Disputaser ved UiS 2024

Her finner du en oversikt over kommende disputaser og alle doktorgradene som er gjennomført ved UiS i 2024.

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Kommende disputaser

Åpen dag ved UiS

Tir. 04.03.2025


Campus Ullandhaug

Webinar: Introduksjon til Zotero (EN)

Tor. 06.03.2025


Language: English

Workshop: Introduksjon til NVivo (EN)

Tor. 22.05.2025


campus Ullandhaug

Disputaser ved Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet

Anestesisykepleier på oreasjonsstue

Mathias Cuevas-Østrem (18. januar 2024)

Avhandling: Assessing patient safety challenges in the initial care of older trauma patients in Norway

Anne Strand Finstad (21. mars 2024)

Avhandling: Simulation-based team training of non-technical skills for anaesthesia personnel – Significance and transfer of learning to clinical practice

Linda Horne Mæland (31. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Self-realization and its significance for school nurses remaining in practice. A qualitative study.

Les omtale av forskningen: Sjukepleiarar som realiserer seg, blir verande i jobben

Maja Elisabeth Juul Søndergaard (20. juni 2024)

Avhandling:  Information needs, psychological distress, and coping during the diagnostic phase of prostate cancer: A mixed methods study

Les omtale av forskningen: Menn bør få bedre informasjon når de utredes for prostatakreft

Kristen Rasmussen (20. august 2024)

Avhandling: Patient Safety in Helicopter Emergency Services: Time to lift off? A mixed methods study

Alberto Jaramillo Jiménez (23. august 2024)

Avhandling: Neural networks dysfunction: From resting-state electroencephalography to dementia diagnosis

Birte Fagerdal (3. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: Exploring Adaptive Capacity in Hospital Teams: A Multiple Case Study

Les omtale av forskningen: Tilpasningsevne i sykehusteam

Irene Sirevåg (7. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: 'Verbalising the tacit’ : Development and validation of the Non-Technical Skills for Operating Room Nurses (NOTSORN) tool

Les omtale av forskningen: Utvikling av verktøy for ikkje-tekniske ferdigheiter for operasjonssjukepleiarar

Joanna Barbara Baluszek (11. november 2024)

Avhandling: Video consultation self-efficacy in specialized healthcare. A multi-method approach to creating a video consultation self-efficacy scale

Les omtale av forskningen: Effektiv bruk av videokonsultasjoner krever økt trygghet blant helsepersonell

Anne Kristine Ådland (15. november 2024)

Avhandling: Tett på døden. En etnografisk studie av hvordan pleiepersonell i flerkulturelle arbeidsfellesskap i sykehjem opplever og håndterer møtet med døden

Les omtale av forskningen: Pleiepersonell sitt møte med døden i fleirkulturelle arbeidsfellesskap på sjukeheim

Stefan Malmqvist ( 6. desember 2021)

The prevalence, implications, and clinical course of pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain

Les omtale: Disputas om bekkensmerter ved graviditet

Kari Holte (12. november 2021)

Resuscitation of term and near-term newborns in low-resourced settings: Studies of positive end-expiratory pressure and expired CO2 during bag-mask ventilation at birth

Les omtale: Disputas om pustehjelp til nyfødte

Estomih Mduma (28. oktober 2021)

Optimizing Helping Babies Breathe implementation in a resource limited setting to improve perinatal outcome

Les omtale: Trenar helsepersonell på å gjenopplive nyfødde

Unn Elisabeth Hammervold (24. september 2021)

Participation in Post Incident Reviews after Restraint in Mental Health Services: A qualitative study
Les omtale: Samtaler etter tvang i psykisk helsevern

Sina Furnes Øyri (26. august 2021)

Healthcare Regulation and Resilience – a Norwegian Multilevel Case Study
Les omtale: Regulering av ledelse og kvalitetsforbedring i sykehus

Heidi Dombestein (20. august 2021)

Adult-Child Caregivers’ Motivations when Caring for Home-Dwelling Parents with Dementia

