master have acquired the following learning outcomes, in terms of knowledge, skills and general competences:

Upon completing the programme, the student will have:

  • Knowledge about Norwegian and international policies related to climate change mitigation and sustainability, such as the SDGs, as well as their application.
  • Advanced knowledge about challenges, opportunities, and strategies related to energy systems and technologies, and how society can transform energy production and use in a more environmentally friendly direction.
  • Advanced knowledge about the strategies and challenges associate with a energy transitions, and how it affects and is affected by societal and political systems and structures, institutions, geographies, as well as individual lives and beliefs.
  • Advanced knowledge of theoretical and methodological approaches to politics and policy change, related to energy, environment, and society.

Students will be able to:

  • Apply and assess theoretical and methodological approaches and analyses related to the field of energy, environment, and society.
  • Apply theoretical and methodological perspectives to interpret, asses, and analyse complex systems across different subject areas related to sustainability (e.g. regulation, economics, environment, society, policies, and politics).
  • Conduct and present research projects, independently and in teams.
  • Communicate and advance understandings of issues related to sustainable energy, environments, and societies.
  • Apply knowledges in various energy and sustainability related fields, to identify, asses, and propose measures to solve problems related to sustainability in terms of energy systems, environmental impact, and societal factors.

General competencies
Students will be able to:

  • Analyse and assess various sources of relevance in new settings to conduct advanced projects and tasks in various sectors, for instance related to sustainability challenges and goals affecting societies and industries, such as the SDGs, ESG, and more.
  • Contribute to innovation, critical thinking, and reflection in research, policy, practices, and strategies for transitions to a low-carbon society.
  • Work independently and cooperate in projects to conduct and communicate rigorous research, analyses and conclusions, in accordance with scientific values.
  • Contribute to the strategies and solutions for a sustainable society, in developing, designing, and implementing solutions to challenges around sustainability.
  • Facilitate cooperation towards sustainable solutions by communicating across divides between e.g., technical specialists, engineers, policy makers, the general public, and various interest groups.


A Bachelor's degree with a specialization of at least 80 ECTS credits in one or more of the following subject areas or equivalent is required:

  • Social sciences
  • History
  • Hotel management
  • Tourism management
  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • Pedagogy
  • Social anthropology
  • Law
  • Social science geography
  • Political science
  • Management
  • Economics

Professional bachelor degrees in the following areas qualify for admission: police, teacher education, social care and journalism.

Admission to this master's programme requires a minimum grade average comparable to a Norwegian C (according to ECTS Standards) in your bachelor's degree.

Studieplan og emner

Allerede student på dette programmet? Her finner du hele studieprogrambeskrivelsen
  • Compulsary courses

    • Societal Transition and Transformation - Energy and Climate Change

      Første år, semester 1

      Societal Transition and Transformation - Energy and Climate Change (MEE100)

      Studiepoeng: 10

    • Philosophy of Science and Research Methods

      Første år, semester 1

      Philosophy of Science and Research Methods (MEE125)

      Studiepoeng: 10

    • Energy, Energy Technologies, and Energy System Integration

      Første år, semester 1

      Energy, Energy Technologies, and Energy System Integration (PET515)

      Studiepoeng: 10

    • Geopolitics of the Energy Transition

      Første år, semester 2

      Geopolitics of the Energy Transition (MEE200)

      Studiepoeng: 10

    • Governing Energy Transitions

      Første år, semester 2

      Governing Energy Transitions (MEE210)

      Studiepoeng: 10

    • Applied Social Science Research Methods

      Første år, semester 2

      Applied Social Science Research Methods (MEN185)

      Studiepoeng: 10

    • Master Thesis

      Andre år, semester 3

      Master Thesis (MEEMAS)

      Studiepoeng: 30

  • 3 term at UiS or exchange studies

    • Exchange studies

    • Term 3 at UiS - Choose 30 ECTS

      • New Technologies and Ideas for Sustainable City Development

        Andre år, semester 3

        New Technologies and Ideas for Sustainable City Development (BYG655)

        Studiepoeng: 10

      • Global Sexualities:Theories, Methodologies, Practices

        Andre år, semester 3

        Global Sexualities:Theories, Methodologies, Practices (GEN570)

        Studiepoeng: 10

      • Digitalisation for Sustainability

        Andre år, semester 3

        Digitalisation for Sustainability (MEE128)

        Studiepoeng: 10

      • Work Placement

        Andre år, semester 3

        Work Placement (MENPRA)

        Studiepoeng: 30

      • Energy, Societal Safety and Sustainable Development

        Andre år, semester 3

        Energy, Societal Safety and Sustainable Development (SAM550)

        Studiepoeng: 10


Ved å reise til en av våre partnerinstitusjoner i utlandet som en del av studiet har du mulighet til å få en unik utdanning. I tillegg til økte karrieremuligheter, vokser du som person og får se faget ditt fra en ny vinkel. Alt om utveksling

Exchange semester
3rd semester

Students at Energy, Environment, and Society can study a semester abroad at one of our partner universities. Going on exchange is a great opportunity to make the most out of your degree, and to take courses not offered by UiS. Your semester abroad will be integrated into your degree, without your study progression being delayed.

