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Tekstblokk 1

Ingress 1.


Can we think about the structure and order of that section as it currently is unbalanced?

We’d like to change ‘Visiting the Greenhouse’ to a card of the same size as ‘Current Research’, as it will need more text that does not need to be on the front page.

The rest we’d like to have as buttons.

We’d suggest a row of two cards above a row of three buttons.

Change ‘Research Schools’ to singular.

Change ‘Previous Research Projects’ to ‘Completed Research Projects’

Tekstblokk 2

Ingress 2.

Fire bamser side om side

We do like the set up, but it is problematic that none of these entries have their own URL which is essential if we want to link to them directly. How can we solve this?

If they cannot have individual URLs we will prefer a list.