Les omtale: Pårørendes motivasjon ved demens

Cille Hagland Sevild (23. juni 2021)

The complexity of lifestyle change, motivation, and health among participants in a Healthy Life Centre
Les omtale: Motivasjon og kompetanse for gode kost- og aktivitetsvaner

Anne Siri Johnsen (10. juni 2021)

Helicopter emergency medical services in sudden-onset major incidents: Patterns of use
Les omtale: Luftambulansens rolle ved store ulykker

Inger Johanne Bergerød (21. mai 2021)

Quality and safety in hospital cancer care – a mixed method study of next of kin involvement.
Les omtale: Pårørendes rolle i kreftbehandling

Tone Larsen (28. april 2021)

From increased user participation to co-creation leadership: An action research case study in public specialised mental health and substance abuse services
Les omtale: Om brukermedvirkning, samskaping og ledelse

Inger Eide Robertson (10. februar 2021)

Inn i det ukjente. En sosiologisk analyse av fortellinger om avhengighet, endring og anerkjennelse
Les omtale: Livsendring etter rusavhengighet

Kristin Tønsager (5. februar 2021)

Defining core data for continuous benchmarking in pre-hospital critical care
Les omtale: Innsamling av data frå prehospitale tenester

Disputaser ved Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

To kvinner i samtale

Heidi Lie Eriksen (1. februar 2024)

Avhandling: Praksisveiledning i sosionomutdanningen – en kvalitativ studie av sosionomstudenters og praksisveilederes erfaringer og opplevelser med praksisveiledning
Les omtale av forskningen: Analyserer veiledning av sosionomstudenter på nye måter

Eden Begna Gobena (28. februar 2024)

Avhandling: Unheard Voices: The Lived Experience of Motherhood After Prison

Solveig Grønnestad (25. april 2024)

Avhandling: Bringing the City Back In: Three Scandinavian Capitals and Eurocities Membership: A Quest for Autonomy.

Luise Salte (28. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Negotiated participation: Social media logics and the orientation, conversation, and resistance of participation

Mira Aurora Marlow (4. juni 2024)

Avhandling: A Narrative Study of the Best Interest of Young Women in Out-of-Home Care: Towards a More Sustainable Social Work Practice

Erik de Vries (6. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Varying Bits: A Computational Perspective on News Diversity and Political Parallelism

Bindiya Dutt (21. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: Digital Wellbeing: User perception on wellbeing in digital communications

Tine Sizov Handeland (23. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: Challenging the hegemonic regime of the petroleum state? The governmental and public discourses on fossil-fuel production and climate risk in Norway.

Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Studenter i kjemi

Muhammad Awais Ashfaq Alvi (16. februar 2024)

Avhandling: Nanoparticles for Oil Well Drilling Fluids and Cement

Paolo Marcoccia (29. februar 2024)

Avhandling: Signal Analysis in Gravitational Wave Data

Frederik Huld (1. mars 2024)

Avhandling: Exploring the behavior of Silicon by empirical analysis of galvanostatic charge-discharge curves

Ingrid Caroline Vaaland Holmgard (15. mars 2024)

Avhandling: Synthesis of azasugar and iminosugar derivatives as cholinesterase and glycasidase inhibitors

Obinna Egwu Eleri (5. april 2024)

Avhandling: Enabling long cycle life lithium-ion capacitors through electrode-electrolyte interface optimization

Anna Kvashchuk (30. april 2024)

Avhandling: An investigation of Second-order Finite Volume Methods for Field scale Reservoir Simulation

Les omtale av forskningen (engelsk): Advanced methods for field-scale reservoir simulation

Deepak Singh (3. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Ostwald ripening of gas bubbles in porous media. A pore-scale perspective

Md. Ashraful Islam Khan (15. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Low Carbon Enhanced Oil Recovery Solution for Carbonates

Reyhaneh Banihabib (21. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Development of Real-Time Smart Data Analytic Tools for Monitoring and Optimum Operation of MGT System