Choosing courses
Throughout the recommended exchange semester, you are to take master level electives giving you 30 ECTS. This means you can choose freely which electives to take abroad, as long as the content is relevant for your study program. Some institutions have already made 30 ECTS course packages. At other institutions, you can choose courses freely. The Department of Media and Social Sciences has a list of previously approved courses.

Help to apply for pre-approval of courses
After the application deadline, the department invites you to a workshop, where you will receive guidance in how to apply for pre-approval of the courses you want to take abroad. We recommend you to include courses giving you more than 30 ECTS, so that you have a number of courses to choose from.

Want to know more?
magda.hognestad@uis.nofor more information.

General information about exchange: Exchange guide in Digital student service desk


  • Alle land

    Aalborg Universitet

    Aalborg Universitet (AAU) er kjent for å benytte seg av problembasert læring i grupper, noe som kan by på en spennende læringsprosess.

    Bond University

    Reis på utveksling til Gold Coast og Bond University!

    Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan

    Catholic University of the Sacred Heart ble grunnlagt i 1921. Universitetet har vunnet 5 stjerner av QS stars for deres felt innen ansettbarhet, undervisning, fasiliteter og engasjement.

    Delft University of Technology

    Delft University of Technology, også kjent som TU Delft, er regnet for å være blant verdens mest prestisjetunge universitet innen ingeniørfag og teknologi. Dette er en unik mulighet for deg som studerer ingeniørfag!

    Griffith University

    Griffith University er en populær utvekslingsdestinasjon for UiS-studenter. Universitetet er et særlig godt valg for studenter innen musikk/dans, hotell/turisme og business.

    Göteborgs universitet

    Göteborg er Sveriges nest største by. Her blir man aldri mett på inntrykk med supre shoppingmuligheter, koselige kafeer, flotte museer og ikke minst en skjærgård med mange flotte steder, severdigheter og øyer å besøke.

    Københavns Universitet

    København er et populært studiested for nordmenn, ikke minst på grunn av den geografiske og språklige nærheten til Norge.

    North-West University

    Technical University of Munich

    The Technical University of Munich, also known as TUM, accounts for major advancements in the field of natural sciences. TUM is one of the best universities in Germany and has several awarded scientists and Nobel Prize winners. The Technical University of Munich strives for excellent teaching and research quality.

    University of Iceland

    I hjerte av Islands hovedstad, Reykjavik, ligger University of Iceland omringet av et utrolig landskap. Reis på utveksling til Island og Reykjavik, og få stipend gjennom Nordlys, Nordtek eller Erasmus+.

    University of Trento

    Bli Erasmus+-student i Italia – Reis på utveksling til Trento!

    University of Twente, Enschede

    Opplev Europa og det internasjonale studiemiljøet i Nederland. University of Twente er UiS` partneruniversitet i -nettverket og tilbyr utvekslingsmuligheter for mange studenter ved UiS. Det er et moderne og innovativt campus-universitet som satser stort på entreprenørskap.

  • Australia

    Bond University

    Reis på utveksling til Gold Coast og Bond University!

    Griffith University

    Griffith University er en populær utvekslingsdestinasjon for UiS-studenter. Universitetet er et særlig godt valg for studenter innen musikk/dans, hotell/turisme og business.

  • Danmark

    Aalborg Universitet

    Aalborg Universitet (AAU) er kjent for å benytte seg av problembasert læring i grupper, noe som kan by på en spennende læringsprosess.

    Københavns Universitet

    København er et populært studiested for nordmenn, ikke minst på grunn av den geografiske og språklige nærheten til Norge.

  • Island

    University of Iceland

    I hjerte av Islands hovedstad, Reykjavik, ligger University of Iceland omringet av et utrolig landskap. Reis på utveksling til Island og Reykjavik, og få stipend gjennom Nordlys, Nordtek eller Erasmus+.

  • Italia

    Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan

    Catholic University of the Sacred Heart ble grunnlagt i 1921. Universitetet har vunnet 5 stjerner av QS stars for deres felt innen ansettbarhet, undervisning, fasiliteter og engasjement.

    University of Trento

    Bli Erasmus+-student i Italia – Reis på utveksling til Trento!

  • Nederland

    Delft University of Technology

    Delft University of Technology, også kjent som TU Delft, er regnet for å være blant verdens mest prestisjetunge universitet innen ingeniørfag og teknologi. Dette er en unik mulighet for deg som studerer ingeniørfag!

    University of Twente, Enschede

    Opplev Europa og det internasjonale studiemiljøet i Nederland. University of Twente er UiS` partneruniversitet i -nettverket og tilbyr utvekslingsmuligheter for mange studenter ved UiS. Det er et moderne og innovativt campus-universitet som satser stort på entreprenørskap.

  • Sør-Afrika

    North-West University

  • Sverige

    Göteborgs universitet

    Göteborg er Sveriges nest største by. Her blir man aldri mett på inntrykk med supre shoppingmuligheter, koselige kafeer, flotte museer og ikke minst en skjærgård med mange flotte steder, severdigheter og øyer å besøke.

  • Tyskland

    Technical University of Munich

    The Technical University of Munich, also known as TUM, accounts for major advancements in the field of natural sciences. TUM is one of the best universities in Germany and has several awarded scientists and Nobel Prize winners. The Technical University of Munich strives for excellent teaching and research quality.