Awal Mohammed Larechibara Alhassan

Førsteamanuensis i pedagogisk psykologi

Awal Mohammed Larechibara Alhassan


Telefon: 51832280



Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Nasjonalt senter for læringsmiljø og atferdsforskning


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Kuyini, Ahmed Bawa; Alhassan, Awal Mohammed; Alhassan, Awal Mohammed Larechibara; Mangope, Boitumelo; Major, Thenjiwe Emily


Norwegian teachers: competencies perceived as important for inclusive education.

International Journal of Inclusive Education.

ISSN 1360-3116.

DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2023.2245478

Alhassan, Awal Mohammed Larechibara


Teachers’ Moral Evaluation of Students in an Inclusive Secondary School: A Study of Minority Students’ Behaviour and School Performance.

Athens Journal of Education (AJE).

ISSN 2407-9898.

Volum 9.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.30958/aje.9-2-8

Alhassan, Awal Mohammed Larechibara


Inclusive Education or Special Education: Teachers Perceptions and Students` Feelings about Inclusion in Junior Secondary and Primary Schools in Ghana .

International Journal of Special Education.

ISSN 0827-3383.

Volum 37.

Hefte 3.


Alhassan, Awal Mohammed Larechibara


Botswana teachers: competencies perceived as important for inclusive education.

International Journal of Inclusive Education.

ISSN 1360-3116.

Volum 28.

Hefte 7.


DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2021.1988156

Kuyini, Bawa; Yeboah, Kofi Asiama; Das, Ajay Kumar; Alhassan, Awal Mohammed Larechibara; Mangope, Boitumelo


Ghanaian teachers: competencies perceived as important for inclusive education.

International Journal of Inclusive Education.

ISSN 1360-3116.

DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2016.1145261

Alhassan, Awal Mohammed Larechibara; Kuyini, Ahmed Bawa


Working with Minority Students and Youth in Norway.

ISBN 9781493609536.


Alhassan, Awal Mohammed Larechibara; Ahmed Bawa, Kuyini


Teaching Immigrants Norwegian Culture to Support Their Language Learning.

International Education Studies (IES).

ISSN 1913-9020.

Volum 6.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.5539/ies.v6n3p15

Alhassan, Awal Mohammed Larechibara; Kuyini, Ahmed Bawa


Minority Students’ Perceptions of Schooling and Teachers Quality To Support Their Learning in Norway .

World Journal of Education.

ISSN 1925-0746.

Volum 2.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.5430/wje.v2n2p95