Guizhou Wang (24. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Game Theoretic Modeling of Economic Systems Involving Digital Currencies

Giovanna Monticelli (30. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Fish gut microbiome changes as biological response to contaminants exposures

Emma Rewcastle (31. mai 2024)

Avhandling: From Research to Clinical Diagnostics: Developing and validating Biomarkers and Artificial Intelligence for Pathology

Jianan Zhang (31. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Numerical Modelling and Global Response Assessment of Floating Docks towards Efficient, Safer and Autonomous Docking Operations

Saul Fuster Navarro (31. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Deep Learning-Driven Diagnostic and Prognostic Solutions for Histopathological Images of Bladder Cancer

Tine Vigdel Bredal (5. juni 2024)

Avhandling: How diagenetic rock composition and mineralogical changes associated with water injection affect geomechanics and fluid behaviour in chalk i.e. producibility (IOR)

Les omtale av forskningen: Nye metoder for analyse av kalkstein

Gaurang Yatin Parkar (7. juni 2024)

Avhandling: In medium static quark anti-quark potential from lattice QCD

Liv Jorunn Høllesli (10. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Stroke Mimics and in depth Analysis of Computed Tomography Perfusion in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke

Les omtale av forskningen: Kunstig intelligens kan gje fleire pasientar gode liv etter hjerneslag

Ivan Gutierrez (17. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Contribution of Geosciences in the Study of Anthropogenic Activities in Different Temporal and Spatial Contexts

Ingrid Glette-Iversen (18. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Contributions to Risk Analysis – Improving the understanding and characterization of risk following an uncertainty-based risk perspective

Neel Kanwal (20. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Artifact Detection for Reliable Computational Pathology Systems using Artificial Intelligence

Mohsen Taheri Shalemani (24. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Shape Statistics via Skeletal Structures

Pouya Khalili (25. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Impact of Mud Contamination on Performance of Granite-Based Geopolymers

Sondre Borg Gjertsen (19. august 2024)

Avhandling: The chemistry in the condensed phase and its effect on the top-of-line corrosion rate in multiphase pipelines

Konstantina Kartzoudi (27. august 2024)

Avhandling: Contributions to enhanced climate change risk research using contemporary risk science

Anja Schnepf (16. september 2024)

Avhandling: Design Optimisation of Power Cable Configurations for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

Janronel Calog Pomicpic (17. september 2024)

Avhandling: Maleic-Based Polymer Formulations as Inhibitors of Natural Gas Hydrates, Scale, and Corrosion

Prachi Vinod Wadatkar (19. september 2024)

Avhandling: Orchestration in a 5G-MEC Testbed for V2X Applications

Rasmus Asp Juhlin (27. september 2024)

Avhandling: Subsea Pumped Hydro Energy Storage - Exploting the need, possibilities and limitations in the Energy Transition

Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi (11. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: Sustainable Circular Business Ecosystem in Plastic Waste Supply Chain: Challenges and Strategies

Kartika Nur Alfina (21. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: Performance Enhancement in Healthcare Sector Supply Chains for Adapting Circular Economy Goals

Guicang Peng (22. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: Operational Risk Assessment: A Multi-Objective, Adaptive Framework Enhanced by Advanced Data Analytics

Ali Gohar (24. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: Resource Allocation for Network Service Delivery in Mobile Networks

Chern Fong Lee (30. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: Design, Numerical Modelling and Dynamic Analysis of Combined Wind and Wave Energy Systems for Intermediate Water Depths

Hiwot Minwuyelet Tiruye (8. november 2024)

Avhandling: Synthesis of Quinone Metabolites by Electrochemical and Chemical Oxidation

 André Luís Morosov (12. november 2024)

Avhandling: Sequential drilling decisions based on explicit joint probability distribution of spatially distributed subsurface data

Madhan Nur Agista (13. november 2024)

Avhandling: Material for Zonal Isolation of Shallow Formation: State-of-the-art and Development of Alternative Material

Disputaser ved Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Kvinnelig foreleser står med ryggen til kamera og vendt mot en klasse med rundt ti voksne elever i et klasserom

Cecilie Evertsen (12. januar 2024)

Avhandling: «Exploring professionals’ perceptions of a districtwide implementation of a CLASS-related intervention in the Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care System»

Joakim Kolnes (23. februar 2024)

Avhandling: «Systemrettet sakkyndighetsarbeid i pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste (PPT) - en eksplorerende studie av samarbeidsutfordringer»

Enrico Pollarolo (13. mars 2024)

Avhandling: «Higher-Order Thinking in Early Childhood Education and Care»

Camilla Lausund Fitjar (12. april 2024)

Avhandling: Advances in the study of handwritten letters: Influential factors, measures and methods

Johanne Ur Sæbø (22. april 2024)

Avhandling: «'Når skal vi begynne å jobbe?': En kvalitativ studie av vilkår for muntlighet på mellomtrinnet»

Aline Alves-Wold (2. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Young students’ motivation to write: An investigation of K5-students’ own responses and of the self-reports used to capture their voices

Cathrine Nyhus Hagum (30. mai 2024)

Avhandling: The transition into Norwegian sports High Schools: Measures to optimise student athlete management and development

Gitte Westergaard (31. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Island Extinction and Animal Remains in Museums

Endre Harvold Kvangraven (4. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Literary Birding: Human-Bird Relations in Contemporary Novels from Norway and Sweden

Gabriele Lauterbach (10. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Education Outside the Classroom: Pedagogical Practices, Prevalence, and Potential

Sebastian Lundsteen Nielsen (21. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Submergence: Environmental Justice and the Specter of Chemical Pollution

Gunvald van Schaik (3. september 2024)

Avhandling: Elevproduksjon av podkast som arbeidsmetode for muntlighet. En studie av elevers arbeid med podkast i norskfaget på videregående

Anastasia Hanukaev (4. september 2024)

Avhandling: The self and the other through an intercultural lens: A case study of the use of the e-portfolio in lower secondary English as a Foreign Language classrooms in Norway

Fiona van Schaik (11. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: Playing Wicked Games: Climate Change-Related Uncertainty in Games and Education

Jeanette Halvorsen (16. oktober 2024)

Avhandling: Fidelity, dosage and quality of delivery in implementation of the Resilient intervention: The importance of a well-functioning support system for high-quality implementation

Silje Trym Mathiassen (27. november 2024)

Avhandling: Hellige planter- åndelig erfaringer: En studie av rituell praksis med ayahuasca, der elementer fra naturen inngår i meningskonstruksjoner og transformasjoner

Léa Marie Maison (28. november 2024)

Avhandling: Sustainability Education and the Political Role of Educators - Encounters between Zapatista and Norwegian Perspectives

Liv Kristin Bjørlykke Øvereng (29. november 2024)

Avhandling: Nettbrett i begynnaropplæringa: Ein studie av lærar–elev-interaksjon og bruk av nettbrett i klasseromspraksis

Handelshøgskolen UiS

En kvinne sitter og snakker i et møte.

Guro Hognestad Haaland (18. januar 2024)

Avhandling: Determinants of registered nurses’ career choices : Studies from Norwegian health care organizations
Omtale av forskningen: Hva påvirker sykepleieres karrierevalg

Seth Ayisi Junior Addo (22. februar 2024)

Avhandling: To Believe or not to believe in what patients say: Theoretical position, measurement and relevance of patient-reported experience for healthcare quality

Rudresh Pandey (29. mai 2024)

Avhandling: Three Essays in Financial Accounting

Harald Braut (7. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Distributed leadership as a tool for integrated health services

Erika Berle (14. juni 2024)

Avhandling: Text As Data: Essays on Economics and Finance

Xiangyu Quan (5. september 2024)

Avhandling: Sailing through Uncertainty: The role of inter-organizational collaboration in addressing complex problems